OKLAHOMA CITY– A woman was arrested at the Oklahoma County Court Clerk’s office after yelling at employees, struggling with deputies, and telling her two-year-old son to “kill the police,” according to court records.

Last Tuesday, 26-year-old, Tia Ann Ooten was at Tim Rhodes’ office to access adoption records, which are confidential by law, according to Rhodes.

When told she needed a court order, she made the kind of threat that officers do not take lightly – especially these days.   Continue reading “Woman arrested after allegedly causing a scene, telling toddler to “kill the police””

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Market Daily News

Kurt Nimmo: RT and the International Business Times in Australia will cover it, but The New York Times and The Washington Post won’t touch it with a ten foot pole.
Former Proteus Airlines boss Marc Dugain believes the mysterious disappearance of MH370 on March 8, 2014 was the work of the United States military.   Continue reading “Did The US Military Shoot Down Malaysian Airline MH370?”

Two men were shot and killed and two others were injuredWFAA 8 News – by Monica Hernandez

DENTON — Two people were shot and killed and two others were wounded when gunfire erupted during a home invasion at a Denton student apartment complex Sunday evening.

“When we arrived, the officers determined that there was five individuals involved in some sort of altercation,” said police spokesman, Officer Orlando Hinojosa.   Continue reading “Police: Victims may have killed suspects in Denton shooting”

Image source: Businessweek.comOff the Grid News – by Daniel Jennings

Gun controllers suffered a major defeat in a US Court of Appeals in mid-December when a three-judge panel struck down a federal law that barred persons with a history of mental illness from gun ownership.

The 3-0 decision could impact the gun rights of millions of Americans – particularly if the ruling’s logic is applied to other gun restrictions.   Continue reading “This New Court Ruling Could Impact The Gun Rights Of Millions”

Anti-Media – by John Vibes

This week, Obama announced a renewed push for tighter internet regulations in congress, citing the need for additional cyber-security in light of the recent hack on Sony.

The White House has been taking this opportunity to initiate strategies that had already been planed for years. Many internet freedom activists actually expected for these types of suggestions to be coming out of the White House after any type of internet incident or irregularity.   Continue reading “Obama Urges Congress To Renew Push For “CISPA-style” Internet Laws After Sony Hack”

Gallery: Jacksonville fire station shot at, firefighter hit in arm by ricochet bullet galleryWJAX 46 – by Larry Spruill and Amanda Warford

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department Station 28 was shot at in a drive-by shooting on Tuesday night.

Jacksonville Association of Firefighters President Randy Wyse confirmed to Action News that firefighters called him and told him about the shooting.According to Lt. Jackson Short of the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, five or six firefighters were outside of Station 28 pumping gas at the city gas pumps next to the station at the time of the shooting.   Continue reading “Florida Firefighters targeted in drive-by shooting outside station”

hunter_ill_2011.jpgFox News

A federal appeals court has ruled against environmentalists who are trying to force the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate spent lead bullets and lead shot used in hunting and shooting sports.

In a decision favorable to gun enthusiasts, the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit said Tuesday that environmental groups have suggested no way in which EPA could regulate spent lead bullets and shot without also regulating cartridges and shells.    Continue reading “Court rules against environmentalists seeking EPA regs for lead bullets”

American Everyman – by Scott Creighton

This video of the Berkely shooting incident has surfaced and is being reported as being proof positive that Antonio Martin pointed a gun at the officer before being shot. The video is posted in the lowest resolution possible on Youtube and cut off just before the shooting takes place. So it’s not conclusive what Antonio was doing with his hand. He may have just been pointing at the officer.

But one thing it does prove is the altercation and subsequent shooting took place right in front of the officer’s police car. That dashcam had to have captured the whole thing in living color.   Continue reading “Video of Berkeley Shooting Does Not Definitively Show a Gun: Does Prove a Dash Cam Video Should Exist”

Christian News Wire – by John Stewart

ERIE, Penn., Dec. 17, 2014 /Christian Newswire/ — The Ratio Christi chapter at San Jose State University received a letter from the university stating that the club has been “de-recognized.” In the letter, school officials explained their actions to be in compliance with a new California State University Executive Order regarding how an organization selects its officers.

