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Quite often i find uninformed bloggers, well-meaning patriotic Americans, and even the mainstream media drawing parallels between the political climate of Hitler’s Germany and that of the United States at present. 1 2 3 While there are similarities, the context in which those policies are rooted could not be more at odds; while Nazi Germany was a fascist, police-state dictatorship, similar to what the U.S. is descending toward today 4 5 6, it is quite clear that the ideology driving the politics in Germany was intended to avoid the same sort of tyranny, corruption and moral erosion which the people of the U.S. and elsewhere find themselves battling today.
- Jim Bob Duggar Compares US To Nazi Germany During The Holocaust
- “Gun Control’s” Nazi Connection
- Hitler Joins Gun Control Debate, But History Is In Dispute
- Are we becoming a police state? Five things that have civil liberties advocates nervous
- “Democratic Dictatorship”: The Transition towards Authoritarian Rule in America
- Police State: US Military Plans to Crush Dissident Political Groups, Target Leaders with Sniper Fire
A popular example of one such parallel asks us to compare policies regarding gun control in the U.S. with that of Nazi Germany. Here we are often led to believe that Hitler disarmed the German people at large as a step toward tyranny, culminating in the slaughter of 6 million Jews and his pursuit of world domination. Those who have actually researched German’s role in World War II however, are likely to reach very different conclusions regarding Hitler, the Jewish holocaust 1, and our subject of focus here: the gun control laws in Hitler’s Germany.
Many are aware of the depth to which corruption is embedded in all levels of government and how our mainstream media falsifies, minimizes or simply omits many subjects of importance. 1 2 We know that officials cannot be blindly trusted and that our history books do not always portray an accurate account of history, yet many still subscribe without question to the official narrative regarding Germany’s role in the war, never questioning whether those that wrote the history may have had an agenda that would best be served by altering it.
In order to paint an accurate picture of who was disarmed in Nazi Germany and why, i think it is necessary to briefly examine the circumstances behind Hitler’s rise to power. While it is obvious that racism played a role regarding the treatment of the Jews in Hitler’s Germany, there is a great deal more to the story than we are led to believe. We must put into context the mindset of not only the German people during the 1920’s, but the mindset in general throughout the developed world, a time during which African Americans were still being lynched in the United States. 1
Long before Hitler rose to power, the Jews had been expelled from approximately 80 countries including Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Prague, Russia, Spain, Switzerland and the Ukraine, sometimes more than once, and persecuted in other forms in as many more, according to Jewish history. 1 Rather than automatically attributing the lengthy historical persecution of the Jews to antisemitism as many Jewish organizations would have us do, one might want to consider why no one wanted them. The expulsion of the Jews by a laundry list of countries prior to World War II was obviously not unique to Germany, nor was the internment of subversives and undesirables in other countries, which had occurred in many places both before and during the war. 2 3 4 5 The United States government had forced Japanese, Italian and German-Americans into concentration camps during the this period, even subjecting some detainees to forced labor in at least one case. 6 7 8 9
- P.E. Grosser & E.G. Halperin, Anti-Semitism: Causes and Effects, New York: Philosophical Library, 1978
- The Censored History of Internment
- We were the Enemy
- Japanese Canadian internment
- Internment of Ukrainians in Canada 1914-1920
- Japanese American internment
- Italian-American internment
- World War II – The Internment of German American Civilians
- An Internment Camp Within an Internment Camp
The Treaty of Versailles after World War I, which laid the blame for the war entirely upon Germany, was heavily influenced by powerful Jewish businessmen and politicians, including Louis Rothschild, Phillip Sassoon, Bernard Baruch, Stephen Wise, Paul Warburg (former Chairman of the Federal Reserve) and his brother Max Warburg. 1 The treaty succeed not only in robbing the German people of their dignity, but also in gutting her financially and militarily and dividing portions of her land amongst the victors. 1 2The erosion of German values and its political climate continued as Jewish politicians, lawyers and businessmen took up residence, undermining the government and spreading Marxist propaganda through the radio and print networks under their control or influence. 3 German culture and morals were further attacked by the pornography that came with the Jews, who were prominent in the industry then and now. 4 5 6 7 8 9
- How The Jews Prompted A German Backlash
- Treaty of Versailles
- The German-Jewish Kulturkampf in the Weimar Republic
- The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany
- Prostitution, Pornography, and the Dreadful Few
- The Jewish Century And Pornography
- Jewish Dominance in the Porn Industry
- The Jewish Masters Of Porn
- Babylon before Hitler
I can think of no better quote to summarize the reason for Hitlers rise to power than that spoken by Ernst Zundel during a 1996 interview by an Israeli journalist in which he stated that “Hitler was an organic outgrowth to Jewish behavior“. 1 2 Although i have not thoroughly researched the circumstances under which the Jews had been expelled and persecuted in hundreds of countries prior to World War II, it appears their behavior was a key factor in at least several instances. Certainly many of us today can see the result of Jewish behavior in Palestine 3 4 as well as the heavy handed and disproportionate influence they wield in the worlds most powerful institutions, including the news media, entertainment, government and banking. 5 6 7 8 9 10 Perhaps less obvious is how the culture of the people is affected in the countries they choose to reside in. Hitler was keenly aware of this problem and seemed to have a solid insight regarding the effects the Jews and their central banks had upon German culture, politics and economics. 11
- Ernst Zundel – Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996) (video)
- Off Your Knees, Germany! – Ernst Zundel
- Israeli Operation Cast Lead Gaza Massacre, The Israeli and American War Crimes (video)
- Israeli Genocide in Gaza (video)
- List of Jewish American businesspeople
- Fact Sheet: Jews Control America
- Barack Obama Administration: Jews in the Administration
- Who Owns Obama?
