America’s Frontline Doctors – by Mordechai Sones
The Department of Homeland Security offers a training course to law enforcement, health care workers, and other government employees detailing how to prepare and execute a mass public quarantine in rural areas of the United States.
A website by the Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC), a training provider for the Department of Homeland Security, says:
“This 8.0-hour, instructor-led course is designed to provide the knowledge necessary to begin planning for situations requiring the isolation and quarantine (I&Q) of a large portion of a local, rural population. This training will provide public- and private-sector emergency managers, community policymakers, public health, and public safety personnel with the general knowledge necessary to begin planning for situations requiring the isolation and quarantine of a large portion of a local, rural population. A rural community’s ability to collectively respond to an emergency requiring isolation and quarantine is not only essential to minimizing the negative impacts to the community at risk, but also to minimizing the long-term negative economic and health effects on the American public as a whole.”
“This program was supported by Cooperative Agreement Number EMW-2016-CA-0097, administered by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency, National Preparedness Directorate, National Training & Education Division.” A disclaimer reads: “Points of view or opinions in this program are those of the author(s) and do not represent the position or policies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency.”
“Core Capabilities” recommended for course participants include environmental response/health and safety, on-scene security and protection, operational communications, operations coordination, planning, public health, healthcare and emergency medical services, risk management for protection, programs, and activities, situational assessment, and supply chain integrity and security. However, the only solid prerequisite to gain the “knowledge necessary” in the 8-hour course is that the “participant must be a U.S. citizen.”
Module Two of the course overview entitled Legal and Ethical Issues of Isolation and Quarantine says: “This module focuses on the legal and ethical considerations of isolation and quarantine. The federal, state, and local government legal authorities regarding isolation and quarantine responses will be covered. Due process of law regarding isolation and quarantine will also be reviewed.”
Each student is required “to participate in and pass a course post-assessment with a score of 70% or better to meet the course completion requirements. Each student who meets all of the course completion requirements will receive a pre-approved, Rural Domestic Preparedness Consortium (RDPC) certificate of completion stamped with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) logo.”
It is unclear what authority bearers of this certificate wield, or the limits thereof.
A Lake County, Illinois Health Department document entitled Community Health Ambassador Outreach Door Knocking Project to Increase COVID Vaccine Acceptance contains “information and a script” that stresses: “You are not soliciting. Because you are not seeking an order for any goods or services, you are not considered a solicitor. Therefore, ‘No Solicitation’ signs do not apply to you while you are performing this activity.”
The document continues: “After you enter the building, orient yourself so you systematically proceed from floor-to-floor, covering each wing. Utilize the tally sheet to keep count of those interested in getting the vaccine, those who refuse and those with further questions.”
The document also advises participants to “report on your work! Be sure to fill out the Doorknocking Spreadsheet with the counts of who still needs a vaccine … This is important information that the Health Department is relying on!”
Meanwhile, in the words of, North Carolina health department workers “armed” with COVID-19 shots lurked nearby as Action NC volunteers went door to door, plying their target neighborhoods with the experimental biological agent.
“Action NC’s mission is to confront and reduce the root causes of poverty, underdevelopment, and social and economic inequality through grassroots education, training, organization and mobilization.
We organize in poor and working-income communities full of talented and committed people looking for an opportunity to work together to build a stronger and more secure future. We reach out to them in a variety of ways to offer them the opportunity to join, organize, fight, and win.”
“The purpose of these campaigns is to win improvements and to build power,” Action NC’s mission statement says, concluding: “as our members work to build our organization, we also look for opportunities to partner effectively with others so that we can present a stronger and more united front in our specific campaigns, and in our collective drive for justice and equality.”
In a 2017 article appearing on the Action NC website entitled How Trump has trumped your rights, author Kevin Rogers wrote: “Since Donald Trump has taken office, every policy that has been suggested or imposed has received fierce backlash from a majority of the country.”
Conflict resolution is back this month! Join us for our July session: #deescalation
— Action NC (@Action_NC) July 7, 2021
“Due process of law regarding isolation and quarantine will also be reviewed.”
These unlawful entities already violate the Bill of Rights on a daily basis. What the f*** are they waiting for?!? Every American National is sick of these threats of tyranny! They should go ahead and try to round up the ‘unvaccinated’ like they did with Americans of Japanese ancestry during World War 2. They will start seeing more heads get blown off than fireworks in the skies on the Forth of July (Hijacking Day).
sounds like they want this to be fully implemented , before the next presidential (s)election
and it really has nothing to do with your (good) health ..they want you dead
Brown shirt scumbags
things went from ..Free donuts to
we know where you live , real quick