I call Bull S%*T on ISIS Airstrikes! Video proof of foreknowledge!

Published on Sep 23, 2014 by Professor Doom1

Videos showing ISIS Iraq airstrikes proves ISIS members know when bombs are coming and bombs don’t even seek ISIS members but Artillery piece. Artillery piece looks old and possibly a video prop!

3 thoughts on “I call Bull S%*T on ISIS Airstrikes! Video proof of foreknowledge!

  1. Do they actually do ANYTHING they say they’re going to do anymore, or are we down to 100% lies 100% of the time now.

  2. I spotted this video earlier today and said the same thing….fake. One thing I missed was the guy covering up his ears …that makes three fake things I saw. The other two things that prove it’s a fake? Not one soul near the artillery piece as it’s bombed and the amazing fact that the camera man had the artillery piece perfectly in frame just waiting for something to happen.

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