In China you now have to scan your face to buy things at the grocery store! If your government social score too low… REJECTED

4 thoughts on “In China you now have to scan your face to buy things at the grocery store! If your government social score too low… REJECTED

  1. Soon we’ll see the smashing of these machines, just like what’s going on in London with the cameras. All such efforts matter. And surely there is something in the Chinese soul, something way back, something pre-communism, something primordial that remembers who and what it is.

    Chinese Proverbs:

    “One cannot refuse to eat just because there is a chance of being choked.”

    “The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle.”


  2. A precursor to Revelation 13’s “Mark of the Beast” “buy or sell” narrative…and remembering Mao Zedong’s use of the phrase “with Chinese characteristics”….but I hope Galen is correct here about the Chinese soul.

    1. The mark of the beast was implemented in 70 AD by the jews in Jerusalem,Nero was the man 666. The tribulation happened already, its was God’s tribulation on those dirty Kikes and God destroyed them. Their is no future tribulation, that is Zionist propaganda teaching by this satanic Zionist christian church, and their is no rapture. Stop believing the lies coming from these Zionist pastors

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