AOL – by Leanne Italie

NEW YORK (AP) — Lori Osterberg and her husband are lifelong Denver folk, but they got restless and intended to relocate for adventure’s sake once their only child left home for college.

Well, long story short, they did that. Sort of.

Rather than following the sun down to Mexico, they followed their daughter to Portland, Oregon, where she is a sophomore. While still taking long weekends and other trips to Canada and California, the couple bought an apartment near campus that all three share.   Continue reading “Helicoptering? Parents Go With Kids to College”

Top Conservative News

Eric Linsker, 29, of Crown Heights, was arrested near the Brooklyn Bridge at 4:00 AM in the morning. He was charged with 2nd degree assault, 1st degree rioting, possession of weapon while committing a crime, and possession of marijuana.

Police recovered a cache of hammers, masks, and rubber clothes near the bridge. Police say the bag belonged to Linsker.   Continue reading “Marxist college professor charged with inciting violence at NYC protest”

An NYPD logo is pictured on wall above makeshift memorial at the site where two police officers were shot in the head in the Brooklyn borough of New York, December 22, 2014.   REUTERS/Carlo AllegriReuters

Two more men have been arrested for threatening New York police, including one who called the precinct headquarters of two officers killed as they sat in their patrol car and asked to speak to one of them, a police spokesman said on Thursday.

The arrests bring to six the number of those detained for threats against the New York Police Department since officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu were shot on Saturday by a gunman seeking revenge for unarmed black men killed by police.   Continue reading “Two more NY men arrested for threatening police after officers killed”


Three people were injured, two of them critically, after a gunman opened fire in a Chicago train station on Wednesday night, police said.

The suspect, who has not been apprehended, pulled a gun during an argument with a 41-year-old woman on the mezzanine level of a south side Chicago train station around 10:45 p.m. local time, Chicago Police news affairs officer Amina Greer said.   Continue reading “Three injured, two critically, in shooting at Chicago train station”


Islamic State militants have reportedly shelled a city in the western Iraqi province of Anbar with chlorine gas-imbued missiles, media reports citing security sources say. The attack is said to have targeted a district with trapped and starving civilians.

This is not the first time that Islamic State (IS/ISIS/ISIL) jihadists are reported to be using chemicals against people, as Iraq previously confirmed a chlorine gas attack against security forces dating September 15.    Continue reading “ISIS ‘launches new chlorine gas attack’ in Iraq’s Anbar – report”

Image from @PaulaSlier_RTRT

Israeli police have fired a rubber bullet at a five-year-old Palestinian boy’s face as he was getting out of a school bus on his way home, the child’s family told Palestinian media. He sustained a skull fracture under his eye.

The incident happened when Muhammad Jamal Ubeid and his 14-year-old sister stepped out of the school bus and started walking home in al-Issawiya, an Arab village and neighborhood in East Jerusalem, on Wednesday.   Continue reading “Israeli serviceman shoots 5yo Palestinian in the face”

Jon Rappoport

The case is Michelle Richard v. Whole Foods, as reported by the Food Navigator (12/5/14) and other press outlets.

The plaintiff’s claim? Whole Foods advertised and sold Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Almond Milk and Vanilla Almond Milk with non-GMO labels, when these products hadn’t been verified as such by the Non-GMO Project.   Continue reading “Whole Foods sued for false non-GMO labeling”

Truth Revolt – by Sarah Fisher

A passenger at La Guardia Airport “flipped out” because airline employees wished him a Merry Christmas.

The man was waiting to board American Airlines Flight 1140 to Dallas when a cheerful gate agent began welcoming everyone with the Yuletide greeting while checking boarding passes.

Continue reading “Angry Passenger Tossed Off Plane after Crew Wishes Him ‘Merry Christmas’”

policestateGlobal Research – by Prof. James F. Tracy

As mass shooting events become ever more common throughout the United States, so too has their direct coordination under Department of Justice and FBI auspices.

Aggressively publicized by a submissive corporate news media, the continuum of such incidents over weeks, months and years is an essential socialization process for the public’s unquestioning acceptance of the growing police state.   Continue reading “The Militarization of Police in America: “Active Shooter Training” Now Massively Federalized”

Rice farmerHealth Impact News – by


After 15 years of testing and implementation across the planet, “Green Super Rice,” developed jointly by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, is beginning to have a dramatic effect on crop yields.

The target is to have 20 million hectares under cultivation in another 10 years, according to Dr Jauhar Ali, a senior scientist and regional project coordinator at IRRI in Los Banos, south of Manila. It is in effect another green revolution with the potential to make an enormous contribution to feeding the world’s poor in Asia and Africa.   Continue reading “Rice Revolution: Non-GMO Super Strains Developed in Asia Require no Pesticides and Can Feed the World’s Poor”

The canal wiill have 172-mile (278-km) canal, due to be operational by around 2020,Merco Press

Nicaragua on Monday announced the start of work on shipping canal designed to rival Panama’s waterway and revamp the economy of the second-poorest country in the Americas, behind Haiti. The project is backed by China as it attempts to reshape its influence in the region currently dominated by the United States, which built the Panama Canal a century ago.   Continue reading “Groundbreaking of Chinese-backed Nicaragua Canal commences”

breathCollective Evolution – by Arjun Walia

“Children today are sicker than they were a generation ago. From childhood cancers to autism, birth defects and asthma, a wide range of childhood diseases and disorders are on the rise. Our assessment of the latest science leaves little room for doubt; pesticides are one key driver of this sobering trend.” October 2012 report by Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA) (source)(source)   Continue reading “What parents need to know about Monsanto: “By 2025 one in two children will be autistic””

Kevin shooting5AmmoLand – by Kevin Reese

It’s no secret, stories of home invasions, car-jackings, armed robberies, murders, assaults and even domestic violence are never-ending and the themes, eerily familiar, as they relate to the victims’ inability to protect themselves in one way or another; often, for gun owners, the shortcoming is a lack of effective defensive training. This New Year’s I challenge you to a resolution. Rather than focusing as much as we do on weight, finances or the next big promotion, try something a bit more selfless and impactful. Resolve to be the protector… and survivor your family may come to depend upon. For me, this critical commitment was launched by Rob Pincus’ life-changing Combat Focus Shooting program; in fact, consider CFS, as it relates to ending threats and surviving, the gift that keeps on giving.   Continue reading “Combat Focus Shooting: Resolve to Protect… and Survive”