Hundreds gather in Brandenburg, Kentucky, to protect Confederate monument from potential vandalism


BRANDENBURG, Ky. (WDRB) — Hundreds of people gathered at the riverfront in Brandenburg, Kentucky, on Friday, some with rifles and wearing military-style fatigues, to protect a Confederate monument from protesters against racial injustice.

Some of the town’s residents had expressed concerns that protesters might vandalize or even tear down the monument, but counter-protesters have blocked any access to the site.

The site of the 70-foot-tall monument, which until 2016 sat on the University of Louisville campus, has become a microcosm of racial tensions that have gripped much of the nation in recent weeks.

While a few protesters on Friday held up signs that read “Black Lives Matter,” counter-protesters yelled at them, “All Lives Matter,” and told the protesters to get out of their county, with some using expletives to reinforce their message.

Some business owners boarded up windows in anticipation of possible violence, but law enforcement officers from several agencies had kept the peace, at least through 10 p.m.

18 thoughts on “Hundreds gather in Brandenburg, Kentucky, to protect Confederate monument from potential vandalism

  1. I was there the last two nights . How do you post pics here . What ever the news is saying is bull shit , well over 2000 just in the park . Ever business in town had people there to stop any burning . Plus people came from a lot of places to stand with us ….

    1. Al, where is the location of this video? A couple of the comments over at youtube say this group is black hebrew israelites. Was this even real?

      1. I thought it was in the new country Chaz but am not sure…also starting to think they want this vid out there to fuel the fire.

        1. They said they would be going to Brittlebank Park which is in South Carolina. So I’m figuring this was in S. Carolina.

    2. Easy to see there’s big money behind this present chaos. Jewish banker money. What I’m thinking is that over the past few years those bankers saw the opposition to their tyranny growing. Also, and at an accelerated rate, so many people became aware of the gross infringements on their rights. The movement to arm up went through the ceiling. And the bankers seeing all this finally decided to attempt to be there first, and to attempt to outdo the true uprising. Anybody else seeing this? Either way, we have our numbers in people of sanity, people who can’t be swayed, people of all shades, gathering under The Bill of Rights. Never have I seen such a push to divide us. And with paid actors everywhere. All this theater could actually work in our favor and unite those who are truly for freedom. And ever I pray, God help us.


      1. I was told something similar to this occurred in the borough parking lot next to my shop. Washing/kissing of black feet etc. I wasn’t there and they had a relatively large turnout but I think most are staged and then they have their little commie-joo sycophants to fluff numbers. Also sjw types, wetbacks and lgbtqhdgrjf support them and rally around their “base” because they are anti-white/pro-commie-joo.

      2. That is pretty much precisely what I’d say as well, Galen. I figure the criminal psycho elites must realize that their wet dream of total enslavement of all except for them was being totally exposed and this is the wind down of phase 2 (phase 1 was “covid-19” lockdown crapola), and phase 3 might be another covid type event or attempts to just flat out blame whites for everything turning whites against other races/groups when all groups should be working against the elites….these psychos look like they are getting more desperate than ever….at some point, Noahide will also play into it, once the Syn of Sat has enough whites/blacks/Hispanics/Asians/whatever completely bought off. (And, of course, Christian Zionists will have their role to play as well…)

        1. Well, DL,I think you just about tidied that up nicely. 🙂 I do think operation patcon is next on the itinerary, what with “independence day” and all on its way.

    1. Thanks for this link HD. I live 60 miles north of Seattle and hope I never have to go there again. Turning into a communist sh*thole. Trump supporters or the commies… what’s the difference ?? I hope I can see the black smoke billowing into the sky while these Idiots kill each other!! Saving my lead for the right fight.

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