How to Camp on BLM Land: Why, How and Where

Creativity RV

If you are considering a mobile life, try Boondocking on BLM land. When you do, your budget opens up and the beauty of the natural world reveals itself in miraculous ways, each new adventure unfurling just around the next bend in the road.

Because boondocking is free, you can live without the worry of a mortgage or rent payment. It opens up your budget and allows you to choose how you want to live.  Perhaps that is to work less, or be creative, or just sit and watch the birds fly by.  It’s up to you.  But Boondocking is not your mother’s RV camping. To me, it’s a lot more fun, but its also a little different than traditional RVing.  

When you boondock, you are not hooked up to the power, water and sewer connections you might get in an RV Park. The good news is, you also don’t have to pay the price tag that comes with those parks, or the stinky view most of them provide. One of the best ways to boondock is on BLM Land. Never heard of it? Let me explain…

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6 thoughts on “How to Camp on BLM Land: Why, How and Where

    1. Still need to learn how they operate Charlie, cant walk around with your head buried in the ground. Everybody needs to learn about how they operate.

      1. There is no blm in texas it has its land office. The feds just call it something else. i refuse to participate or recognize any government ownership of land.

  1. We have blm land in ky back in the day we bow hunted a few of those spots . They alway had good places to park off to the side of the road

  2. Going to the american peoples blm controlled land in an hour to spray some copper and.lead. Neer shot a .30-40 kraig before. Should be fun. Got to warm up my new 6.5 and make sure.its trustworthy. Usually a sheriff nearby when we leave. 6 people a.swat team keeps them from doing anything besides wave and record tag numbers.

  3. Unless you live in Reno, NV., Recently there was a propaganda hit piece by one the local ch 4 tv. ‘reporters’
    claiming if you camped on public land you were ‘stealing trom the tax payers’. The whole thing smacked of your not a good comrad if you dare live on the chosenites land.

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