Gun Safety PSA Features Sex Toys to Show Danger of Kids Finding Unlocked Guns

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On June 26, the non-profit group Evolve launched a new gun safety PSA aimed at stressing parental responsibility by focusing on how kids play with whatever they find–be that a gun or a sex toy.

In the video, two mothers are talking on the porch when their sons run past them while having a sword fight with their mothers’ sex toys which had not been properly stored in the house. A male voice-over says, “If they find it, they’ll play with it.”  

The camera zooms in on the boys swiping at each other with their fake swords and the narrator says, “So always lock up your guns.”

Evolve co-founder Rebecca Bond said:

Our PSA is humorous, but the message is serious. Parents need to take ownership of safety in the house. If you don’t want kids to play with it, put it away–it’s up to you to keep your stuff locked up. We’re using humor to cut through political correctness and deliver a simple message. Americans can have a serious conversation about firearm safety that doesn’t devolve into a political abyss.

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