Heavily Armed Idaho 3 Percenters Roll Up On FBI Compound Burns Oregon

Streamed live 11 hours ago by Pete Santilli Show

Historic: Heavily Armed Idaho 3 Percenters Roll Up On FBI Compound (Pacific Patriot Network) – VIDEO CREDIT : Embed Reporter Michael Emery of The Voice of Idaho (http://tvoinews.com)

This is the very first time in U.S. History that the Federal Bureau of Investigations has ever been confronted by heavily armed members of the Patriot community. The leadership team of the Pacific Patriot Network rolled up on the FBI compound with approximately 20 vehicles and entered into firm, but diplomatic dialogue with FBI agents.

Again, to emphasize the significance of this historic event; the Constitutional Crisis at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is being peacefully resolved with direct intervention by the PPN.

More updates, analysis and coverage will follow this important report. PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH MEMBERS OF THE ENTIRE PATRIOT COMMUNITY…..especially Stewart Rhodes and other nay-sayer fake-triots who lack the capacity to lead our republic to a Constitutional Restoration.

To all those who only participate in Patriot events they can win — in advance — you are witnessing the courage & leadership.

16 thoughts on “Heavily Armed Idaho 3 Percenters Roll Up On FBI Compound Burns Oregon

  1. My Fellow Patriots,

    First off, the moment the likes of “Pete Santilli” get invovled, the situation is already tainted.

    In this instance, Cheese Dick Pete opens by reviewing a piece of video of so called “3-Percenters” militia “Facing-Off” with the FBI, and stating what a “history making event” this is.

    What I saw, was 40 or some minutes of so called “militia”, smoking and joking with their communist counterparts in the Foreign Bolsheviks Incognito (FBI), and achieve absolutely nothing, except to expose this is nothing more than theater.

    It was all smiles and warm comfy words with each other, and clearly, these people were EXTREMELY comfortable with each other.

    Q: Why do the ones picked to “represent” the militia always look, and come across as so unprofessional?

    What Should Have Happened: They roll up to the FBI with their legitimate demands, which should have included a notice to vacate, and a prepardness to enforce it, period, bar none.

    This little soiree was little more than some old frat buddies meeting up, saying hi to each other, and then leaving to go get lunch.

    YEAH!!!,.. that’s how you impress this EFIO (Enemy Force In Occupation) that your serious!!!

    JD – US Marines – This doesn’t even make the Pee-Wee Herman show as decent theater.


    1. The word ” Militia” has turned into a joke. This crew looks like they just bought tickets to Disney World.

  2. Pete sanshilly is eating real good IMO , in fact he is starting to remind me of the other fat bastard a/j . Burn the House down , & shoot the Rats as they run out !!! Then rebuild w/ the B O R s as a blueprint ! Start the ball Tector !!!

  3. What I saw was a group of hoodie-wearing (non-uniformed) guys with NO GUNS come up to an FBI roadblock, and initiate conversation. I DID see a lot of uniformed FBI and State types all armed to the teeth and puffed up. Santilli seems to be just another AJ wannabee (and who would want to be like that rat). This all seems to be theater to me.

  4. Santilli is a Hollywood wannabe. Nothing, NOTHING substantive was discussed. JD, You are exactly right. The spliced up video was cobbled together for sensationalism.

    Crawl back into your hole Santilli….

  5. Wasn’t that Lon Horuchi standing on the left? What’s the matter, it’s all flat ground so the fascist’s can’t get sniper advantage? This clip should convince anyone that any high profile militia is compromised.

  6. Pete Santelli had Vinnie Eastwood shutdown on YouTube for a while. Yeah google that ! My personal opinion: Being very polite.

  7. WOW “a history making event” I’ll remember where I was on this day the rest of my life. Santilli should get the Edward R. Morrow award for broadcasting.
    What a waste of time.

  8. Santilli needs to go back to doing what he does best… posting e-mails from whistleblowers and “credible sources”. 🙄

  9. Something doesn’t make sense. You do not talk, negotiate, relent, or repent EVER to an enemy. They looked like slaves trying to gain favor with an oppressive owner. You do now ask, or plead or beg for mercy if you are a free man. You destroy an enemy who is trying to enslave and murder you any chance you get, because you may not get another chance when opportunity knocks. Negotiate? Have they lost their minds????? Watching this video that convinced me more than anything else to never ever join the 3%’ers if I ever move to Idaho. I’ll take rank with those whom they call the crazies. T malign your fellow militiamen to an enemy force in our country is giving aid and comfort. There is no other way to say it. You will never convince these monsters to shuffle off in shame for what they are apart of and what they have done. If you look closely you are looking at pretty calm but very alert, group of sociopaths in FBI combat uniformed pumped full of steroids and who knows what other drugs. There are killers. Just look at that bunch? They are big, powerfully built every one of them. Good to be fit, but they were all that way to the same degree. Then you see in the back ground some Oriental man laughing and grinning so silly. The you had the OTHER agents in street cloths and sunglasses. Who were they? They didn’t say anything. They seemed to be the ones just watching.

    Laughing with an enemy and lampooning those they clame to be on the same side of? What are they thinking? Who in hell are these 3%’ers.

    The agaent with the baseball cap and headphones looks a lot like this chap:
    Leon Kowalski (Blade Runner) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ic0PuvJbdu0

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