- Total Control Of The United States – The Israeli/Jewish Lobby
- Who runs Hollywood? C’mon
- Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler
At this point i think it is important to state that it is not my intention to imply that the Jewish people as a whole are responsible for all the worlds problems, however when one considers the impact that Jewish culture and ideology has, and continues to have upon various nation states, i think it is abundantly clear that this influence is responsible for a significant number of the most important problems we face. Ultimately however, i think we only have ourselves to blame; we, the 99%, Jewish or otherwise, who make it possible for the 1% to maintain power, enslave us with their monetary systems, brainwash us with their media, and send us to fight and die in profitable wars that are engineered and financed by international bankers for reasons which seem to be little more than the pursuit of personal greed and geopolitical control. I strongly believe that the Jewish people as a whole are also victims of these self-serving elitists, as well as any nation which has succumbed to the international bankers. Hitler was aware of the threat that international Jewry posed and planned to take action to eliminate it by expelling the Jewish business cartel from Germany. In a broadcast to the German people in 1941, he stated, in part:
This conspiracy of democratic Jews and Free Masons dragged Europe into war two years ago. Arms had to decide.
Since then a struggle has been taking place between truth and lies and, as always, this war will end in the victory for truth. In other words, whatever lies British propaganda, international world Jewry and its democratic accomplices may concoct they will not change historical facts. And it is a historical fact that for two years now Germany has been defeating one opponent after another.
I did not want it. Immediately after the first conflict I again held out my hand. I have been a soldier myself and I know how difficult it is to win a victory.
My hand was rejected. And since then we have seen that each peace offer was immediately exploited by the warmonger Churchill and his confreres so that they could say it was proof of our weakness.
In March of 1933, less than a month after Hitler was appointed chancellor and prior to his order to boycott Jewish businesses and Kristallnacht, international Jewry declared economic war upon Germany in the form of a world-wide call to boycott German businesses, thus furthering its goal of complete economic collapse of the country. 1 2 3 This declaration of war occurred well before the German government began restricting the rights of Germany’s Jews.
Upon war having been declared by world Jewry, it appears that the German government immediately had the legal right, according to international law, to confiscate the arms of a self-established enemy residing within its borders, however this confiscation of firearms from Germany’s Jews would not take place for another 5 years when, in November of 1938, Herschel Grynszpan, a Polish Jew, assassinated Ernst vom Rath, a German diplomat. 4 5 Thus the numerous claims that all Germans were disarmed, or that Jews were illegally disarmed, are incorrect. 6 7 8 While the somewhat restrictive gun control law from 1928 was left in place for the first 5 years after Hitler was appointed chancellor, the revised firearms law enacted by Hitler’s government in 1938 actually removed several restrictions regarding firearm ownership. 6 7
- The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany
- Herschel Grynszpan (Wikipedia)
- “Arms in the hands of Jews are a danger to public safety”: Nazism, firearm registration, and the night of the broken glass.
- Gun Control in Germany, 1928-1945 (alternate link)
- The Hitler gun control lie
- The Myth Of Hitler’s Gun Ban
- Was Hitler Really a Fan of Gun Control?
