Pastor Cruz: ‘America On Brink Of Destruction’ As Counter Jade Helm 15 Exercises Launched In States Across America

All News Pipeline – by Stephan Stanford

With ‘counter Jade Helm’ exercises now being launched in states across the country by US patriots who plan on turning the Jade Helm 15 ‘exercises’ into a ‘counter surveillance’ training opportunity themselves, the father of Senator Ted Cruz gives us a dire warning in the newly released video below: ‘America is on the brink of destruction‘ with the ‘most lawless administration’ in US history trampling upon the US Constitution and ‘the rule of law’ every day.  

With US military special ops preparing to infiltrate US towns, a newly launched Facebook group is recruiting patriots, members of militia groups and other interested Americans (alternative media!) who hope to turn the Jade Helm 15 exercises into something positive for freedom and America and to turn these martial law exercises on their head, something that is sorely needed as the Obama administration attempts to put their finishing touches on their master work of art, the total destruction of America and the United States Constitution and the complete overthrow of American values once held dear.

From Pastor Rafael Cruz:

“We are on the brink of the destruction of this country,” said Rev. Cruz during an interview on “Eagle Forum Live,” hosted by conservative Phyllis Schlafly.  “We are for the first time facing handing our children and our grandchildren a country that is less than what we inherited.”

“We have the most lawless administration we have ever had, where the rule of law, the Constitution is trampled every day,” said Pastor Cruz, who leads Purifying Fire Ministries, based near Dallas, Texas. “The separation of powers is trampled on a daily basis.  We have judges legislating from the bench.”

“And we have a president who says he has a pen and a phone and totally disregards the rule of law, and is governing by decree, by executive action, basically like an emperor more than a president,” said the pastor.


8 thoughts on “Pastor Cruz: ‘America On Brink Of Destruction’ As Counter Jade Helm 15 Exercises Launched In States Across America

  1. You’re quoting the FATHER of Ted Cruz?! The man who, for all we know, still works for Fidel Castro killing white Americans for the Hispanic New World Order?!

    We’re going to reward this Cuban’s son with the checkbook, power and army of the American people?!


    Oh, I see he’s a “pastor” now. Looks like he’s certainly learned a few tricks of the Communist trade.

    Thump that Bible so that gullible American idiots are only too eager to follow.

    Obama did not create this mess that we’re in today. The Hispanic New World Order, which the Cruz family freely admits to being a part of and which has certainly NOT stopped, are the ones to blame.

    Know your enemies, folks.

    1. Look at the power grab by this administration. There is no longer a rule of law. Yes, Obama owns this mess! To deny it, in the face of all the evidence, is delusional.

  2. From what I’ve heard , kruz’ s father is a communist and preaches an end time prophecy of Jewish people and their gentile supporters gaining all the wealth ..gee …I guess that’s true if its orchestrated so :z

    1. Some Christian Zionist preachers are in it for the political power, while others are just in it for the money. Cruz’s father is clearly in it for both. I’d say the same about Schlafley…

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