Fish Bleeding From Eyeballs, Faces, Fins & Tails In Pacific Ocean & Canada

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

We human beings have seemingly forgotten the old truth, “What we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves.” If that is true, and it is, then we humans will truly in very, very bad shape in the near future as this story from ENENews demonstrates. With dolphins dying up and down the East Coast in record numbers, now comes this story from Canada where Pacific Herrings are now dying off in record numbers as well, bleeding out from their eyeballs, faces, fins and tails. What may have caused this? Fukushima radiation? Has the BP oil spill and Corexit made it into the Pacific Ocean now? These mass animal die-offs going on around the world have been big news over the last several years and have poisoned our entire food chain; should this be blamed upon something other than mankind? Government officials were notified of this hemorrhaging shortly after the Fukushima catastrophe on March 11th, 2011 but they ignored it….Why? The story below.  

Biologist: Pacific herring in Canada bleeding from eyeballs, faces, fins, tails — I’ve never seen fish looking this bad — All 100 examined were bloody — Officials informed of hemorrhaging soon after 3/11 — Gov’t ignoring problem (PHOTO)

The Globe and Mail, Aug 13, 2013 (Emphasis Added): Independent fisheries scientist Alexandra Morton is raising concerns about a disease she says is spreading through Pacific herring causing fish to hemorrhage. […] “Two days ago I did a beach seine on Malcolm Island [near Port McNeill on northern Vancouver Island] and I got approximately 100 of these little herring and they were not only bleeding from their fins, but their bellies, their chins, their eyeballs.  […] “It was 100 per cent … I couldn’t find any that weren’t bleeding to some degree. And they were schooling with young sockeye [salmon]

Sun News, Aug 12, 2013: [Morton] dragged up several hundred of the fish this past weekend and found the apparent infection had spread – instead of their usual silver colour the fish had eyes, tails, underbellies, gills and faces plastered with the sickly red colour. “I have never seen fish that looked this bad,” […] In June, the affected fish were only found in eastern Johnstone Strait, but have since spread to Alert Bay and Sointula, she said., Aug 16, 2013: Morton […] pulled up a net of about 100 herring near Sointula and found they were all bleeding. “It was pretty shocking to see,” said Morton […] Herring school with small sockeye salmon and are also eaten by chinook and coho.

Though the video below is from July of 2013, it is nonetheless extremely relevant, especially considering that WE eat the fish that comes from the Pacific Ocean on a regular basis. What have we done to our Earth and therefor to ourselves?

3 thoughts on “Fish Bleeding From Eyeballs, Faces, Fins & Tails In Pacific Ocean & Canada

  1. I was eating Brunswick brand kippered herring all my life, and thought this was a safe product. The last batch I bought no longer said product of New Brunswick, but product of Canada. How sad. Another fish I can no longer eat. It looks like I am down to fish from South America, or ordering from Denmark, Sweden, Norway. But the price will negate me ordering much. The greed of the few has poisoned the many. A poor harvest this year in the garden, I think from the aluminum and barium falling from the sky. Maybe it’s time for a dirt nap.

  2. When this works it’s way up the food chain and people start getting sick and bleeding from the eyeballs the govt’s will just say “What? What are you talking about? Why, that’s perfectly normal.” Then they all wipe a little ketchup on their faces and say “See…everybody’s doing it.”

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