“Don’t Leave a Soul Alive”: Israeli Rabbi Calls to Genocide Gaza, Says Torah Demands Killing Babies

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

Israel’s top rabbi in Jaffa, Eliyahu Mali, on Thursday issued a call to genocide all Palestinians in Gaza and said the Torah demands the killing of men, women, children and babies.

Israeli journalist David Sheen reports: “Israel’s top rabbi in Jaffa calls to genocide Gaza: ‘Don’t leave a soul alive … not only 14, 16-year-old lads … also the next generation. And those who create the future generation.’ Asked ‘Babies too?’ He responds ‘Same thing. You can’t outsmart the Torah.’ ”

From Al Mayadeen, “Israeli rabbi calls for genocide of all Palestinians in Gaza”:

The mass killing of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip “is permissible according to the halakhic principles,” the head of a Jewish religious school in occupied Yafa, Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, stated according to Israeli news website Ynet.

A recording of the extremist’s answers to questions on the Gaza Strip was published a few hours ago on YouTube and is available for the public.

Halakha or Jewish Law, which also translates to “the way to behave or act,” is held as divine law among Orthodox Jews such as Mali, who called for the extermination of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

When asked about what should be done to infants and the elderly, Mali simply answered, “The same.”

Mali founded the religious school Shirat Moshe and has called upon his students to strictly follow the orders of the Israeli occupation forces, saying that if IOF soldiers do not kill Palestinians, then Palestinians will kill them. It is worth noting that Shirat Moshe students serve in the IOF, despite other schools of Orthodox Judaism refusing military service.

The extremist stressed that the main principle of the war on Gaza is that “no soul remains alive,” urging Israelis to carry on the genocide against Palestinians.

Netanyahu put out the same orders (though he didn’t dare state it so explicitly) when he started the war by labeling the Palestinians “Amalek.”

Other top Israeli officials have issued similar calls for genocide:

The troops on the ground are being explicitly encouraged to kill Palestinian babies in the name of “wiping out Amalek” and “erasing the memory of [Palestinian Amalekites]”:


US taxpayers are financing this “war of extermination” and supplying Israel with the weapons they’re dropping on children throughout Gaza.

“All of our missiles, the ammunition, the precision-guided bombs, all the airplanes and bombs, it’s all from the US,” retired IDF Maj. General Yitzhak Brick told the Jewish News Syndicate in November. “The minute they turn off the tap, you can’t keep fighting. You have no capability…Everyone understands that we can’t fight this war without the United States. Period.”

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