Jack Donovan

A lot of people like to think they are “non-violent.” Generally, people claim to “abhor” the use of violence, and violence is viewed negatively by most folks. Many fail to differentiate between just and unjust violence. Some especially vain, self-righteous types like to think they have risen above the nasty, violent cultures of their ancestors. They say that “violence isn’t the answer.” They say that “violence doesn’t solve anything.”   Continue reading “Violence is Golden”

US citizens 428x285Military – by Bryant Jordan

After a months-long hiatus, a special immigration program designed to attract recruits with certain skills will be up and running once more in the next several weeks.

Attorney Margaret Stock, an immigration lawyer and retired Army lieutenant colonel, said on Monday that the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest, or MAVNI, program could resume before the end of the year, but certainly in January.   Continue reading “Pentagon Set to Resume Special Foreign-born Recruiting Program”

Israel National News – by Ari Yashar

After a Bedouin IDF soldier was critically wounded on Wednesday by terrorist sniper fire from southern Gaza, the IDF lifted a gag order late Thursday acknowledging it has deployed Iron Dome missile defense batteries in Israel’s south.

The two batteries were placed in the Be’er Sheva region and Netivot region, but according to Walla! the IDF didn’t elaborate regarding the reason for placing the batteries at this particular junction in time at those particular locations – both of which were hard hit in Operation Protective Edge.   Continue reading “IDF Deploys Iron Dome in Prep for Possible Gaza War”

Investment Watchblog

H.R.4681 – Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015

113th Congress (2013-2014)

(Sec. 309) Requires each element of the intelligence community to adopt Attorney General-approved procedures for any intelligence collection activity not otherwise authorized by court order or subpoena that is reasonably anticipated to result in the acquisition of nonpublic telephone or electronic communications to or from a U.S. person, including communications in electronic storage, without the consent of a person who is a party to the communication.   Continue reading “HR 4681: Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2015. It authorizes the executive branch to acquire and retain communication information on a whim and without any due process.”

Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov (RIA Novosti / Vitaliy Belousov)RT

The weak period of the ruble is over; there is now a strengthening trend in the national currency Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said.

“The ruble has found a balance and begins to strengthen,” Siluanov said at a Federation Council meeting Thursday.

The ruble strengthened in Thursday trading, reaching 52 against the dollar, the highest since December 2. The euro exchange rate improved by 1.77 rubles compared to the previous close, at 63.75 rubles.   Continue reading “Ruble’s ‘perfect storm’ over – finance minister”

RS-20 Voyevoda (SS-18 Satan) intercontinental ballistic missile (RIA Novosti/Vladimir Fedorenko)RT

Russia’s newest RS-26 missile system, dubbed the ‘anti-missile defense killer’, will join the ranks of the country’s defenses in less than two years, Russia’s Strategic Missile Force commander said.

“We are continuing the test program for RS-26 and plan to finish it next year, with the missile to be put on combat duty in 2016,” Lt. Gen. Sergey Karakayev is cited as saying by RIA Novosti.   Continue reading “Russian ‘ABM killer’ intercontinental missile to enter service in 2016”

Steve Ross, son of Boyd and Charlene Ross, holds a “birdshot” shotgun pellet like the one that struck his mother’s neck.  The 12-gauge shotgun accidentally went off in a closet when Ross’ father was preparing to use it to scare away Canada geese from a pond at the family’s home, in York Township. (DAVID KNOX / GAZETTE)Gazette Online – by Scott Kline

Steve Ross says what happened to his 75-year-old mother could have been a tragedy. Instead, it may be a blessing.

After Charlene Ross was taken to the hospital Sunday from being struck in the neck with a “birdshot” pellet from a shotgun fired accidentally by her 77-year-old husband, Boyd, doctors found she had a previously undiscovered heart problem — an arrhythmia, or irregular heartbeat.   Continue reading “Man may have saved his wife by shooting her”

Investor’s Business Daily

Thousands of illegals are pouring into Texas in a new border surge, following President Obama’s executive mass amnesty and refusal to deport. It was as predictable as the sunrise — and raises new questions.

