Month: January 2017
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
In April of last year, Dennis Hastert, former Speaker of the House and admitted child rapist, was sentenced to 15 months in prison for paying his victims to keep quiet.
Hastert was sentenced, not for raping children, but for illegally structuring bank transactions in an effort to cover up his sexual abuse of young members of a wrestling team he coached. Continue reading “Fmr House Speaker Says Child He Raped Should Pay Back Hush Money Since He Broke His Silence”
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Washington, D.C. — Here at the Free Thought Project we are non-partisan and are unafraid to call out the good and bad we see in Washington, no matter who does it.
Included in one of the many executive orders signed by president Trump today, was an order for the US to withdraw from the tyrannical Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Also included was an executive order for the Federal Government that implements a hiring freeze on all government jobs. Continue reading “Trump Signs Executive Order Freezing All Federal Hiring — “Except for Military””
Just a day after President Trump visited Langley, 53-year-old Kansas Rep. Mike Pompeo has been confirmed by the Senate as CIA Director amidst its most contentious relationship with the White House in decades. As voting continued, there were 67 “yes” votes, more than enough to confirm Pompeo, and 30 voted against. Almost all the opposition was from Democrats, but perhaps most notably Rand Paul voted against him. Continue reading “Mike Pompeo Is Confirmed To Lead CIA”
In early December SHTFplan contributor Jeremiah Johnson warned the inauguration was still a long way off and that we should never underestimate a Marxist with an army of oligarchs to lean on. It turns out that Johnson’s warnings were right on target, as we have learned over the last couple of weeks that President Obama and officials in his administration moved feverishly to implement new rules and regulations with last minute initiatives. Continue reading “Report: Obama Issued A Massive Ammunition Ban Just One Day Before He Left Office”
China is reinforcing its censorship of the internet with a campaign to crack down on unauthorized connections, including virtual private network (VPN) services, that allow users to bypass restrictions known as the Great Firewall.
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said in a notice on its website on Sunday that it is launching a nationwide clean-up campaign aimed at internet service provider (ISP), internet data centrer (IDC), and content delivery network (CDN) companies. Continue reading “China cracks down on unauthorized internet connections”
SARASOTA, FL — The Sarasota County Sheriff’s Office has announced the arrest of one of its own following an investigation into allegations of harassment and theft. According to the agency, one if its deputies stole more than $65,000 from an elderly woman and also took her dog.
The investigation into Frankie Eugene Bybee’s alleged actions began in December 2016, when the sheriff’s office said the 79-year-old victim called the agency asking for help because she was being harassed. That call ultimately led to Bybee’s Monday arrest on exploitation of the elderly charges. Bybee, 46, was an 18-year veteran of the agency. Continue reading “Deputy Stole Dog, $65,000 From Elderly Woman: Sheriff”
The Atlantic – by JENNIE ROTHENBERG GRITZ, November, 2011
On November 18, 1978, Jim Jones and more than 900 members of his People’s Temple committed mass suicide in the jungle of Guyana. Since that time, the event has occupied a grotesque but fringy place in American history. Jones’s followers are imagined as wide-eyed innocents, swallowing his outrageous teachings along with his cyanide-laced Kool-Aid. Teri Buford O’Shea remembers things quite differently.
Continue reading “Drinking the Kool-Aid: A Survivor Remembers Jim Jones”
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Beginning Monday, the Black Lives Matter movement could become a curriculum topic in classrooms across the city.
A Philadelphia School District teachers’ group has planned six days of action this week, encouraging educators to introduce optional curriculum and activities – from “The Revolution Is Always Now” coloring pages for very young students to a science lesson about the biology of skin color for older ones. Continue reading “Philly teachers plan Black Lives Matter week — not all are happy”
The Daily Beast – by Dean Obeidallah, February 18, 2014
The question isn’t: Will conservatives push to enact laws based on the Bible? We are way beyond that. The real questions are: 1. How many more of these laws do they want to impose? And, 2. What will our nation look like if their crusade is successful to bring America’s laws into agreement with “God’s law”?
To some on the right, America is a “Christian nation”—like Saudi Arabia is a Muslim nation—meaning that our nation’s laws should be based on their religious text. These forces aren’t moved by Thomas Jefferson’s famous letter in which he spoke of the need to create, “a wall of separation between church and state.” Nor will they be swayed by citing Ronald Reagan’s words, “Church and state are, and must remain, separate.”
