In 2025, all draftable U.S. WOMEN will be force-vaccinated with deadly mRNA spike proteins by the Medical/Military Industrial Complex

By S.D. Wells –

There’s a lot more to the draft these days than just readying and sending soldiers into the meat grinders of the political mass-embezzlement schemes, a.k.a. the military industrial complex. Now Big Pharma has its teeth sunk in deep, and every military member drafted next year, including all “eligible” women, will surely face the wrath of the mRNA-Industrial Complex.

Did you know that 98 percent of all U.S. military forces, meaning the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard, got the deadly Covid-19 “clot shot” mRNA spike protein “vaccines?” They sure did. Over 6.5 million experimental, untested, gene-and-cell-altering mRNA stabs were administered to U.S. military members, modifying their cells to produce endless protein prions that cause rubbery vascular clots, myocarditis, pericarditis, spontaneous abortions and turbo cancer.


And just in case you were wondering, yes, the Secretary of Defense made the toxic jabs MANDATORY for service members after the nefarious FDA “approved” them (they never really did) for mass-injection (as a biological weapon of mass destruction). Service members who refused to get the useless, worthless, unsafe, ineffective prion injections were DISCHARGED from the military. The military told the fully unvaccinated to do the “right thing” and that it was a “lawful order” that must be “obeyed” because it is a “valid medical readiness requirement.” Oh, really?

In case you are unaware, mRNA DOES change your DNA. Your cells are permanently altered so they produce virus-mimicking spike prions forever, that flood the vascular system, strain the heart, invade organs, disrupt the immune system and clot in the brain. What better way to cripple America than to draft all military-aged humans, male or female, and force-vaccinate them with the most dangerous and deadly jab ever created on Earth.

The National Defense Authorization Act for 2025 has a blueprint plan where all military-age women and men are involuntarily (by mandate) required to register for selective service (meat grinder duty) to help greedy politicians and globalists steal resources from other countries (think oil and opium), run guns (includes automatic weapons, tanks, jets, missiles and nuclear warheads), and embezzle trillions of dollars printed and collected from tax-paying, hard-working Americans.


Notice that America only defends (invades and occupies) territories that are bountiful with resources we can steal, otherwise, we couldn’t care less. Think Iraq, Afghanistan, Ukraine and now the Middle East. Meanwhile, the gender-fluid, devil-worshipping trannies will be in their high heels and heavy lipstick, prancing around the battlefield, wondering why their heart feels like it’s about to explode, and why there’s a weird green glow to their skin, food and surrounding soil. Can you say Chernobyl without coughing into your rainbow-colored face diaper?


Whether the proxy war is in Ukraine, Russia, China, North Korea, Mexico, Canada or every metropolitan city in the USA, the goal is the same for the insane Demoncrats and globalists. Eliminate Americans and replace them with illegal immigrants. Well, the LGBTQPs demand “equal rights,” so there you go. Off to war. Get injected, then get infected. The Biden Regime supports genocide across the board. They do not discriminate when it comes to supporting mass death by bombs, vaccines, city violence or drug overdose (by fentanyl and prescription opioids). Also realize that the mass-depopulation scheme in effect is heightened when all U.S. military-aged (baby-making aged) women are injected with spike proteins that cause miscarriages, spontaneous abortions and infertility. Get it? Remember what Bill Gates said, that if we do a “really great job with vaccines and reproductive care,” we can reduce the world’s population by a few billion. He meant clot shots and abortions.


Get ready for three wars: War against Russia, War against Chinese Communists and the Inside Job War where mRNA jabs kill off our military in droves. Surely the Biden Regime will blame Russia for using “biological weapons” or “chemical weapons” while the “Draft Vax” Bird Flu clot shots exterminate U.S. forces by the numbers. Beware of the War Machine and the War Vaccines. Beware also that the enemy might just be AI-terminator-style bots, drones and machines. Or the new invisible “terrorists” could be biological weapons made in the Wuhan lab. We will all know in 2025 if the Democrats steal the election, again.

7 thoughts on “In 2025, all draftable U.S. WOMEN will be force-vaccinated with deadly mRNA spike proteins by the Medical/Military Industrial Complex

    1. Speaking of partisan b.s… The great, presidential debate is tomorrow. This is what CNN says the rules are:

      ” What are the rules of the debate? The debate will include two commercial breaks, according to the network, and campaign staff may not interact with their candidate during that time. The candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium. Microphones will be muted throughout the debate except for the candidate whose turn it is to speak. While no props or pre-written notes will be allowed on the stage, candidates will be given a pen, a pad of paper and a bottle of water. The event will not feature a studio audience.”

      Gee, I just can’t imagine why they wouldn’t want an audience of real people. Probably they’re petrified of getting a fully sane human being who might wreak a little havoc on the circus; might, like Toto, pull away the curtain and reveal “The Wizard of Iz.” But hey, good entertainment is hard to come by.


      1. last time they had a human audience , Trump brought in Bill Clintons accusers to the debate , this is probably why they banned a live audience. Juanita Broadrick I know for sure was there because no one missed the look ‘Ol Billy gave her the look of fear was visible , I’m not sure if Monica was there too or not

        I’m no Trump fan but its hard to deny his level of trolling is epic sometimes , the Clintons deserve anything negative they get

        1. Yeah, I was wondering if Stormy Daniels would there, and Ivanka’s childhood girlfriend. Maybe even Biden’s daughter with copies of “The Shower Chronicles.”

          Man, the worst of the worst is presenting itself as the best of the best.

          1. 100% Galen ,, 2 sick slobs at the tax coffers of our country ..this is so disgusting

          2. Just had to watch/spy, and gotta say the debate was pure circus. One an idiot; the other a pompous ass. Lies and more lies. Spent quite a bit of time on who’s the better golfer. So important for leading a country and assuring its liberties are never infringed. Then spent more time on mainstream issues. And nary a speck of anything suggesting we are now a communist nation ruled by Israel which is ever threatening us with war and plagues. Never heard a word about the mutilation of children’s genitals. And never heard the word Gaza, or genocide. Well, the King of Israel did reiterate his “Finish the job” recommendation.

            Funniest line was from the moderator who included this in one of her question:

            “Inflation has slowed but prices remain the same…”

            Who’s it slowed for, lady? Not for myself or anybody I know.

            And covid, covid, covid!! And border, border, border!! And lies, lies, lies!!

            It was a grand feat of pointing fingers at each other and avoiding anything that has to do with trampling on our rights. All about them, and not us. The most magnificent superficial bullsh*t!! And Biden might have been on speed.

            Will any “candidate” ever come right out and say, “Folks, it’s The Bill of Rights or we’re sunk; this is our 1775 moment – It’s either freedom or slavery?”

            Oh that’s right. This was all in T.V. land where no one tells the truth and the status quo is ever upheld.


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