rangel 2Last Resistance – by Philip Hodges

Charlie Rangel is the 83-year-old Democrat Congressman from New York. He said that tea partiers must be sick in the head for wanting to “take down the country” by repealing Obamacare. I mean, who in their right mind would want to repeal a law that’s yielded one success story after another?

Here’s what he said:   Continue reading “Charlie Rangel: “Cult” Tea Party Push To Repeal Obamacare Is Sign of Mental Illness”

Before It’s News – by Susan Duclos

Accoding to a report in Hispanic Business the flu season has taken off but the “main strain” named is the deadly H1N1 Swine flu, which has claimed multiple lives, and four of them were children who died from flu complications.

The H1N1 flu was responsible for the pandemic of 2009- 2010 which final totals in deaths were in the hundreds of thousands and now cases arebeing found in New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Kansas, Wyoming and Alaska and according to the latest reports, now California, where half the patients are already in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).   Continue reading “Health Alert! 12 States Hit With Deadly Swine Flu In Just Two Weeks”

Cancer AlertNatural Health 365 – by Jonathan Landsman

Radiotherapy radiation wavelengths were recently found, by UCLA Johnson Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers, to transform breast cancer cells into highly malignant cancer stem cells. Clearly, it’s been shown, that the overuse of medical radiation (testing) can create cancer cells. In addition, we’ve been told that cancer rates are ‘soaring’ – but could western medicine be fabricating (falsely labeling) patients with cancer?

In reality, these breast cells were 30 times more malignant – post treatment. It is a known fact that a subpopulation of cancer stem cells, within tumors, will be made stronger and more malignant through chemotherapy and radiation.   Continue reading “Millions wrongly diagnosed with cancer”

Counter Punch – by MIKE WHITNEY

Millions of older Americans say they will never be able to retire. They simply don’t have the savings. According to CNN, “Roughly three-quarters of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck, with little to no emergency savings…50% have less than a three-month cushion and 27% had no savings at all….” (“76% of Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck“, CNN Money)

“No savings at all”?   Continue reading “Don’t Plan on Retiring, Work Until You’re Dead?”

Fukushima RadiationThe Truth Wins – by Michael Snyder

The west coast of the United States is being absolutely fried by radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and the mainstream media is not telling us the truth about this.  What you are about to see is a collection of evidence that is quite startling.  Taken collectively, this body of evidence shows that nuclear radiation from Fukushima is affecting sea life in the Pacific Ocean and animal life along the west coast of North America in some extraordinary ways.  Continue reading “36 Signs The Media Is Lying To You About How Radiation From Fukushima Is Affecting The West Coast”

Activist Post

The number of states taking action against the indefinite detention provision contained within the National Defense Authorization Act is growing. Additionally, the strong wording of legislation, like that of New Hampshire’s bill to be introduced in early 2014, is a positive sign that the federal government is being put on notice that tyranny in America will not be tolerated. In fact, supporting such tyranny will be outright banned, and the local officers that cooperate with illegal federal dictates will be subjected to possible criminal prosecution.

Central to this opposition is the fine work conducted by The Tenth Amendment Center and P.A.N.D.A – People Against the NDAA. Their personal story for 2013 is available in the below chronicle from founder, Dan Johnson. It should serve as a template for the type of organization, strategy, hard work and determination that must exemplify activism as we move toward 2014. Many challenges await . . . and so do many victories.   Continue reading “People Against the NDAA: “The Resistance is Just Getting Started””

Breitbart – by DR. SUSAN BERRY

In March, conservative writer Michelle Malkin brought to light that at the heart of the controversy about the Common Core curriculum standards is an issue that has little to do with “college and career readiness.”

In fact, as Malkin wrote in National Review Online, the Common Core has initiated an entire stealthy student-tracking database that will allow the government access to private information from birth onward.   Continue reading “Children’s Privacy at Risk with Common Core Curriculum Standards”

chinese doctor Kidnapped babiesHuffington Post – by Meredith Bennett-Smith

A Chinese doctor told officials on Monday that she is guilty of kidnapping seven infants and selling them to human traffickers for personal financial gain.

In front of a courtroom in Shaanxi province, former obstetrician Zhang Shuxiaadmitted to illegally obtaining and selling the babies, reports the BBC.

Zhang, who worked in Shaanxi’s Fuping Maternal and Child Healthcare Hospital, sold the children between November 2011 and July 2013, per the BBC.   Continue reading “Chinese Doctor Kidnapped, Sold Babies; Could Face Death Penalty”

Image: Ex-NYPD Chief Kerik: My Attorney Helped Send Me to PrisonNewsMax – by Sandy Fitzgerald

Former NYPD Commissioner and 9/11 hero Bernard Kerik has filed a complaint with the New York state bar accusing his high-profile attorney Joe Tacopina of working with prosecutors to send him to prison.

Kerik was sentenced to time behind bars after pleading guilty to two misdemeanor charges and admitting accepting $165,000 in apartment renovations from a company that was allegedly tied to the mob, The New York Daily News reports.   Continue reading “Ex-NYPD Chief Kerik: My Attorney Helped Send Me to Prison”

AlterNet – by April M. Short

Perry Parks, a Vietnam combat veteran and highly decorated retired military officer of 28 years, says killing is an unnatural act.

If you take the average person off the street, he said, he will not be able to point a gun at somebody and pull the trigger.

“They have to be trained to kill, so most people will pull the gun up at the last minute and miss,” Parks said, noting that the U.S. military got hip to this trend following WWI, when which soldiers subconsciously missed the mark about 75 percent of the time.   Continue reading “Why the Miraculous Healing Properties of Weed Are Driving a Decorated Veteran on a Mission”

sodium-benzoate-citric-acidTruthstream Media – by Aaron Dykes

Frankly, this artificial sludge drink looks just like piss (but maybe piss would be healthier).

Yeah, I said it.

WARNING: On top of the GMO high fructose corn syrup, the ingredients inside this imitation fruit beverage pose the risk of forming a known carcinogen inside the bottle – just waiting for you to drink it.   Continue reading “Artificial Fruit Drink Creates Its Own Cancer Causing By-Product”