Ratio Christi, like many other campus Christian organizations, requires that chapter officers adhere to the Christian faith and biblical beliefs. This means that non-Christians, or Christians who do not feel it is necessary to follow New Testament principles as a guide for their daily lives, are not eligible for officer positions in the group. The State of California now deems this as “discriminatory” and punishable by de-recognition.   Continue reading “Ratio Christi Club Kicked Off of San Jose State University Campus”

https://i0.wp.com/cdnph.upi.com/sv/em/upi_com/UPI-5361419416864/2014/1/ed9d4474d132d6921a37331ccf0c7102/Cartel-exists-in-Israeli-gas-fields-regulator-finds.jpg?resize=154%2C128UPI – by Daniel J. Graeber

HOUSTON, Dec. 24 (UPI) — A decision by an anti-trust authority in Israel is a “disturbing example” of the difficulty of doing business in the country, gas stakeholder Noble Energy said.

“The entry of Delek Group and Noble Energy into the Leviathan [natural gas] project has created a situation in which they control all of the gas reservoirs off the coast of Israel,” the Israeli Antitrust Authority said in a statement Wednesday.   Continue reading “Cartel exists in Israeli gas fields, regulator finds”

Press TV

Former Central Intelligence Agency contractor Steven D Kelley says that what is being covered by the media about CIA torture is just “the tip of the iceberg”.

A new analysis reveals that human experimentation was a “core feature” of the spy agency’s torture program.

According to The Nation Magazine, the experimental nature of the CIA’s torture program is clearly evident in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s executive summary of its investigative report.   Continue reading “CIA report just the tip of the iceberg”

Seattle PI – by Keith Riddler

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Federal officials in Idaho in a battle with a Texas oil company over what is believed to be a profitable natural gas field in Payette County plan to offer five parcels for competitive leasing by April.

The U.S. Bureau of Land Management on Monday opened a 30-day public comment period about the proposed lease sale that will offer 6,350 acres to potential drilling in southwest Idaho.   Continue reading “BLM plan to hold Idaho oil and gas lease sale”


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — Florida’s Capitol has displayed a Pabst Blue Ribbon Festivus pole, atheist banners and even a tribute to the Flying Spaghetti Monster. But a display showing an angel falling into flames with the message “Happy Holidays from the Satanic Temple” was too much for one woman.

Susan Hemeryck, 54, tried removing the display Tuesday, and when the Capitol Police told her she couldn’t, she began ripping it apart. She was arrested and charged with criminal mischief. The display had been erected as a satire by an atheist group to counter a nativity scene, which was taken down the day the Satanic Temple installed theirs.   Continue reading “Satanic display at Florida Capitol damaged”

It's War On The Streets of AmericaThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Make no mistake – there is now a state of open warfare on the streets of America.  Earlier this year it was being reported that the number of police officers killed on the job was up 40 percent in 2014, and that was before all of the civil unrest caused by the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner.  At this point, attacks on police officers are becoming a frequent occurrence all over the country, but no incident has stunned the nation as much as the “execution-style” murder of two NYPD officers on Saturday by a radical Islamic gunman identified as Ismaaiyl Brinsley.  Just prior to the attack, Brinsley posted a message on Instagram in which he declared that he was “putting wings on pigs today”.  Continue reading “It’s WAR On The Streets Of America”

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Progressives Today – by Michael Strickland

VIa 2nd Amendment Action Center:

“Gabby Giffords came to Oregon on October 21st, 2014. The event was private, but media was allowed in. YouTuber Daylight Disinfectant made his way in and filmed the entire thing…Obama appointed D.A. Amanda Marshall makes fun of “2nd Amendment enthusiasts”, then they start to talk about removing the privacy of folks who have been through the current background check system and turning the records over to the federal government. Multnomah County Commissioner Judy Shiprack then talks about having the state legislature address the “administrative rule” that the Oregon State Police have in effect where they destroy most background check records after 5 days. Failing that, State Representative Barbara Smith-Warner suggests that they administrative rule simply be changed. Apparently it’s a problem to these people that the records are not made public or made available to the federal government.” Continue reading “You Won’t Believe What These Anti Gun Folks Are Openly Saying…”