Gun-control hypocrite Michael Bloomberg is protected by 17 armed bodyguards

Fellowship of the Minds – by Dr. Eowyn

This comes as no surprise to any of us, but it still should be said.

Michael Bloomberg, 77, billionaire, former NYC mayor (2002-2013) and currently a 2020 Democrat presidential candidate, is strongly pro-gun control, so much so that he founded the non-profit Everytown for Gun Safety to advocate and push for gun control, and match the National Rifle Association (NRA) in political influence. 

But like other pro-gun control elites, Bloomberg enjoys the protection of armed personal security guards. He just doesn’t want you to have the same protection.

AWR Hawkins reports for Breitbart, Feb. 3, 2020, that Michael Bloomberg’s use of armed guards has been noted through the years, including:

(1) On November 29, 2011, during the Obama administration, then-mayor Bloomberg crowed in a speech at MIT that “I have my own army in the NYPD, which is the seventh largest army in the world. I have my own state department, to Foggy Bottom’s annoyance. We have the UN in New York, so we have entree into the diplomatic world that Washington does not have. I don’t listen to Washington very much, which is something they’re not thrilled about.” (New York Post)

(2) In November 2013, the New York Post reported that law enforcement sources told the NYP that “Mayor Bloomberg is taking his most trusted NYPD bodyguards with him to the private sector next year — to ensure they don’t spill any of his secrets” and “keep their mouths shut.” Bloomberg’s new 17-member security team would include a current lieutenant and several detectives, all with more than 20 years on the force. The cops would all hit the jackpot with “six-figure salaries” as well as cushy NYPD pensions from their public salaries of at least $120,000 each.

(3) In August 2017, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson also pointed out Bloomberg’ hypocrisy. Carlson said (4:42 mark in the video below):

“But I wonder if guns are so bad, and people often say this but I’ve never got a real answer, why does Mike Bloomberg have armed bodyguards? I don’t get it. Like if I run a bodega [a small grocery store] in the Bronx, I don’t get to carry a gun. I’ve been in a lot of danger, but Mike Bloomberg doesn’t think I should have a gun, I can’t be trusted, and yet he runs around ’cause he’s a billionaire with all these guys with automatic weapons. Why is that fair for him but not for the bodega guy?”


Fellowship of the Minds

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