2014 ends with little media attention or criminal prosecutions about corporate violations of laws already on the books. When the ranks of anti-business liberals and radical environmentalists compile their list of the worst offenders, their types of abuses exemplify that the most egregious and reprehensible of company practices do not hit their radar screen. The Global Exchange contends that the top 10 Corporate wrongdoers must behave badly accordingly to a well defined pattern. Continue reading “Cracking Down on Corporate Crime”
Year: 2014
Public Banking Institute – by Ellen Brown
While 49 state treasuries were submerged in red ink after the 2008 financial crash, one state’s bank outperformed all others and actually launched an economy-shifting new industry. So reports the Wall Street Journal this week, discussing the Bank of North Dakota (BND) and its striking success in the midst of a national financial collapse led by the major banks. Chester Dawson begins his November 16th article: Continue reading “WSJ Reports: Bank of North Dakota Outperforms Wall Street”
Not happy with the current banking systems? Create your own!
With your own Bank you can legally engage in activities and offer services such as:
- Deposit taking and lending
- Offering of securities
Continue reading “How to Start a Bank – The “Bank in a Box” Concept”
HOUSTON (AP) — Former President George H.W. Bush was admitted to a Houston hospital Tuesday evening after experiencing a shortness of breath, a family spokesman said.
Bush, 90, was taken by ambulance to Houston Methodist Hospital as a “precaution,” according to spokesman Jim McGrath. He “will be held for observation, again as a precaution,” McGrath said in a statement. Continue reading “Ex-President George H.W. Bush taken to hospital”
President Barack Obama’s nominee to replace Eric Holder as attorney general is supportive of Obama’s executive amnesty.
According to a Politico report, Loretta Lynch, who is a U.S. attorney in New York, told Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) during a recent meeting that Obama’s executive amnesty was “well-reasoned,” agreeing with the Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel. Continue reading “Obama Attorney General Nominee: Executive Amnesty ‘Well-Reasoned’”
MIT Technology Review – by Mark Orcutt
Along with vast troves of credit card information and celebrity snapshots, hackers stole a record number of medical records from U.S. health-care facilities this year. In 2015, attacks targeting health data will become even more common, according to security researchers.
Carl Leonard, principal security analyst for Websense, says hackers are breaking into the computer networks of health-care facilities with increasing frequency and taking valuable personal information that is often secured improperly. In August, Websense researchers reported that over the previous 10 months they had observed a 600 percent increase in attacks on hospitals (See “Hackers Are Homing In on Hospitals”). Leonard’s group now predicts that in 2015 the health-care industry will see a “substantial increase” in thefts of data. Continue reading “2015 Could Be the Year of the Hospital Hack”
Inside JBS – by John F. McManus
Is it correct to state that after nearly eight years of war in Iraq and the loss of 4,500 American lives the United States has finally pulled all of its forces out of Iraq? The answer is an emphatic “No.” Reports in mid-December confirm that the “U.S.-led” coalition will be beefed up to 4,600 troops, most of whom will be Americans.
Has President Obama kept his oft-stated promise to pull all of America’s forces out of Afghanistan? Again, an emphatic “No.” A total of 5,500 will remain at least until the end of 2015. Continue reading “How Did “Withdraw All Troops” Become Adding Thousands?”
New York Post – by Shawn Cohen and Kenneth Garger
The NYPD set up SWAT teams at two Bedford-Stuyvesant police precincts Tuesday night — after a confidential informant told cops about overhearing a gang plot to “shoot it out” at the station houses.
Four Emergency Services Unit officers, outfitted with helmets and assault weapons, were stationed at the 79th precinct. Another two were at the 81st.
The beefed up security was prompted by a confidential informant, who told cops of overhearing a member of the Baltimore-based Black Guerrilla Family talking with fellow gang members about plans to “shoot it out with police” at the two precincts, law enforcement sources told The Post. Continue reading “Gang members threaten to shoot up NYPD station house”
Tornadoes unleashed by thunderstorms along the U.S. Gulf Coast ripped through southeastern Mississippi on Tuesday, killing four people, injuring numerous others and causing extensive damage to homes and businesses, authorities said.
One of the heaviest-hit areas was a commercial district along the U.S. Highway 98 bypass in the town of Columbia in Marion County, about 30 miles (48 km) west of Hattiesburg, state emergency management spokesman Greg Flynn told Reuters. Continue reading “At least four people killed as tornadoes hit southeastern Mississippi”
GEORGIA — The government has refused to compensate grieving parents whose 18-month-old infant was burned alive when a team of SWAT officers threw a flash bang grenade directly into the baby’s playpen.
The incident occurred on the morning of May 28, as parents Alecia and Bounkham Phonesavanh and their three children were sleeping.
Their baby, nicknamed “Bou Bou Jr.” was in his playpen sound asleep.
That’s when the Habersham County Sheriff’s officer performed a SWAT no-knock raid on their home, busting their door open with a battering ram. Continue reading “Grieving Family Hooked With $1M Medical Bill After Cops Throw Grenade At Baby, Govt Refuses To help”
Time Magazine warned of a growing threat to cops nationwide in September 2010. The nationally renowned publication argued that sinister individuals would launch targeted attacks against police officers and even ambush them in their patrol cars.
Time alerted readers that these groups and individuals have a disturbing hatred of cops and that there was a real threat of “lone-wolf” attacks.
Who are these groups that present such a threat to police? Right-wing militias, according to Time. Continue reading “Time: Right-Wing Militias Are The Real Threat To Cops”
Just when one thought the story of Ukraine and its (now non-existant) gold could not get any more surreal, it did.
As a reminder, it was about a month ago when we learned courtesy of an interview on Ukraine TV with the country’s central bank head Valeriya Gontareva, that Ukraine’s gold was virtually all gone, when she made the stunning admission that “in the vaults of the central bank there is almost no gold left. There is a small amount of gold bullion left, but it’s just 1% of reserves.” Continue reading “Ukraine Central Bank Conned Into Swapping Its Gold For Lead Bricks”
A skill like woodworking takes years and thousands of hours to become more than just a proficient at, but this man invested that time to be a certifiable master. His name is Randall Rosenthal and he has talent that can result in mind-bending illusions. The project in the gallery below all started with three pieces of white pine he glued together. What he turned that block of wood into is so cool. Continue reading “It Looks Like An Awesome Box Of Money. When You Take A Closer Look, It’ll Seriously Blow Your Mind.”
You’ve probably heard the story by now: On Christmas Eve 1955, a young boy in Colorado Springs dialed a Sears-sponsored hotline that let kids talk with Santa Claus. But instead of reaching Santa, he was connected to the red phone at CONAD, the military command center charged with patrolling the skies for any nuclear missiles coming from the Soviet Union. The local newspaper had mistakenly printed the wrong number. Continue reading “How the U.S. Military Turned Santa Claus Into a Cold War Icon”
David G. Campbell is a traitorous United States District Judge for the District of Arizona.
On December 18, 2014 – Judge David Campbell issued a preliminary injunction barring the state of Arizona from enforcing Governor Jan Brewer’s policy of denying the licenses to about 20,000 illegal immigrants.
The move in Arizona to deny the licenses was a reaction to steps taken by the Obama administration in June 2012 to shield thousands of immigrants from deportation. Brewer’s move marked the nation’s most visible challenge to the Obama policy. Continue reading “Weasel Wednesday Candidate / David G. Campbell”