George Soros funding and winning DA races across America

Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr Eowyn

Billionaire financier George Soros, is flooding cash — massive donations typically only seen in gubernatorial, congressional or presidential campaigns — into local district attorney (DA) races, and winning. In so doing, the evil POS in extending his tentacles into local criminal justice policies across the country.

In 2015-2017, Soros spent more than $8 million on local DA races. His modus operandus is the same in nearly every city: Establish political action committees (PACs), pour money into local races, then turn around and shut them down once the election is over. 

Some examples:

  • In 2016, Soros was the sole funder of a super PAC in Ohio that supported Democratic DAs. After the candidates had won, the super PAC refunded Soros his money, then shut down.
  • On November 8, 2017, far Left DA Larry Krasner who’d represented BLM and Occupy Philadelphia, made his way out of a crowded Democratic field of eight candidates before defeating Republican prosecutor Beth Grossman by more than 40% points in Philadelphia. Grossman told the Washington Free Beacon that a Krasner victory would turn Philadelphia into another Chicago or Baltimore.
  • Between Sept. 9 and Nov. 4, 2017, Soros helped tip the D.A. race in Portsmouth, Virginia, with more than $100,000 in support of attorney Stephanie Morales — and he did it without anybody finding out until after the campaign until it was revealed in FEC filings by a Soros-funded national PAC, Justice & Public Safety.
  • In early April 2018, a Soros minion — attorney Whitney Tymas — filed with Oregon‘s secretary of state’s office to launch the Oregon Law & Justice PAC, to “support candidates advocating for justice.”
  • In California, Soros is pouring millions into four of the state’s 56 district attorney races on June 5 — including Alameda and Contra Costa counties in the S.F. Bay Area — in support of candidates who favor lower incarceration rates, crackdowns on police misconduct, and changes in a bail system that allegedly discriminates against the poor.

Sources: Washington Free BeaconDaily CallerFox News


Fellowship of the Minds

4 thoughts on “George Soros funding and winning DA races across America

  1. Soros is hijacking our power of prosecution to insure that wetbacks are set free and white Americans rot in jail.

    And it’s not going to change as long as the average American insists on ignoring politics in favor of watching football…..or a war breaks out.

  2. I have one of those Soros DA’s in my county and he has turned our small city into the Wild West complete with more shootouts than we’ve ever seen. Also, he’s not taking many serious crimes like child molestation and domestic violence to the grand jury/lower court but letting these perps off which has in turned emboldened them. It’s like a powder keg here and it’s not even June.

  3. You are telling me that he still not in jail and all his money still not been taken and gave back to all the people he stole it from

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