Back in late September, Secretary of State John Kerry, speaking with his counterparts from Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador and Mexico, warned that the pause in the border surge of families and unaccompanied minors, then some 50,000 or so in each category for the year, was temporary. “We have to use this time to put in place more efforts, greater efforts to get at the root cause of this, because we know that those numbers may rise again,” Kerry said.   Continue reading “A New Border Surge, A New Normal?”

AFP Photo / Jonathan NackstrandRT

Facebook must face a class action lawsuit filed in California claiming the social networking site sifted through users’ private messages for targeted advertising purposes, violating both federal and state law.

Lead plaintiff Matthew Campbell and two others sued Facebook in December 2013, alleging the company scanned user messages for web links, translating them to “likes” on the user’s Facebook profile. Data lifted from the private messages was then used for targeted advertising, the plaintiffs claimed.   Continue reading “Judge says Facebook must face class action lawsuit over message scanning”

Reuters/Enrique De La OsaRT

The number one crude oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, has projected a $39 billion deficit in 2015. The impact of lower oil prices, along with the decision not to cut production, is putting pressure on the country’s finances.

The figure was part of the endorsed 2015 budget, which was made public in a statement read out on state-run television on Thursday.   Continue reading “Saudi Arabia braces for $39bn deficit, to cut wages due to low oil prices”

Vladimir PutinMail.com

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia named NATO’s military buildup near its border as the main military threat and raised the possibility of using precision conventional weapons as a “strategic deterrent,” according to the nation’s new military doctrine signed by President Vladimir Putin Friday.

NATO flatly denied it was a threat to Russia, and accused Russia of undermining European security. The new doctrine, which comes amid Russia-West tensions over Ukraine, maintains the provisions of the previous, 2010 edition of the military doctrine regarding the use of nuclear weapons.   Continue reading “New Russian military doctrine says NATO top threat”


PERELIYA, Sri Lanka (AP) — A packed train in Sri Lanka that was swept off its tracks by waves as big as elephants. A boat patrolling off Thailand’s shore hurled more than a mile inland. Streets in Indonesia turned into roaring rivers that carried people to their deaths.

Vivid memories such as these were recalled Friday at ceremonies marking the 10th anniversary of the Indian Ocean tsunami that left nearly a quarter-million people dead in one of modern history’s worst natural disasters.   Continue reading “10th anniversary of tsunami is marked with tears”

Before It’s News – by Dave Hodges

The following is a frightening pep talk given to police about the need to form the “Thin Blue Line”. Implied in the message is that it is the police vs. public. In this philosophy, the people are viewed by the police as the enemy. When in fact, most of the public wants to support the police and needs them to protect them from harm. The following two videos frame the debate on this topic.    Continue reading “Recorded Pep Talk Encouraging Police to View the Public As the Enemy”

View image on TwitterUPI – by Aileen Graef

HAVERHILL, Mass., Dec. 26 (UPI) — A baby Jesus figurine from a church in Massachusetts was stolen and replaced with a real pig’s head on Christmas.

The police were called by the Sacred Heart Church in Haverhill with the report of the swap on Christmas. Police planned a news conference Friday but there were no reports of a suspect.   Continue reading “Baby Jesus stolen from church Nativity replaced with real pig’s head”

TruthDig – by Alexander Reed Kelly

The U.S. Census Bureau shows “the generation that has been dismissed as entitled and whiny is struggling with higher levels of poverty than their counterparts did in 1980,” when one in seven 18-to-34-year-olds lived in poverty, the Guardian reports.

Unemployment is a major factor:   Continue reading “One In Five Young Adults Lives in Poverty”

Ruger 22 Charger PistolAmmoLand

Southport, CT –-(Ammoland.com)- Sturm, Ruger &amp Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR) proudly announces the re-engineered 22 Charger pistol with enhanced features and introduces the new 22 Charger Takedown pistol.

First introduced in 2007, the 22 Charger pistol became a favorite for .22 LR pistol shooters and plinkers alike.

Weighing just under 3.25 pounds, the new 22 Charger pistol has an overall length of 19.25 inches and features a 10-inch precision rifled, threaded barrel with a 1/2″-28 thread pattern to accept most popular muzzle accessories.   Continue reading “Ruger Introduces the Re-engineered 22 Charger Pistol & the New 22 Charger Takedown”