Did Syria Sink An Israeli Nuclear Armed Submarine?

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

Did Syria sink an Israeli nuclear armed submarine? Was the Israeli nuclear attack on Syria of May 4/5 retaliation? – with video ~ link ~ Oh Shit! Do keep in mind that the Syrians are apt to have the latest Russian rocket/torpedo and/or the Iranian copy of same. This is a super-fast and just about unstoppable advanced torpedo that works by forming a moving gas bubble just ahead of the rocket/torpedo nosecone. It utilizes a rocket jet of hot gas out of the nosecone, with most of the rocket thrust going out of the back, giving it incredible underwater speed.  

Its not likely that this has happened asit would be huge news and the Israelis would surely use it to invade Syria.  Remember this?


3 thoughts on “Did Syria Sink An Israeli Nuclear Armed Submarine?

  1. it was a ‘big’ story on ME news sources….. and as usual hidden by Israeli and western sources….

  2. It might just explain why the Assadi forces are now in the winning seat if this is true as likely an Israeli act like this will do nothing but unify the country and Assad’s forces have made unprecedented gains this last week indicating lack of cohesion to the rebellion probably assisted by Putin’s special forces eradicating western special forces on the ground disrupting networks and supply critically as well.

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