Final Obamacare “Individual Mandate” Rules Released: This Is What You Will Pay

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

With president Obama taking his role as Warmonger-In-Chief ever more seriously, it is easy to forget that the only important function before the greatest presidential teleprompter reader in history, is that of Socialized Healthcare Provider-in-Comrade. And so today, in the fog of pre-war, the Obama administration released the final rules on the “Individual Mandate” component of Obamacare, which requires most Americans to buy health insurance starting in 2014 or be fined. Specifically, the rules list lay out the amount of penalties that Americans will face if they opt out of socialized healthcare.  

The WSJ was kind enough to read the Treasury Department release and summarize it as follows:

  • Most Americans will be required to have health insurance starting in 2014 and will have to report whether they had coverage on their 2015 tax returns. An individual who opts against carrying insurance will be subject to a fine of $95 next year or 1% of income above a certain threshold, which is ever greater. The penalty increases to $695 per person in 2016 and beyond – or 2.5% of taxable annual income – with the amount rising by inflation.
  • There are exceptions in the law for people with incomes below the threshold that’s required to file an income tax return, which is about $10,000 for an individual in 2013. People with certain religious exemptions and those who are members of Indian tribes are exempt from requirements under the health law. People who lack insurance coverage for less than three months in a given year also won’t be penalized.
  • People who obtain health insurance through an employer, or are on Medicare, the federal health insurance program for people age 65 and older, qualify as having insurance and won’t be subject to any penalties. The federal government and states are setting up online exchanges or marketplaces where people can purchase health insurance starting Oct. 1. Many people are expected to qualify for tax credits to offset the cost of monthly insurance premiums.
  • In a statement posted on Treasury Department’s website, the agency said the requirement for individuals to carry health insurance is “integral to delivering the Affordable Care Act’s consumer protections at an affordable cost.”

Or, said otherwise, Obamacare will only be affordable, if every unemployed person pays.

In retrospect, it is probably impressive that with foreign policy mirroring such domestic brilliance, that the whole world isn’t one big mushroom cloud yet.

7 thoughts on “Final Obamacare “Individual Mandate” Rules Released: This Is What You Will Pay

  1. This law purposefully classifies by groups and segregates by taxable income which is nonuniform per capita and unlawful.

    Article 1 section 9
    No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.

    : a uniform per capita payment or fee

    Per capita-
    : equally to each individual
    : per unit of population : by or for each person

    1. Yea, but the Commies, unfortunately only see the equality between each racial, ethnic and class group of individuals. Not individuals overall. Sick, ain’t it?

  2. You ain’t taxing my health or just because I’m alive. F**K YOU, BARRY! I ain’t a car or a product for your to buy or sell. Take your Fascist, CEO shit and get the F**K out of my country, you illegal, foreign, Communist piece of shit!

  3. I’ve spoken with so many people. They say they aren’t going to pay 🙂
    (Oh btw, I received a letter from the state of mi. yesterday. It came from the state of mi. dept. of medicare and medicaid (regarding my deceased Mom)…….hmmmm, when did they merge?)
    This freakin care act is going to fail, the people that are still working and the people that have awoken aren’t going to pay.
    It was designed to fail, but not this way (Not as they had intended ) )

    1. I’ll believe that when I see it. Recent history has shown that the people have caved into the demands of everything else that they constantly said they would completely refuse to go through. So I don’t know. I hope you are right. All I know is I won’t pay and that’s FINAL! I hope everyone else this time will have the damn balls to do the same.

      1. They will at first try to make it look like it is working so well (To try to get everyone to jump in) and how happy people are with it. Propaganda.
        They will not tell the public how much they haven’t received/collected in $ and make it look like everyone is complying.
        The facts will come out.
        They may then try to make examples of non-compliers, which will just enrage the public more.
        1. People are sick of this corrupt gov.
        2. The people don’t have the money to even pay into to it, even if they normally would go along to get along.
        3. More people will wake up as they try to make the best use of their money to make the ends meet.
        Then add this tax on top of it?
        Which will pi$$ even more people off that this corrupt gov. is taking their daily bread after they have worked long and hard for it.
        A plus, more and more people will wake up.

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