‘I will not comply’: Ex-cop tells House Judiciary Committee she will not obey assault-style weapon ban

Washington Examiner – by Mike Brest

A former Tulsa police officer admitted during testimony before the House Judiciary Committee that she would “not comply” with an assault-style weapons ban if Congress were to pass one.

Dianna Muller, a 22-year veteran of the Tulsa Police Department and the founder of gun advocacy group The DC Project, was one of many to testify in front of the committee during their Protecting America from Assault Weapon hearing Wednesday. 

“Please don’t legislate the 150 million people just like me into being criminals. It has happened. You’ve already done it,” Muller said, referring to the Trump administration’s ban on bump stocks, according to Fox News. “I was a bump stock owner, and I had to make a decision: Do I become a felon, or do I comply?”

She went on to say, “I will not comply,” if the administration were to pass an assault-style weapons ban.

The issue of gun control took on renewed vigor last month after mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, which left approximately 30 people dead. Following the massacres, President Trump argued in favor of closing some of the loopholes in background checks, but later walked back that idea after facing backlash from the National Rifle Association.


5 thoughts on “‘I will not comply’: Ex-cop tells House Judiciary Committee she will not obey assault-style weapon ban

  1. She will because she HAS REPEATEDLY over the course of her unlawful career.

    The first hunger pang she gets, she’ll crawl back to the teat she’s been suckling for the last 22 years.

    Besides, for her it’s just a little further than she is accustomed to.

    I don’t believe her for a second because she’s already a proven oathbreaker.

    1. agreed

      and once a State goon always a state goon

      all of a sudden you “get it”? too fckin bad

      those of us dealing with you and your tyrant buddies still remember … FOREVER

      NOBODY made you take that job

      also: none of these so called “banns” are constitutional , they are void and should be prosecuted

  2. “The issue of gun control took on renewed vigor last month after mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, which left approximately 30 people dead.”

    Fact check: we were TOLD 30 people were killed.

    We were SHOWN ZERO EVIDENCE of those claims.

    F$&K YOU!!!!!

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