The Daily Beast – by Nina Lakhani

TOLESMAIDA, Nicaragua—A hundred or so people have gathered under the intense midday sun at the main crossroads in this village on the south-westerly edge of majestic Lake Nicaragua.

Many of those who’ve come together here to protest have been loyal supporters of President Daniel Ortega since he was part of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) junta that overthrew the Somoza dynasty in 1979. They backed him when the Sandinistas tried to establish their own Cuban-inspired dictatorship. They backed him in his war against the CIA-trained Contra rebels in the 1980s. And when the country started holding legitimate elections in the 1990s, they backed him in his bid to build the FSLN into a powerful political party that eventually returned him to the presidency—a position he does not look like he’ll give up any time soon. But right now these Sandinistas are absolutely enraged by plans to evict them from their lands to make way for his latest and by far most grandiose project: the Interoceanic Canal.   Continue reading “China’s Nicaragua Canal Could Spark a New Central America Revolution”

The Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, FLThink Progress – by Josh Israel

Jeb Bush and his capital investment company have set up several companies that, despite being registered to his office and being approved for “any and all lawful business,” have seemingly not yet done anything. A ThinkProgress review of corporate registration records with the Florida Department of State revealed several companies registered in Bush’s name but little additional information.

In addition to his lengthy and troubled history as a business consultant and corporate board member, in recent years former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has ventured into a new territory: capital investment. Since 2008, he and his partners have registered a lengthy array of secretive companies with the state of Florida.   Continue reading “Jeb Bush’s Four Mysterious Companies Share The Same Address And Have Never Done Any Known Business”

Members of a U.S. quick-strike brigade arrive at an air force base in
Osan, South Korea July 31, 2003. (Reuters/Rhee Dong-Min)RT

The US Air Force’s Osan Air Base, located south of Seoul, was forced to lock down Monday due to reports of an active high school shooter. Security forces were dispatched to sweep the base, only to find it was a false alarm.

Following reports of shooting, people on the base have been told to remain in their quarters or workplaces until further notice, AP cited Osan spokesman Tech. Sgt. Stacy Foster as saying.   Continue reading “‘Active shooter’ at US air base in S. Korea sparks lockdown”

Video Rebel’s Blog

Before Obama made his Amnesty speech last Thursday I thought of The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe. One brick after another sealed the fate of an unsuspecting murder victim in Poe’s classic mystery story. We could all benefit if we began to interpret every action of the New World Order as part of an elaborate step by step scheme to kill the majority of Americans and to reduce the remaining survivors to Debt Slavery.

We need to define the term NWO before we explain their plans to exterminate at least 5 to 6 billion people. I guarantee you that many of those billions of human beings look a lot like you and me. Some of us might even be on the US government’s secretive Main Core list of people to be Disappeared the night before Bankers see people with pitchforks in the streets. This means that the Bankers only have to be worried that you might become justifiably be angry after they steal all of your pensions, savings and investments while inflating prices and cutting your wages 50 to 60%.   Continue reading “Amnesty: One Brick in America’s Wall of Doom. Race Riots Another.”

DW Ulsterman

For some time now there have been various reports suggesting Barack Obama to be, even by typical U.S. presidential standards, an aloof  character with seemingly few friends and even less personal interest in things and events outside of himself. Now entering his next to last year as President of the United States, rumors are circulating via Capitol Hill sources of a man lost in his own manufactured past who is desperate to be free of a White House he loathes, and an America he despises even more.   Continue reading “D.C. Whispers: Barack Obama “Isolated, Insolent, & Inebriated””

Ed and Elaine Brown and the New Hampshire propertyThe Telegraph – by Josie Ensor

A mansion in picturesque New Hampshire, complete with 100 acres of land, has gone up for auction in the US with a very reasonable $250,000 starting bid.

There is just one catch – the grounds are said to be lined with an undetermined number of explosive booby traps.

The secluded hilltop home in the town of Plainfield once belonged to couple Ed and Elaine Brown, who infamously held off federal agents there to arrest them for tax evasion in a 90-day standoff back in 2007.

Continue reading “Ed and Elaine Brown’s New Hampshire 100-acre property for just $250k? Only catch – it could be full of booby-trap explosives”