Homeland Security panel recommends taller fence for White House

White House FenceiHLS

Israeli security experts have said before that the fence around the White House does not stop intruders.

Now, a homeland security panel says that a taller fence for the White House is the most important immediate step in ramping up protection for the president.  

According to the Telegraph, the report was submitted to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson. The United States Secret Service Protective Mission Panel began examining presidential security and the role of the Secret Service after a number of incidents, including one in which a man jumped the White House fence and got into the building before he was apprehended.

“A better fence can provide time, and time is crucial to the protective mission,” the report said. “Every additional second of response time provided by a fence that is more difficult to climb makes a material difference in ensuring the President’s safety and protecting the symbol that is the White House.”

The fence could be as much as 4 to 5 feet taller than the existing one and designed so that it does not have horizontal bars providing foot and hand holds, the report said.

The panel said it should be possible to provide a secure fence that also meets the aesthetic and historic considerations of the White House.


7 thoughts on “Homeland Security panel recommends taller fence for White House

  1. How about 12′ tall and covered in razor wire and then lure all Congress and past POTUS inside along with their “friends” like Jeffery Imelt and Soros ,all members of CIA and APAC and then slam the gates shut and declare it a prison for traitors under NDAA and then let them rot inside eating only GMO food, forced vaccinations – constantly and spray them from overhead with aluminum and barium.

    1. Let’s do the Waco shuffle and burn the F’N place to the ground. We can rebuild once we rid ourselves of that vermin.

  2. Well of course they would recommend a taller fence. Hell, they’d recommend 12 foot tall barbed wire fences on every lawn in the country if they could. They want the entire country as one big prison camp. Duh!

    And everyone knew they were going to do this from the moment the first paid idiot entered the White House area unannounced. It’s called a “false flag, problem-reaction-solution”. DUH!

    Since China is buying out our country, maybe they should recommend them to build a wall around the White House like they have for Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden Palace or maybe even a “Great Wall” at the border. We all know the “Great Wall” worked so well for them. 🙄

    I don’t know about you, but if people can’t see through all of this by now, they need more than glasses.

  3. Lock ’em in!

    I don’t think a taller fence will stop something big from being tossed over the fence if another country’s leader decided to do so.
    . . .

  4. What would it help to lock them in?
    Have all of you forgotten the tunnels and caverns under the whitehouse and the district of criminals?

    Any form of violence against government will be counter productive.
    The only way to stop the madness is the old practice of shunning.
    Stop doing business and associating with anyone and their families
    involved in government, policy enforcement, and military.

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