Before It’s News – by Alton Parish
Texas, Florida, South Carolina, Missouri, Indiana, Tennesee, Oklahoma, North Dakota, New Mexico, Arizona and Wyoming have proposed legislation to jail federal officials who violate the second amendment.
The 2nd Amendment Preservation Act is a state-level bill that renders all federal gun laws, regulations, rules, acts, orders, etc – null and void within the borders of the state. TRACK HERE
The Firearms Freedom Act declares that any firearms made and retained in-state are beyond the authority of Congress under its constitutional power to regulate commerce among the states. The FFA is primarily a Tenth Amendment challenge to the powers of Congress under the commerce clause, with firearms as the object. TRACK HERE
Introduced in Texas, House Bill 553 (HB553), is the Second Amendment Preservation Act. The bill reaffirms the 2nd Amendment, as intended, and would nullify potentially anything from the federal government that contravenes in the State of Texas.
It reads, in part:
all federal acts, laws, executive orders, agency orders, and rules or regulations of all kinds with the purpose, intent, or effect of confiscating any firearm, banning any firearm, limiting the size of a magazine for any firearm, imposing any limit on the ammunition that may be purchased for any firearm, taxing any firearm or ammunition therefore, or requiring the registration of any firearm or ammunition therefore, infringes upon Texans’ right to bear arms in direct violation of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, and therefore, any such law is not made in pursuance of the Constitution, is not authorized by the Constitution, and thus, is not the supreme law of the land, and consequently, is invalid in this State and shall be further considered null and void and of no effect in this State.The bill goes further than just affirmation of the 2nd Amendment. It requires compliance by by state and federal agents.
A person who is a public servant commits an offense if the person, while acting under color of the person’s office or employment, intentionally enforces or attempts to enforce any acts, laws, executive orders, agency orders, rules or regulations of any kind whatsoever of the United States government relating to confiscating any firearm, banning any firearm, limiting the size of a magazine for any firearm, imposing any limit on the ammunition that may be purchased for any firearm, taxing any firearm or ammunition therefore, or requiring the registration of any firearm or ammunition therefore.The legislation specifies that the new law would apply not just to state employees, but federal ones as well.
”Public servant,” includes an officer, employee, or agent of the United States; a branch, department, or agency of the United States; another person acting under a contract with a branch, department, or agency of the United States to provide a law enforcement or security service; or any other person acting under color of federal law.
Introduced by Missouri State Representative Casey Guernsey, with 61 co-sponsors, is the Missouri 2nd Amendment Preservation Act. House Bill 170 (HB170) would nullify any and all federal acts, orders, laws, statutes, rules, or regulations of the federal government on personal firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition.
The bill states, in part: “Any official, agent, or employee of the federal government who enforces or attempts to enforce any act, order, law, statute, rule, or regulation of the federal government upon a personal firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is owned or manufactured commercially or privately in the state of Missouri and that remains exclusively within the borders of the state of Missouri shall be guilty of a class D felony.”
North Dakota Introduced by Rep. Streyle, Becker, Brabandt, Grande, Headland, Maragos, Porter, Ruby, Toman
Introduced by Sen. Larsen, Miller, Sitte
A BILL for an Act to create and enact three new sections to chapter 62.1-01 of the North Dakota Century Code, relating to forbidding state governmental entities from providing aid and assistance to the federal government or any other governmental entity for the investigation, enforcement, and prosecution of federal firearms laws not in force as of January 1, 2013; to provide a penalty; to provide for retroactive application; and to declare an emergency.
Florida 2ND Amendment Preservation Act
STATEMENT OF INTENT – The intent of this legislation is to reject any and all power or influence or interference of and by the federal government regarding the the right to keep and bear arms (including ammunition); and to prohibit prohibit federal actors from infringing on these rights within the borders of FLORIDA; and to prohibit state employees in aiding the federal actors from infringing on these rights; and to provide felonious penalties of such.
(a) The 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States reads as follows, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
(b) The Constitution of the United States does not provide the federal government with the authority to impose acts, laws, orders, rules, or regulations relating to civilian-owned firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition.
(c) All federal acts, laws, orders, rules or regulations regarding civilian-owned firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition are in violation of the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution and the 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution.
