Idaho 18yo Charged With ‘Attempting to Provide Material Support to ISIS’ – FBI Informants Gave Him ISIS Flag, Helped Plan ‘Attack’

By Chris Menahan – Information Liberation

The feds appear to be trying to drum up support for America and Israel’s wars in the Middle East by entrapping an idiot 18-year-old in a plot to attack churches in Idaho on behalf of ISIS.

The Department of Justice on Monday unsealed charges against 18-year-old Alexander Mercurio of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho for allegedly “attempting to provide material support and resources to ISIS.”

News2Share’s Ford Fisher reported that “at least three [FBI Confidential Human Source Informants] and an undercover helped him plan attacks on churches before the FBI arrested him.”

“Here, [Mercurio] poses with a flag given to him by a CHS in a photo taken by a CHS,” Fisher added.









“The defendant swore an oath of loyalty to ISIS and planned to wage an attack in its name on churches in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement on Monday, CBS News reports. “Thanks to the investigative efforts of the FBI, the defendant was taken into custody before he could act.”

If convicted, Mercurio faces up to 20 years in federal prison, the DOJ said.

Mercurio’s dad is lucky the FBI finally stepped in before he killed him — and same goes for the churchgoers he was allegedly targeting. The feds claim in their indictment that their informant was told on or about March 26 that Mercurio said he would carry out the attack “in the last few days of Ramadan” (which spans from March 10 to April 9).

The feds said they arrested him on April 6 and his “attack” was planned for April 7.

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