Donald Trump reverses position on demanding US military commits war crimes


“U.S. military and intelligence officials, some who’ve said they will not engage in such activity, are “not going to refuse me”.

“You have millions of Republican voters voting for Donald Trump and that’s just the way it is”, Rep. Hunter said on Fox News on Friday. Trump defended each of his responses, and launched into explanations of why he said what he did.  

Michael Schmitt, director of the Stockton Center for the Study of International Law at the U.S. Naval War College, said in an interview that ordering the military to torture terror suspects would violate Article 17 of the 1949 Geneva Convention, and that people who participate in torture-as well as their superiors and even the U.S. government-could face war-crimes charges for such behavior. It’s fine, and if we want to go stronger, I’d go stronger too.

Later on Thursday, Mr Trump came under attack from his nomination rivals at a Republican debate in Detroit.

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, who has previously promised to perform “a lot worse” than waterboarding on terrorists, is taking a significantly softened stance on torture policies, according to a new Wall Street Journal report.

“I will use every legal power that I have to stop these terrorist enemies”, Trump said.

“You cannot-you are not committed, you are not required, in fact you’re required to not follow an unlawful order”, Hayden told HBO host Bill Maher last Friday.

In a Republican presidential debate on Thursday night, Trump indicated he might order the USA military to break the law on interrogation tactics, including waterboarding.

Mr Trump’s campaign said he cancelled because of newly scheduled rallies in Kansas and Florida. If you’re a terrorist and we catch you we’re going to extract all the information we can from you no matter what, so that’s what he means. Jeff Sessions, an Alabama Republican and member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, is Trump’s adviser on national security matters during the campaign. Graham, a former military lawyer, also asked Dunford what advice he would give troops if ordered to target such civilians.

“You look at the Middle East, they’re chopping off heads, they’re chopping off the heads of Christians and anybody else that happens to be in the way, they’re drowning people in steel cages, and now we’re talking about waterboarding…”

15 thoughts on “Donald Trump reverses position on demanding US military commits war crimes

  1. Look real closely now, and tell me if he’s any different than Bush, Clinton, or any of the other schit-shovelers.

    It doesn’t matter. The morons already have the name “TRUMP!! TRUMP!! TRUMP!! engrained into their heads, and that’s about all the thinking they’re going to do on the matter.

    He’ll win the election, they’ll buy the “Trump Edition” of the new car they want, and they’ll all be looking forward to his rock band’s latest video.

    “Donald and the Trumpets”. Buy the CD now, you idiot. Then you can vote for him, and when you get screwed you can cry about how politicians lie, and then you can watch more TV.


  2. Not only did Trump support torture, he wanted to target the family members of those deemed “terrorists” — a policy that would itself constitute terrorism. Seriously, what kind of sick bastard is willing to punish innocent people, including women and children, because of something their relative did? We already have a thug government, but Trump wants to make it even worse.

    When the guy talks you can see him drooling with the thought of attaining the power of the presidency. He’s Stalin in a clown suit.

    Not that the other major candidates are better. I’m thinking a Clinton victory is the best possible outcome here for the reason I’ve given elsewhere: brainwashed Joe Sixpack won’t accept from her what he’d accept from a Republican.

    1. “I’m thinking a Clinton victory is the best possible outcome here for the reason I’ve given elsewhere: brainwashed Joe Sixpack won’t accept from her what he’d accept from a Republican.”

      Good point, and I’m inclined to agree.

    2. “Not only did Trump support torture, he wanted to target the family members of those deemed “terrorists” — a policy that would itself constitute terrorism. Seriously, what kind of sick bastard is willing to punish innocent people, including women and children, because of something their relative did?”

      Yeah.. Do not forget, that them “terrorists” might not be Arabs, but Americans if it is up to SPLC and others connected to the DHS in the Anti-Patriot Anti-Pro American Movement.

      btw, Trump or Hillary will inherit from Obamsa some funny acts and laws. Like the ability to deprive Natural Born Citizens/Americans of their American Citizenship and RIGHTS. (Like the one to Live… 😉

      1. When the time comes, we’ll torture him and his family just by taking all of their riches. “The Donald”, however, deserves his fingernails torn off!

    1. Yep Cynicles, there’s four sides to a dog turd no matter how you roll it. Bill and Hillary have been spun, squished, scraped off the bottom of a shoe, and have reached the “Dog Turd Hall of Fame”, the stench still remains as well as those two stinky fuddy-duddies.

      Hillary, what a *u*t! It should be “Hillary for binge purging.” That’s the ticket! Weight loss for all Americans!

      Can you tell I don’t like the Clintons?

    1. Bush, Clitorin, same difference! If there was a declared Monarchy in this country, the Bushes and the Clintons have been dominant. Obama, he’s a monkey, in it to clash symbols and distract. A trained circus monkey.

    2. It really is happening. The Bushes, The Clintons, one in the same, and in cohoots with each other. They all get a piece of the pie no matter what. The most prolific and criminal families to exist in this country, going back well before the JFK assassination, have dominated politics in this country for some time. The Bush family, however, is the most evil to exist in modern American history. With George H. W. Bush being fingered as the “trigger man”, most certainly was there that day, in the JFK assassination, it opens up a whole nother “can of worms”.

      A guy can believe or dis-believe what he wants, there obviously was some “funny business” in Dealey Plaza that day, I don’t care what you say. The worst part is, it’s the same criminals runnin’ the show today.

  3. he probably won’t impose tariffs on imports either like he said.

    Im getting the feeling these people are all liars or something.

    Heck, next thing we know the vote itself will be rigged too.

    SHUT UP!
    Im so sick of ‘trump’ this and ‘hitlary’ that.
    F^*K its annoying that a bunch of people who dont ‘vote’ in the communist election never shut the f*^k up about the candidates for said ‘election’/fraud…

    ohhhh ahhhhhhh

  4. The American Military will refuse unlawful orders or despicable war crimes like they did with honor in Abu Ghraib.

    Likely they will hire Israeli’s for it (Wasn’t there a picture of that prison with a guard with a star of david tatoo on his arm?), to wash their hands in pure innocence and hide behind plausible deniability. The masters don’t mind manhandling a bunch animals. Coming to think of it, what makes Americans better in their mind?

    One thing that struck me, was the contradiction in supporting Israel and defending Christians all over the world. I recon Palestine and their Christians aren’t part of this world.

  5. ““You cannot-you are not committed, you are not required, in fact you’re required to not follow an unlawful order”, Hayden told HBO host Bill Maher last Friday.”

    Unless you are ordered to go to a war in Irak. Then they pull out every trick in the book to disgrace you….

    ^5 First Lieutenant Ehren Watada, I think you were the ONLY one to refuse an Illegal order and in hindsight we can now see how the sheep top down from politicians to high military all the way down in the ranks upto the civilians themselves fought him to make themselves either not war criminals that blindly followed orders, or people that get their opinions from the talking heads on tv….

  6. It’s pretty obvious that if you want to get rid of terrorists you need to get rid of the states that recruit, indoctrinate, organize, train, fund and arm terrorists. They don’t just sprout from camel dung in the desert sand. These states are the United States. Israel, Saudi Arabia, France, Turkey, United Kingdom and Jordan. An easy fix would be to declare war on international central bankers like the fed and the rest of these hell-bound entities would collapse like a house of cards. The problem is they own the military that we’re putting our children in debt for.

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