Ebola Now Spreading Fast – Did US Government Make Huge Mistake?

Published on Jan 11, 2015 by David Vose

It has been proven that the U S Government invented the Ebola Virus. Bill Gates, the Richest man in the World, has invested huge money in the Patent, and the Disease. Evidence is now rising that he did it in league with the pharmaceutical companies and in partnership with the Government, to murder many humans while, at the same time, gaining total control of the ones who will obey, and allow themselves to come under the protection of the Government. Just as the Prisons are now under the control of BIG Business, who need more people in Jail, to make More money, thus they pay the Senators and congress off, to make more laws, to make more prisoners. And just as the WAR machine worldwide, has also been handed over to private contrators, who also make Money from war. So, Now, Private people, like Bill Gates, is going to make MONEY from you having a virus. You better believe they will make it easy for you to get a virus, and, if you dont get it on your own, they will invent one. Happy New Year Friend!!!

2 thoughts on “Ebola Now Spreading Fast – Did US Government Make Huge Mistake?

  1. My rifle is sick.
    Ever time I put up a picture of a zionist criminal, it just start spraying copper and lead. Weird!

  2. “It has been proven that the U S Government invented the Ebola Virus”

    What HASN’T been proven is that it’s actually been used.

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