When the days of civil war and destruction arrive

Modern Survival  Online – by RH

The other day I watched “The Coming American Civil War” video by The Patriot Nurse. Like most of the articles and videos presented on Rourke’s website, I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it was a wakeup call for me. It got me to thinking about what I would or could be able to do in such a disastrous and potentially deadly situation. So, I started a self evaluation and jotted down my thoughts as presented below.  

When the days of a civil war or some other major catastrophe arrive, I must have.

a mindset that I will be trying to survive through very dangerous times, not a movie script where the good guys always win. I may well lose someone that I love very much, or I myself may not survive. I need to do a thorough and honest analysis of my strengths and weaknesses to determine where I am most likely to fail. Sometimes that is difficult for me to do because I tend to think that I will always have more superior resources than those that intend to do me harm. I need to do my best to improve on my shortfalls to give me and my loved ones the best chance of survival.

A calamity may last a few days, but may also go on for weeks, months, and even years before things are back to what I would consider normal. Or, there may never be a return to the life style to which I have become accustomed.

Below are some of the questions that I asked myself in order to try to evaluate my ability to do what ever is necessary to protect my loved ones as well as myself? Then I gave a numeral rating of my chances to accomplish each task.  (10 being the best chance down to 0 no chance)

Can I:

  • Steal from someone else to provide for my loved ones?        8
  • Lie to my loved ones to subdue their fears?      9
  • Adapt to any situations that may arise?          2
  • Keep a positive mind set no matter what?      4
  • Act and react when outside my comfort zone?          3
  • Accept a leadership role and make decisions for others?       7
  • Accept decisions from other leaders, even if I don’t totally agree with them?          5
  • Overcome fear?           3
  • Survive in a hostile environment?       2
  • Always keep my spiritual faith in God?         10
  •  Kill another human being to protect loved ones?      6
  • Repair broken items of necessity?      3
  • Live completely off the grid?       2
  • Live below the radar? 6
  • Provide for the less fortunate at my loved ones expense?      2
  • Convince other people how bad things may get?       4
  • Remain vigilant and steadfast for years if necessary?            3
  • Survive on my own, if it becomes necessary?            2
  • Kill an animal for food?          10
  • Handle a critical medical emergency?            1
  • Be prepared for whatever catastrophe happens first?             3

After grading my self, I went back over my questions and re-scored some of my answers; all to lower numbers.

I realize that there are other questions that did not come to mind, and I know that I really don’t know how I would react in most situations, but at least this is a starting point from which I intend to amend and reevaluate each question periodically.

I would like to add that I’m 64 years old, married, and have a son with a traumatic brain injury which puts a spin on some, if not all of my answers. We live in small city, but trying to move to a more rural setting that’s near to another son (and family) who has been in the military for over 25 years. I’m hoping to pool our resources; plus my military son would be a great help with our disabled son, military strategy, and along with his family, provide many creative minds to help come up with needed solutions.

As for my wife and my self, we need to spend a great deal of time preparing ourselves to become stronger physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

A few things that I have recently become involved with to expand my horizons are:

  • Obtained my ham radio license
  • Become involve with my local Emergency Management Association
  • Have been trained in UMCOR (United Methodist Committee On Relief) and have been deployed to a neighboring town to help with clean up after a tornado did major damage.
  • My wife and I have been involved in our local FNRA (Friends of the NRA) which raises funds for youth to participate in gun safety courses and school shooting clubs.
  • Have become certified to be a gun safety instructor.
  • Have learned to reload ammo
  • Joined a shooting range for practicing
  • Keep abreast of new survival ideas by reading Rourke’s website


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