Continue reading “Flashback: The Conservative Crusade For Christian Sharia Law”
Conde Nast Traveler – by Katherine LaGrave
The future of travel may be here faster than we think—at least Down Under, that is. According to The Telegraph, the country is planning to eliminate those pesky passports and immigration desks and instead adopt an identification system that would verify passengers based on biometrics that recognize faces, fingerprints, and irises from information collected from citizens and foreign travelers. If all goes according to plan, experts say passengers arriving in Australia from other countries should be able to directly exit the airport like they would after a domestic flight. (Gizmodo reports that the project’s overarching goal is to have “90 percent of arrivals passing unmanned electronic stations without hassle some time between 2019-20.”) Continue reading “Australia Wants to Replace Passports With Biometric Scans by 2020”
Could flashing the “peace” sign in photos lead to fingerprint data being stolen?
Research by a team at Japan’s National Institute of Informatics (NII) says so, raising alarm bells over the popular two-fingered pose.
Fingerprint recognition technology is becoming widely available to verify identities, such as when logging on to smartphones, tablets and laptop computers. Continue reading “Japan researchers warn of fingerprint theft from ‘peace’ sign”
An Ohio father and son accused of imprisoning and raping a teenager in their basement will serve as their own attorneys – with a Bible in hand.
Timothy Ciboro and his son Esten Ciboro, 28, asked a judge Friday whether they would be permitted to bring their Bible with them when the trial begins Monday, the Toledo Blade reports. Continue reading “Ohio father and son accused of imprisoning, raping teen in basement bringing Bible to their trial”
DEVELOPING – A small plane crashed at the Tucson International Airport in Arizona Monday, and officials confirmed it was deadly. Continue reading “At least 1 dead after small plane crashes at Tucson airport”
Washington Post – by Ylan Q. Mui
President Trump began recasting America’s role in the global economy Monday, canceling an agreement for a sweeping trade deal with Asia that he once called a “potential disaster.”
Trump signed the executive order formally ending the United States’ participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership in the Oval Office after discussing American manufacturing with business leaders in the Roosevelt Room. The order was largely symbolic — the deal was already essentially dead in Congress — but served to signal that Trump’s tough talk on trade during the campaign will carry over to his new administration. Continue reading “President Trump signs order to withdraw from Trans-Pacific Partnership”
“National Emergency: A state of national crisis; a situation demanding immediate and extraordinary national or federal action” Black’s Law Dictionary
“I think of all the damnable heresies that have ever been suggested in connection with the Constitution, the doctrine of emergency is the worst. It means that when Congress declares an emergency, there is no Constitution… for when this bill becomes a law, …there is no longer any workable Constitution to keep the Congress within the limits of its Constitutional powers.” -Spoken by Congressman Beck in 1933 prior to the passage of the Farm Bill.
That clue is embedded in a statement Trump made in his inaugural address:
“We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world… We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone, but rather to let it shine as an example for everyone to follow.”
Is Trump absolutely serious? Continue reading “A key clue to Trump’s presidency: American Empire”
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Pittsburgh, PA — A family is now grieving after a home invasion left their beloved Christopher Mark Thompkins dead. The burglar, however, was not the one to kill Thompkins — the police who responded to the 9-1-1 call did.
“They shot the wrong guy,” said Brenda Thompkins, 51, of Penn Hills. Continue reading “‘They Killed the Wrong Guy’ – Cops Respond to Home Invasion, Kill Homeowner”
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Georgetown, SC — It appears that throwing a paper airplane at your teacher in school is now a police-enforced punishable offense consisting of jail time. An Andrews High School student is now learning the hard way about the repercussions of silly childhood pranks — in a police state.
Earlier this month, Georgetown County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrested 17-year-old David Michael Elliott after his instructor, Edward McIver, told the school resource officer that he wanted to press charges for an assault with a paper airplane. Continue reading “Student Arrested, Facing Jail for Throwing a Paper Airplane at Teacher”
Numerous unconfirmed reports are circulating in the international media that President Donald Trump intends announcing Monday that he will relocate the U.S. embassy to Israel from the coastal city of Tel Aviv to the capital city of Jerusalem. Continue reading “Report: Trump to Announce U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem Monday”