Dissident Voice – by Jan Oberg

On March 3, 2015, The Telegraph and a few other major news surces broke the quite extraordinary story that the chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize Committee – the body that decides who is awarded the Prize – former Norwegian PM Thorbjoern Jagland had been demoted; it’s the first time it has ever happened.

It was during his chairmanship the will of Alfred Nobel was ignored most systematically; e.g., by awarding the world’s allegedly most prestigious prize to President Obama, the EU and Chinese human rights (but pro-war) Liu Xiaobo.   Continue reading “The Nobel Peace Prize Watch Has Been Launched”

capitolGlobal Research

An Open Letter to the Republic of Iran from a cabal of 47 U.S. senators, written in the interests of the Israel lobby in Washington, on how ‘American democracy’ actually works to satisfy the demands of a foreign state to the detriment of the elected President of the United States and the vitally important current negotiations for peace being held by Iran, Britain, the United States, Russia, China, France and Germany, in Geneva.   Continue reading “The Republican Senators Push for World War III”

govfishingTruth Voice

Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom is not entitled to contest the forfeiture of an estimated $67 million in frozen assets because he’s a fugitive facing extradition, a federal judge ruled. The ruling by U.S. District Judge Liam O’Grady comes even as Dotcom continues to fight his extradition from New Zealand to the United States.

The federal government has been pursuing claims against Megaupload and Dotcom for years, charging they are engaged in an international criminal conspiracy to profit from widespread copyright infringement and launder the proceeds. Prosecutors estimate Dotcom has defrauded copyright holders out of more than $500 million.   Continue reading “Kim Dotcom Can’t Fight $67M Asset Forfeiture”

Colts PatchTruth Voice

A Colts Neck man who accused Brookdale College of police brutality after his arrest was video-taped was found dead by the side of Route 37 in Toms River on Friday, according to authorities.

Jeffrey Michel, 27, of Cedar Drive, Colts Neck, who appeared to be the victim of a hit-and-run accident, was a nursing student at the college when he was pepper-sprayed while being arrested last fall at the college’s Lincroft campus, according to authorities.   Continue reading “Accuser of Video-Taped Brookdale College ‘Police Brutality’ Found Dead In Toms River”

one-world-currencyArmstrong Economics – by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, do you believe there is a conspiracy to create a one world currency to which the central banks ascribe to?

Thank you, JE

ANSWER: No. That is thrown around by the real conspiracy theorists who see everything as a giant planned plot form people who are actually in control of something. This is very Marxist from the standpoint that government is capable of manipulating society all the time. They cannot see that this does not need to be some giant conspiracy to end-up there with some one-world government. Continue reading “The One-World Currency – Not Arriving Voluntarily”

unemploymentGlobal Research – by Shadow Government Statistics

The seasonally-adjusted SGS Alternate Unemployment Rate reflects current unemployment reporting methodology adjusted for SGS-estimated long-term discouraged workers, who were defined out of official existence in 1994. That estimate is added to the BLS estimate of U-6 unemployment, which includes short-term discouraged workers.

The U-3 unemployment rate is the monthly headline number. The U-6 unemployment rate is the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) broadest unemployment measure, including short-term discouraged and other marginally-attached workers as well as those forced to work part-time because they cannot find full-time employment.   Continue reading “Real U.S. Unemployment Rate at 23.2%, not 5.5%”

petrasGlobal Research – by Prof. James Petras

There have been times when history has played tricks with man and…has magnified the features of essentially small persons into a parody of greatness.

Rabindranath Tagore(on Benito Mussolini)  

            How is it that the ruler (Benjamin Netanyahu) of a puny country (Israel) of 8.2 million (6.2 million Jews) with the 37th biggest economy (GDP in current prices) in the world  dictates war policy and secures the willing submission of the legislature of the largest economy and most powerful military empire in the world?   Continue reading “Netanyahu: He Came, He Saw, He Conquered The Power of Israel over the United States”

What - Public DomainEconomic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

On Friday, we learned that the official “unemployment rate” has fallen to 5.5 percent. Since an unemployment rate of 5 percent is considered to be “full employment” by many economists, many in the mainstream media took this as a sign that the U.S. economy has almost fully “recovered” since the last recession.  In fact, according to the Wall Street Journal, some Federal Reserve officials believe that “the U.S. economy is already at full employment“.  But how can this possibly be?  It certainly does not square with reality.  Personally, I know people that have been struggling with unemployment for years and that still cannot find a decent job.  And I get emails from readers all the time that are heartbroken because they are suffering through extended periods of unemployment.  So what in the world is going on?  How can the government be telling us that we are nearly at “full employment” when so many people can’t find work?  Could it be possible that the government numbers are misleading?   Continue reading “Nearly At ‘Full Employment’? 10 Reasons Why The Unemployment Numbers Are A Massive Lie”

Last Resistance – by Philip Hodges

As with most bills, its intended purpose is not what the Georgia bill actually accomplishes. The bill was supposed to place restrictions on police no-knock raids. But what it actually does is legalize them, because technically, police no-knock raids are already illegal in Georgia. That of course doesn’t stop police from executing them however. 11Alive reported:

The Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee passed a bill that would restrict no-knock warrants by police.   Continue reading “Georgia Bill Legalizes Police No-Knock Raids”

zwipe-mastercardBiometric Update – by Stephen Mayhew

First Tech Federal Credit Union and MasterCard will introduce a pilot program later this year that enables First Tech FCU members to authorize their financial transactions via biometric identification, according to a report by Credit Union Times.

“We are extremely pleased that MasterCard has chosen to partner with First Tech to pilot new payment methods,” said Terry Rodrick, vice president of cards and payments at First Tech. “Biometrics may seem very James Bond- like but the reality is fraudsters are very clever and resourceful. Our membership is technology based so I think we have the perfect population to really kick the tires and pressure test new ways of making purchases.”   Continue reading “MasterCard, First Tech FCU to pilot biometric identification program”

The Marshall Project – by Eli Hagar

A day before administering a searing condemnation of the police department of Ferguson, Mo., the Department of Justice quietly published a separate report on the number of Americans killed at the hands of law enforcement.

The verdict? In a startling admission, the Bureau of Justice Statistics confirmed that the government’s own data on so-called police-involved deaths have been off for more than a decade — by more than 100 percent.   Continue reading “Missed by a Mile – How hard is it to count deaths by police?”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE) has backpedaled in its attempt to ban the popular M855 5.56/.223 round… Ok, they didn’t admit defeat. They admitted a “publishing error.” No, I’m not kidding.

It was previously reported that the ATF would were considering the bullets in question, which are fired from the highly popular AR-15 and other firearms that shoot the highly popular round, to be designated as “armor piercing” rounds. As I have pointed out, neither the federal government nor the ATF have any constitutional authority to determine anything about any arms or ammunition. Get it? Zero. Zip. Nada.   Continue reading “ATF Backpedals on Ammo Ban? – Claims “Publishing Error””

H.S. Principal Under Fire for Excluding White Students from ‘Black Lives Matter’ AssemblyWe are a divided people…… what they want.

Yahoo News – by Beth Greenfield

A high-school principal in Illinois found himself criticized recently after organizing a “Black Lives Matter” assembly that was open solely to black students. The event, a culmination of Black History Month events in late February that featured discussion on race relations, drew approximately 350 Oak Park and River Forest High School (OPRF) students. But when some white students attempted to attend the assembly and were kept out, their parents were upset and complained to the school, according to the Chicago Tribune.   Continue reading “H.S. Principal Under Fire for Excluding White Students from ‘Black Lives Matter’ Assembly”