Grade school kids to be given ‘social and emotional mindset assessments’


The National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) and the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), is planning on assessing students social and emotional “mindsets” like “grit,” “desire for learning,” and “school climate.”

According to the NAGB, school kids from 4th-12th., grades will be given ‘mindset assessments.’  

Unfortunately, student assessments have been going on since 1990, students across the country at grades 4, 8 and 12 are being given reading, mathematics, writing, science, U.S. history, geography assessments.

Indoctrinating students and assessing their mindset was a hallmark of Nazi Germany. Our kids are being assessed from grade school through college. This should scare the crap out of everyone, why is the mass media silent as our gov’t assesses kids?

Who is the NAGB?

The NAGB board was created by Congress in 1988 and includes two chief state school officers on the board of directors. The NAGB also partners with the Council of Chief State School Officers (CSSO) who have a financial interest in assessing kids from grade school through college. The NAGB also works closely with the National Conference on Student Assessment (NCSA).

If you’re interested in finding out what’s really driving assessments (gov’t grants), read the CSSO’s detailed resource guide which helps their numerous companies profit from stakeholders (government agencies and corporations).

CSSO’s resource guide offers a disturbing glimpse into the driving force behind assessments.

Assessments are being used on Americans in new and scary ways

Earlier this month, I warned everyone that law enforcement, may soon arrest people based on ‘sentiment analysis’ of their Tweets and how risk assessments, are being used to arrest Americans before they commit future crimes. Even our homes, are being given color-coded risk assessments!

Police are using a ‘Strategic Subject List’ algorithm that predicts, who is most likely to be involved in a shooting – either as the shooter or victim and arrest them BEFORE they commit a crime!

Computers to give student ‘mindset assessments’

The video at the top of the page, reveals how ‘student assessments’ are being used to spy on families, at approx.,1:10  the NAGB boasts how students are asked to evaluate (spy) their families.

According to the NAEP, beginning next year, computers will be used to determine every students MINDSET.

Transitioning NAEP to completely digitally-based assessments by 2017. This goal includes conducting studies to ensure the transition from a paper-and-pencil format to a digital format…

‘Mindset assessments’ are extremely invasive

Each NAGB assessment scenario takes between 10-30 minutes to complete, one task can cover a range of assessment areas and difficulty levels.

Assessing a students mindset will allow the gov’t to determine a child’s moral and religious beliefs.

It should come as no surprise that Google, the NSA’s right hand is involved in student mindset assessments. Google, provides a student assessment tool, Chromebooks, Apps. and forms to schools nationwide.

Assessments violate the government’s Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA).

According to the PPRA, student assessments are illegal, no “student shall be required, as part of any applicable program, to submit to a survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning…”

(1) political affiliations or beliefs of the student or the student’s parent;
(2) mental or psychological problems of the student or the student’s family;
(3) sex behavior or attitudes;
(4) illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating, or demeaning behavior;
(5) critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships;
(6) legally recognized privileged or analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers;
(7) religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or student’s parent;

Students are being given Pre and Summative assessments

image credit: Hellosunshineteachers

The NAEP admits ‘mindset assessments’ are junk science

The Board is responsible for developing and maintaining frameworks to guide the development of each NAEP subject assessment. The framework provides

After final approval by the Board, the frameworks are used to develop assessments and are widely disseminated to stakeholders. (click here to see a list of corporate stakeholders profiting from student assessments)

It doesn’t get any clearer that that, NAEP’s Board is responsible for THEORETICAL’ mindset assessments’ and THEORETICAL student scoring. Student assessments are being given to stakeholders (corporations, schools, police, the gov’t) what could possibly go wrong?

NAEP worries, ‘mindset assessments’ won’t be in every school

“I believe the Board made the best decision it could to both reflect the budget realities that face NAEP…NAEP offers vital student achievement data that many policy makers, researchers, educators, and parents rely on, and important information about educational progress will be lost if these assessments are diminished Board Chair Terry Mazany said.

NAEP worries students might opt-out of ‘mindset assessments’

Below is an excerpt taken from page 22 of the NCSA’s  hour and a half discussion about ‘Implications of Testing Opt-Outs for Accountability’.

Assessments can provide valuable information, but the validity of that information may be threatened when some students do not participate. Parents in multiple states have opted their students out of statewide testing, and there is a movement to introduce state and federal legislation facilitating opt-outs. How do opt-outs threaten the validity of test score interpretations for accountability?

‘Mindset assessments’ are unconstitutional and full of risks

Education Liberty Watch warns, there is NO constitutional, statutory or moral authority for the federal government to conduct psychological research on innocent American school children via what is supposed to be an academic test.

The NAEP is poised to violate federal law by collecting extremely sensitive psychological/socioemotional data on children; it will do so in a necessarily subjective manner;  it contains a substantial risk of exposing the subject children to possible negative consequences in their later schooling and employment careers, to the extent that even supporters of such assessments are concerned; and it will entrust extremely sensitive data to agencies that are no longer governed by serious privacy law and that have proven they cannot or will not keep personal student data secure.

Schools are asking students to give themselves ‘self-assessments’

Americans being secretly assessed by our government is frightening. How much would you like to bet that the FBI and DHS are secretly compiling assessments of kids who exhibit independent thought or question authority?

To find out more about assessments read, American students are being given threat assessments and universities are assessing every student’s mental health.

Make no mistake, if we allow government computers to assign everyone a ‘mindset or risk assessment’, the Constitution is dead and the police state has won.

One thought on “Grade school kids to be given ‘social and emotional mindset assessments’

  1. ELO warns, individual student ‘mind assessments’ will be recorded:

    The testing consortia are under obligation to the Department of Education to provide individual student test data via the cooperative agreements they signed:

    “Comply with and where applicable coordinate with the ED staff to fulfill the program requirements established in the RTTA Notice Inviting Applications and the conditions on the grant award, as well as to this agreement, including, but not limited to working with the Department to develop a strategy to make student – level data that results from the assessment system available on an ongoing basis for research, including for prospective linking, validity, and program improvement studies; subject to applicable privacy laws”

    Individual student data may be released without consent to organizations and entities that have “legitimate educational interests,” which basically means for any reason that a state or the federal governments or researchers or corporations want to use the data in conjunction with any state or federal program.

    A contractor, consultant, volunteer, or other party to whom an agency or institution has outsourced institutional services or functions may be considered a school official under this paragraph provided that the outside party.

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