Forks Over Knives – Official Trailer

Uploaded on Nov 18, 2010 by Forks Over Knives | For showtimes, updates, newsletter sign up and more information.

The feature film Forks Over Knives examines the profound claim that most, if not all, of the degenerative diseases that afflict us can be controlled, or even reversed, by rejecting animal-based and processed foods.

4 thoughts on “Forks Over Knives – Official Trailer

  1. Meat is not the problem…factory farming, negligent factory farm conditions and squalor that animals live in, and growth hormones/chemicals/etc. these animals are fed (and of course bioengineering changing DNA and cloning) IS the problem! What gets me is that while Asians don’t eat a lot of cow/lamb/pork meat they eat chickens, of course, and are known to eat dogs and cats (we had a Chinese Restaurant where I grew up and the county closed it down because it was serving cat. Yep, cat! And don’t forget the fish…Asians are not more vegetarian than westerners are!

  2. No carbs, no grains, no sugar(they put me to sleep not good if your a driver). In my line of work, anything else will kill me. Believe it or not, fat is good for you, in moderation.

    Grains produce high sugar.

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