Continue reading “How Much Would You Have To Hate Someone To Give Them This As A Present”
Year: 2014
Shark Tank – by Javier Manjarres
Could Common Core be the defining issue in the 2016 Republican presidential primary race?
No one knows for sure, but the groundswell of support against the national education standards has increase expedentially across the nation, emboldening an new bloc of concerned mothers, who may not all be conservative-minded. Continue reading “Common Core Will Define The 2016 GOP Presidential Primary”
Apparently only Girl Scouts can get President Obama to break one of his cardinal rules.
Chief White House photographer Pete Souza posted a photo to Instagram today showing the president donning a tiara alongside a group of Girl Scouts from Tulsa, Oklahoma. The photo, from the annual White House Science Fair, was taken in May. Continue reading “Obama Breaks Cardinal Presidential Rule by Donning Tiara”
Amnesty International has found that “the already desperate situation in eastern Ukraine is being made even worse by” so-called ‘volunteer’ or mercenary forces for the Ukrainian Government, which are blocking the supply of food to residents in that region, and trying to starve them to death.
Thus, “The region is facing a humanitarian disaster with many already at risk of starvation,” said Denis Krivosheev, acting Director of Europe and Central Asia for Amnesty International, on Wed., December 24th. Continue reading “Ukraine’s Government Is Starving Residents of the Breakaway Region”
Malaysia’s worst flooding in decades forced some 118,000 people to flee as premier Najib Razak came under fire after photos showed him golfing with US President Barack Obama during the storms.
At least five people have been killed by the rising waters and there appeared little respite on the way on Friday, with forecasters predicting further heavy rainfall across previously unaffected southern parts of the country. Continue reading “Malaysia PM under fire as 100,000 flee worst floods in decades”
The Rebel Website – by Jim Stone
What triggered Ferguson to become the center of a national propaganda campaign that could very well be used to take away more rights and freedoms? Why was that exact spot chosen for this? Because some high level super rich corporate types decided they wanted to take the main avenue of Ferguson and turn it into a large strip mall, and mom and pop stores refused to sell. Continue reading “The real reason for Ferguson riots: Mom and Pop refused to sell.”
Some Common Uses of Colloidal Silver
Natural health practitioners have for years recommended taking one tablespoon daily, for four days, to establish a level, then one teaspoon daily for maintenance (proportional to body weight for children).After six weeks, a pause of several weeks has also been recommended by some natural healing artsdoctors. Also, colloidal silver can be applied directly to cuts, scrapes, and open sores, or on a bandage for warts. It can be applied on eczema, itches, acne or bug bites. To purify water, add one tablespoonper gallon, shake well and wait six minutes. Mixed this way, it’s tasteless. It is not an allopathic poison. Continue reading “Incredibly Creative Uses For Colloidal Silver”
If all you want for Christmas is some online video gaming, you may feel like you got coal in your stocking.
Online game networks Xbox Live and PlayStation Network were knocked offline much of Christmas Day in an apparent DDos (distributed denial of service) attack.
Taking credit for the takedown: a group called Lizard Squad, which previously claimed credit for August attacks on the PlayStation Network and online games World of Warcraft and League of Legends. Continue reading “PlayStation Network, Xbox Live offline due to attacks”
CNN – by David Shortell and Sarah Jorgensen
Seven men have been arrested in connection with alleged threats made toward police officers since Saturday afternoon, when two NYPD officers were shot in the head from behind while sitting in their patrol car, New York City police said.
Police said in a statement Wednesday that they have assessed hundreds of online postings and calls to 911 and pressed the public to continue to report any suspicious activity. Continue reading “NYPD: 7 arrested for allegedly posting, phoning in threats to officers”
The Supreme Court is telling the Obama administration to present its case for Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board – the provision that critics have described as a “death panel” – even if it doesn’t want to.
The high court Monday ordered the administration to respond by Jan. 21 to a lawsuit brought by the Goldwater Institute that challenges the constitutionality of Obamacare. Continue reading “Supremes to White House: What about ‘death panel?’”
“The Interview” isn’t a movie at all; it is a propaganda tool and has the potential to create great conflict. This “movie” harnesses the worst energy in the universe, carrying with it the epitome of obnoxious American carelessness, and a threat against all human beings who exist in this fragile world.
Those of us who venture into the world as American journalists are always viewed with suspicion – for good reason. People on the other side of the world have a tendency to assume journalists are CIA, and this is a problem that dates back to the Vietnam War era, and before. At that time, CIA agents were posing as journalists left and right in Southeast Asia. Journalist Sean Flynn, the son of great actor Errol Flynn, was one journalist who was murdered because he and his friend, Dana Stone, were suspected of being CIA. They were killed during the invasion of Cambodia in 1970. They were killed because the CIA had posed as reporters one time too many. Continue reading “Hollywood propaganda threatens world peace”
The essence of the Palestinian struggle is the battle against Zionism. It is a battle against its racism, against its murderous war crimes, against its insatiable territorial hunger, against its disdain for non-Jewish human rights, and against its devoted attempts to destroy Palestinian national identity. As voices of normalization are on the rise, and social media is invaded by paid pro-Zionist bloggers, there is an increased need for anti-Zionists to draw attention to the crimes committed by ‘Israel’, and to speak up against the ongoing media silence and the apologist activities of those misleadingly portraying themselves as ‘peace doves’. Let us first look briefly at the history of the anti-Zionist struggle, and then see where we stand today. Continue reading “Anti-Zionism in the 21st Century”
The “Twelve Days of Christmas” refer to the eight days of the Christmas Octave from December 25 to New Years Day, and the four additional days up to and including the eve of January 6, the traditional date of the Epiphany. In the USA and many other countries, Epiphany is now celebrated on the first Sunday after New Years, so the exact number 12 does not necessarily apply. But the point is, don’t throw out the tree on the 26th–the birth of the Savior can’t be celebrated adequately in one day. Let the celebration continue through at least through the Feast of the Epiphany–if not through the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Continue reading “Key to the Twelve Days of Christmas”
In a letter written from an Israeli jail cell, Palestinian political prisoner Ameer Makhoul sends his salutations to African Americans protesting the police killing of unarmed Black men, women and youths.
“Even within Israeli jail, very much far away from you, we are mourning your beloved,” writes Makhoul in his 9 December letter.
Makhoul’s letter, which can be read in full at the bottom of this page, emphasizes the universality of the protests in the United States. Continue reading “US police brutality protests hit home with Palestinian prisoners”