Idaho mom’s arrest for refusing to leave park playground with kids ignites lockdown protests

BizPac Review – by Samantha Chang

Idaho mom Sarah Brady was arrested after she refused to leave a playground that had been closed due to nationwide coronavirus lockdowns.

Brady was charged with misdemeanor trespassing and has since been bailed out. Her arrest sparked a protest at the Meridian (Idaho) City Hall.

This incident spotlights Americans’ growing impatience with what many consider unconstitutional and unreasonable lockdowns amid the COVID-19 crisis.

The brouhaha erupted after Brady and a small group of people allowed their children to play at a park, which was closed. The group had gone to the park as part of a planned protest of the state’s lockdown orders.

Videos posted on Twitter and Facebook show Brady daring the police to arrest her after she ignored their repeated requests to leave the park.

“Arrest me for being difficult. Do it! Record it!” Brady said in the video.

Shortly before Brady is handcuffed, the arresting office tells her: “Ma’am, I’ve told you to exit numerous times. This is it. Exit the playground area now. I’m really trying to be nice about this.”

While onlookers at the park yelled at the police officers, keep in mind that they’re merely enforcing the rules that local and state government officials imposed.

In a statement, the Meridian Police Department said: “After being told to leave the playground multiple times, 40-year-old Sarah Brady of Meridian refused to leave and was arrested for one count of misdemeanor trespassing.”

meridian police department mom arreste

The strictest lockdowns have been mandated by Democrat governors and mayors who are exploiting the coronavirus crisis to impose overly-restrictive shutdowns.

However, in this instance, both the mayor of Meridian and the governor of Idaho are Republican.

The incident illustrates the mounting frustration that Americans are having with draconian, one-size-fits-all citizen lockdowns and business shutdowns.

Idaho has a population of 1.8 million. But to date, it has recorded only 51 deaths attributed to the coronavirus. Unlike New York City (the coronavirus epicenter), it has a low population density.

It makes no sense to impose the same strict lockdown orders for NYC (population: 8.7 million) on Meridian, Idaho (population: 106,804).

And even in New York City, most of the coronavirus deaths and infections are in the outer boroughs and not in Manhattan itself, where many residents practice social-distancing and are able to work from home.

Numerous medical experts say it’s unhealthy for people to remain in lockdown, and doing so actually increases your chances of contracting the Wuhan coronavirus.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson explained: “What does the research tell us about being outside? As it happens, there’s quite a bit of it…That enclosed spaces are a dangerous place to be in a pandemic. That was the conclusion of a study earlier this month in the Journal of the American Medical Association.”

Carlson continued: “Another study was more specific. It looked at 320 towns in China over a period of more than a month in order to determine how the coronavirus spreads. The most common place patients were infected: their homes. Eighty percent of outbreaks began there. Thirty-four percent of new cases began on public transportation. The conclusion? “All identified outbreaks of three or more cases occurred in an indoor environment, which confirms that sharing indoor space is a major [coronavirus] infection risk.”

Source: Tucker Carlson Tonight)

Studies suggest that draconian, one-size-fits-all lockdowns are actually be making us MORE vulnerable to getting sick.

“Researchers have found that fresh air and exercise boost your immune system, just like your grandmother claimed,” Tucker said. “As a recent piece in the Atlantic put it: ‘The outdoors and sunshine are such strong factors in fighting viral infections, that a 2009 study of the extraordinary success of outdoor hospitals during the 1918 influenza epidemic suggested that during the next pandemic, we should encourage ‘the public to spend as much time outdoors as possible.’”

Tucker added: “Yet as you may have noticed, politicians are doing precisely the opposite, and driving Americans to neurosis in the process. Prescriptions for anti-anxiety medications have risen dramatically nationwide in the past six weeks. Why are our leaders hurting us on purpose? Because they can. Controlling the population makes them feel powerful. Our fear makes us easier to control.”

BizPac Review

7 thoughts on “Idaho mom’s arrest for refusing to leave park playground with kids ignites lockdown protests

  1. “While onlookers at the park yelled at the police officers, keep in mind that they’re merely enforcing the rules that local and state government officials imposed.”

    Just following orders so it’s all good. As far as &ucker carlson goes, they may be his leaders but he must have a mouse in his pocket. What a “toe the line” piece of crap propaganda piece.

    1. Yeah, I noticed how this story started out as one woman’s stand for freedom and quickly morphed into agenda-driven dross.


    2. I noticed that too, Marist, making excuses for the jackboots. Well, they do have an option and that is to tell their bosses to pound sand, they will not arrest people for BS reasons.

  2. Need to find a way to follow these cases
    And see just how far into the bullshit justice system they actually go

    And if they are legit to begin with

  3. “However, in this instance, both the mayor of Meridian and the governor of Idaho are Republican.”

    Yet more divide & conquer BS! The left & the right are just the 2 cheeks of the same arse & everything that comes out of it smells bad! As long as people keep falling for this crap they will continue to be repeatedly raped (in THEIR backsides!)!

  4. Misdemeanor trespassing is not and never has been, an arrestable offense. The police officers and all other town officials involved are guilty of “denial of due process of law” & deprivation of rights, under color of law. Which led to false arrest and false imprisonment. All felony charges if pressed correctly.

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