Fox and CNN News – Obama Is Dead: Truth, Hoax or Conspiracy?

Before It’s News – by John Ale

David Vose recently released video about mistakes done by the mainstream media. He thinks that these mistake were intentionally. “Fox News as any other news agency makes mistakes, this seems to be just some small mistakes from people, innocent mistakes. But, it has been claimed that Some of these mistakes might not have been UN-intentional.  

Why did it take fox ten hours to take down what was said to be hackers who got into the message board? How could a News Agency, like CNN, clearly write OBAMA is dead on the video clip and at the same time say the news anchor said Obama is dead mistakenly.”

27 thoughts on “Fox and CNN News – Obama Is Dead: Truth, Hoax or Conspiracy?

  1. I can actually say I’m glad it isn’t true (so far).

    Much as I hate Obummer, Biden would be even worse, imo.

  2. I think they are testing the waters for their Revelation 13:3 scenario for Obama.

    Rev 13:3: “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.”

  3. Maybe everyone in FedGovCorp has been quietly “delifeified” and replaced by programmable clones operated by remote control.

    1. mmm, made me think of the long awaited fed gov coup by the military to restore the US – not that things like that usually work…

      1. It would certainly explain Gov. Christie’s sudden weight loss…”Hey we can’t pump this clone up that full….” “That’s ok, we will just tell everyone he is on a diet and exorcising and then schedule him to be dumped later.”

        1. Nah tammy, he was taking Bloomberg’s advice and cutting down his soda intake. LOL

          The only exercise the big C is going to get, is moving that donut from the plate to his mouth. ha ha

          No clones here, move along… 🙂

  4. We are not that lucky. 🙂 Besides I’d rather see him an the rest of that bunch on trial for high treason for full discovery of all their crimes and then hung.

  5. Tammy, you may be more on point than you think.

    He may in fact be dead, or hidden away in a DUMB. There are several clones of BO depending on what agenda is needed.
    . . .

    1. These news agencies kept making the mistake of saying Obama, instead of Osama, after the fake raid on “Osama bin laden” compound. This is however, the first time I have heard of the tweets being left up for 10 hours.

      On a side note, yesterday on the AMC channel, the movie “Dave” was played from 1993. For anyone that has never seen it, the story line is about the POTUS, who has a massive stroke, and a look alike takes his place, and fools just about everyone. The real POTUS is in the basement of the WH on life support.

      How far fetched could that really be? Not so far. The PTB supposedly have to tell of their plans, in order for us to unknowingly accept them.

      We can’t be talking about these silly conspiracies though 😉

      1. Well our puppet masters all have clones. Ask Hitlery. I heard she has one and you can bet your ass that Obama has one, too. Not far-fetched at all. If Saddam Hussein had doubles, it’s a no brainer that our government has them, too. Almost like an open secret.

        1. You bet NC, and remember when “Saddam” was found in that hole and later hung? His wife said it was not him, in fact she insisted.

          When do you suppose he will reappear and make his people think he is some kind of God?

      2. Great movie! Kevin Kline & Sigourney Weaver. Have it on DVD.

        She was the only one (of those who weren’t in on it) to figure it out.

        1. yup #1 and only because he checked out her legs. LOL 🙂

          Hey on another note: I was exploring FTT earlier and noticed there is a Pub, is that a chat room for this site? Does anyone use it?

          1. I’ve been wondering the same thing about the pub….why does this site have a real time chatroom and nobody uses it?
            Everytime I go in there I’m the only one…lol.

          2. Yep, it was a good movie…and your right. It would never happen today with a character like Frank Langella played. No offence to Frank…but he played it just like it happens.

          1. Exactly, and he even tried to balance the budget, and fund the poor! Never would happen here in the real world.

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