What was done in Germany regarding gun control was very different from what we are experiencing today in the United States where there is an obvious effort to circumvent the 2nd amendment to our constitution and disarm Americans citizens en masse by what many define as a criminal and tyrannical government. While it is true that Hitler set up a police-state dictatorship, one must account for the extremely desperate situation Germany was facing prior to Hitler’s rise to power as a result of severe unemployment, widespread prostitution and pornography, drug use and general lawlessness, as well as the very real threat of a communist takeover by the Bolshevik Jews who influenced Germany’s politics, legal system, education and media to a significant degree. 1 2 3
- The Greatest Story Never Told – The Early Years
- Jewish Domination Of Weimar Germany 1919-1932 (1933)
- The German-Jewish Kulturkampf in the Weimar Republic
Many of the German people who did not initially support Hitler were willing to tolerate him out of pure desperation at a time when poverty and unemployment were rampant. In the early 1020’s a loaf of bread cost hundreds of billions of reichsmarks and a kilogram of butter cost thousands of billions of reichsmarks. 1 Hitler proposed real solutions to these enormous problems and eventually gained the overwhelming support of the German people, including former communists in some cases, because he produced tangible results. In just a few short years after coming to power he created millions of jobs and completely reversed the downward spiral of the economic and cultural ruin at a time when much of the rest of the world was still battling the effects of the Great Depression. 2 3 Most importantly, Hitler restored the dignity of the German people which had been stripped of them by the Jewish-backed power-brokers who authored the Treaty of Versailles. These dramatic changes would not have been possible without the removal of the influential Jewish bankers, businessmen, politicians and communists from the positions of power they held. 4 The overwhelming support which Hitler came to enjoy — an unheard of 90% at one point — resulted in some of the largest and most enthusiastic rallies the world has ever known. 5No leader before or since has been able to match what Hitler had accomplished in Germany in just a few years.
- German Monetary History in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
- How Hitler Tackled Unemployment And Revived Germany’s Economy
- How Hitler Consolidated Power in Germany and Launched A Social Revolution
- Historian – ‘Did Hitler Have Reason To Hate The Jews?’
- Nuremberg Rally 1938 in Colour

Hitler was respected and admired by the vast majority of Germans, not for what he promised to accomplish, but for what he did accomplish. His campaign did not rest on wish-washy words like “hope”; it rested on clear goals which were met through decisive action. While there are parallels between Hitler’s Germany and the U.S. today, it is abundantly clear that the foundations of those politics are grossly different. There can be no comparison between the corrupt, lobbyist-driven, weak-kneed whores who have occupied Washington DC for decades and Adolf Hitler, who did not bow to Zionist controllers and worship at the Wailing Wall while our countrymen pay in blood and tears and taxes and bailouts as the nation loses its sole, descending dangerously close to the conditions present during the period of the Weimar Republic.
While some were involved in the porn industry, a great number were involved in medicine and science. Jews account for a great number of Germany’s-and other European countries-Nobel Prize-winning scientists. Jews of Europe and elsewhere were/are very diverse, as are Catholics and Protestants. All Jews are not bad. They come in all colors and appearances as well, despite the media stereotypes.
You’re not going to convince me that Jews are anything but liars, thieves and murderers. The Jews have now declared war on Europe, America and basically all other white nations.
Agreed. Even if they turned on their own to attempt to prove allegiance to a nation built on truth and fairness and one lacking a subversive undermining culture to pervert it and ultimately usurp and control it I would not believe it as they would whore their own mother for a pittance of a shekel.
Their reputation precedes them. Learn from history. This is the furthest these parasites have gotten so far in their conquest. The stakes are high and time is running out.
Hey Shay, do you know the number of Good Jews as Opposed to Talmudic Zionist Monsters? And where are all the good Jews on Lame Stream Media? Any Jew that does not speak out on the Atrocities in Occupied Palestine, the total Destruction of The American Monetary system and our GOD given Rights, is complicate and Guilty by Association. Look up Enrico Firmis He, not the Jews, split the atom!
“Jews account for a great number of Germany’s-and other European countries-Nobel Prize-winning scientists.”
Well, DUHHH! Jews created the Nobel Peace Prize. Who the hell do you THINK they’re going to ‘award’ it to? Some goy?
Not to mention the fact that many of those scumbag jews who received it, STOLE ‘their’ idea/invention from some unsuspecting Gentile.
You sound as if you still believe that lie they continue to perpetuate about being “God’s Chosen People”.
NOTHING could be further from the truth.
The USA is doomed. A parasite infested immoral golem at the command the jews, as England was in the 30s.
Vice President Joe Biden will assist in the lighting this year of the Hanukka menorah on the ellipse in front of the White House.
Biden’s participation on December 16, the first night of the holiday, marks the 35th anniversary of the first lighting of the “National Menorah,” an event sponsored by American Friends of Lubavitch, the Washington office of the Chabad movement.
It has become a tradition for Cabinet-level US officials to assist in the lighting.
Could it be any more obvious that the organized Jewish community dominates and runs the United States, especially at the highest levels of politics and media? America is a Jewish country, and has been for quite some time now.
Mat 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Mat 7:17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
Hitler disarmed the Jews just before deporting them to labor camps outside of Germany, just as the US disarmed the Japanese before transporting them to camps in the desert– for the same reason. To prevent their respective communities from harboring enemy partisans and to protect the group from violence from the general public, which considered them a threat.
In 1938 before disarming the Jews, Hitler lifted the gun restrictions imposed by his political opponents in 1928 during the Weimar Republic. He armed the German people to the teeth, allowing Jews to do the same until Crystal Night when the decision was made to disarm them in preparation of deportation.
Those like Alex Jones who claim Hitler disarmed the German people are liars. Those who believe liars like Jones are dumb people.