(a) The Legislature of the State of FLORIDA declares that all federal acts, laws, orders, rules, or regulations relating to civilian firearms, firearms accessories or ammunition – currently in effect at the time of passage of this act, or implemented after passage of this act – are in violation of the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and are not authorized by the Constitution of the United States and violate its true meaning and intent as given by the Founders and Ratifiers; and are hereby declared to be invalid in this state, shall not be recognized by this state, are specifically rejected by this state, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state.
(b) Any federal act, law, order, rule, or regulation shall be unenforceable within the borders of Florida if the act, law, order, rule, or regulation does or attempts to:
(i) Ban, regulate, or restrict the civilian ownership, sale, transfer, or manufacture of a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition; or
(ii) Require any civilian-owned firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition to be registered in any manner; or
(iii) Imposes federal taxes or fees on any civilian-owned firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition.
(a) Any public officer, employee, or agent of the State of Florida, or any employee of a corporation providing services to the State of Florida as defined in ___________, who enforces or attempts to enforce any act, law, order, statute, rule or regulation of the United States government relating to a civilian-owned firearm, firearm accessory or ammunition that is owned, sold, transferred, or manufactured commercially or privately in Florida shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be subject to imprisonment for not less than one (1) year and one (1) day or more than five (5) years, a fine of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or both.
(b) Any official, agent, or employee of the government of the United States, or employee of a corporation providing services to the government of the United States who enforces or attempts to enforce any act, order, law, statute, rule or regulation of the United States government upon a civilian-owned firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is owned, sold, transferred, or manufactured commercially or privately in Florida shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction, shall be subject to imprisonment for not less than one (1) year and one (1) day or more than five (5) years, a fine of not more than five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), or both.
(c) The Attorney General shall defend any civilian of Florida who is prosecuted by the United States government for violation of a federal law relating to the manufacture, sale, transfer, bearing, or possession of a civilian-owned firearm, a firearm accessory or ammunition owned, manufactured, or retained within the borders of Florida, and the Attorney General shall seek to invalidate any such federal law by all means available.
SECTION 4 – This act shall take effect upon being signed by the Governor
Wyoming H.B. No. 0104 Firearm Protection Act.
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AN ACT relating to firearms; providing that any federal law which attempts to ban a semi-automatic firearm or to limit the size of a magazine of a firearm or other limitation on firearms in this state shall be unenforceable in Wyoming; providing a penalty; and providing for an effective date.

South Carolina Senator Davis has filed SB 224 which is a Joint Resolution to Nullify Executive Orders infringing upon the second amendment, and the right to keep and bear arms. This Joint Resolution has been referred to the Senate Committee of Judiciary.
SB 224 states, “Any federal executive order restricting, abridging, or otherwise infringing upon the free exercise of a citizen’s second amendment right to keep and bear arms is unconstitutional and shall not be enforced by any federal, state, or local law enforcement agency within South Carolina.”
Senator Davis referenced District of Columbia v. Heller. This Supreme Court held that, “the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to possess firearms and that the city’s total ban on handguns, as well as its requirement that firearms in the home be kept nonfunctional even when necessary for self-defense, violated that right.”
Not even your home is sacred. After a new law gets passed, NY residents can be arrested for loading 8 rounds into their firearms, any time, any place. Only criminals and control freaks benefit from such arbitrary rules for law-abiding citizens.
Since they are not entitled to rule you, they don’t have the right to jail you, fine you, tax you, or anything else!
Up yours Cuomo I just bought (5) 15 rd. mags for my Glock, and
2 more 30’s for my Bushmaster and I live in New York.
You can kiss my ass…
when the legal supply dries up just print some more,
pistol mags are right around the corner
Moving from Illinois to New Mexico…done with this crazy b.s.
Wolf, Good move. We have lots of sharp shooters here in New Mexico. You’ll love it. We also have an elite .50 Cal Shooter’s Club.
Good day
The 10th Amendment…got to love it!
The number of states has gone up to twelve just since I sent this one in 4 hours ago.
Let’s hope the rest will soon follow suit.
If they want to have a war let them work for it.
I love seeing obama have his cheerios pissed in.
Glad to see my Arizona stepped up, and Colorado better be stepping up because that’s where my cabin hidey-hole is