US Media Is Pushing For War With Syria

Wake Up America – by Susan Duclos

The Young Turks have a couple of video clips out which are worth the time it takes to watch them.

They point out how the media and establishment politicians continue to beat the drum “we have to attack Syria,” completely ignoring the fact that a tiny minority actually wants the U.S. to intervene in Syria while an overwhelmingly majority of Americans want the U.S. to stay out of Syria’s business.  

Key Quote: “The American people is, of course, an afterthought for these folks.”

One thought on “US Media Is Pushing For War With Syria

  1. “Israeli intelligence ‘intercepted Syrian regime talk about chemical attack”
    This is the same group of Jewish vipers who told us that “Saddam had WMD’s & yellowcake from Niger” which ended up killing 3,000 Americans in Iraq & perhaps 500,000 Iraqi men, women & children simply fighting a foreign invader – us.
    Who benefits by having it look like Assad used chems on his own people?
    Certainly not Assad, but definitely that parasite that masquerades as an ally to the US; Israel.

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