Eric Garner’s Daughter: ‘This Is Not a Black and White Issue’

Mediaite – by Josh Feldman

Eric Garner‘s daughter Erica appeared on CNN tonight to discuss her father’s death, the grand jury the declined to indict the officer responsible, and the national uproar over his case. Garner told Don Lemon she’s glad to see people of all races and backgrounds coming together to protest the decision.

Lemon asked her a question that’s been on everyone’s minds the past day: is this about race? And Garner actually said, “This is not a black and white issue.”  

Lemon said many people would, obviously, be rather surprised by that assessment. He asked for clarification if she thinks any of this is about race. Here’s how Garner answered:

“I really doubt it. It was about the officer’s pride. It was about my father being 6’4″ and 350 pounds and he wants to be the top cop that brings a big man down.”

Garner also said she will never be able to forgive the officer for what he did to her father. She called on him to admit he was wrong and do his time to show how truly sorry he is.

Watch the video below, via CNN:

[image via screengrab]

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Follow Josh Feldman on Twitter: @feldmaniac

4 thoughts on “Eric Garner’s Daughter: ‘This Is Not a Black and White Issue’

  1. Its a Cop’s against us all issue , they have been trained to kill us all for what ever excuse they can find, regardless of color race etc.. they(TPAB) want us all to submit to this tyranny..period, and want us scared so we will not act

    and the cops are their tools , and with such low IQ numbers among the membership it works flawlessly

    when the return fire starts , it will destroy this country, but as it sits right now , they are already destroying this country and its founding. I have said many times , you will be judged on your actions , and its about high time they be Judged in the court of public opinion and prosecuted for subverting our Human rights and Constitutional Rights

    this cannot continue and this still be the Untied States and a Republic , as we are seeing our Country is being destroyed from the “ruling class”, and those who want something other than what this country was founded upon and we the people cannot stand by and allow it

    the UN thing.. NONE of us of the WE the People crowd signed one dam treaty with the UN, our governemnt did , and our government no longer is representing we the people .. so F the UN.. you come for my equipment I will resist you with every ability I own.. even if I have to fabricate it

    Bring it

  2. Bloomberg killed Eric Garner

    Bloomberg’s over zealous taxing on all things he feels are “bad for us” and his Nanny actions got Eric Garner Killed. that and along with this job death country, the man was just trying to survive

    he was killed over Cig taxes period , the government hates it when you steal from them , as they do us.. but they kill us for it

    Bloomberg , is complicit in Eric’s Murder

    make it known hard in the media , and let us all start persecuting him for it publicly,on signs , on billboards etc and watch Bloomberg and his BS self richeusness melt away

  3. This case is a travesty and a sham. My wife was telling me she watched interviews of some of the grand jury members who heard this case and all of them said the judge would not allow the video to be shown, only pics and snippets. All of them said if they had be given the full story, they would have indicted this POS for murder. So, the judge, the DA and the all of the oinkers involved did their level best to insure an indictment would never be handed down. SCUM!!!!!

  4. Ok Americans – how are we enjoying the Israeli training of our police departments to ensure they are the most brutal and vicious ?
    It wasn’t that long ago we saw the Israeli produced for target practice on police training ranges showing pictures of seniors, children, and pregnant woman and captioned “DON’T HESITATE” SHOOT THEM.
    This is not a white vs black thing no matter how much dirty commies like Eric Holder/Team Obama try to frame it – this is Jack Boots being trained to stand on our throats and see every American as someone totally disposable – people are being killed everyday by policemen for the smallest infractions of the law, and often no infraction of the laws….people are going to jail for growing tomatoes, children expelled from schools for biting a cookie into the shape of a gun……….the Totalitarian Tip Toe has turned into a Totalitarian Stampede…….we are living under a de facto communist regime and they are killing us with inpunity….

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