In First Ever Animal Case, Feds Approve Unlabeled Genetically Modified Salmon ss “Fit For Consumption”

The Daily Sheeple – by Melissa Dykes

Someday in the not too distance future, our kids aren’t going to know what real food is. It’ll be a myth, like magical flying unicorns. They barely do now, considering all of the five-syllable petrochemicals, excitotoxins, and artificial crap most of our grocery stores are filled with, not to mention tons of unlabeled, pesticide-producing and doused genetically modified crops like corn and soy which are found in everything these days. The words “all natural” must be the most used and abused (and utterly meaningless) two words ever printed on a food package.  

Now federal regulators have approved genetically modified salmon as “fit for consumption” in the first time ever a genetically engineered animal has been cleared for America’s dining tables.

As you can see from the picture above, the new salmon is much larger than traditional salmon, and opponents to the approval have long stated that releasing this genetically modified animal in the wild could potentially allow it, an obviously much larger fish, to forever corrupt nature’s wild salmon populations.

“This unfortunate, historic decision disregards the vast majority of consumers, many independent scientists, numerous members of Congress and salmon growers around the world, who have voiced strong opposition,” Wenonah Hauter, executive director of Food & Water Watch, said in a statement.

AquaBounty Technologies AquAdvantage salmon has been genetically engineered to grow twice as fast as natural salmon. The company has been trying to get this salmon approved since the 1990s.

Considering the genetically engineered foods industry essentially monitors and regulates itself with its own safety testing and studies that the FDA later looks over and approves, nothing about this situation should make any American hungry for salmon any time soon.

In fact, when the FDA launched the 60-day consumer comment period on the potential approval of this fish, it did so quietly during the holiday season, likely hoping not many people would notice. Instead, the agency received thousands of comments from concerned consumers, consumer protection agencies, scientists, and even 40 members of Congress.

Via Organic Consumers:

The FDA claims “Frankenfish” won’t harm the environment, endanger human health, or harm natural populations of salmon. This accepted narrative conflicts with the FDA’s own data – derived from AquaBounty’s internal research – which shows the GE fish increases the potential for allergies. And do we really want to eat a fish that contains elevated levels of the growth hormone, IGF-1, linked to prostate, breast and colon cancers?

Like all other genetically modified foods in this country, citizens will have no protections via labeling laws to know whether or not they are eating a frankensalmon. Our best hope is that producers of wild caught salmon will voluntarily label their fish as not genetically engineered, a label which will likely help sell more wild, non-GMO fish and allow people to avoid the yet unknown short-and-long term health and environmental consequences of consuming genetically engineered animals.

Way to continue approving the raping of Mother Nature, FDA.

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Contributed by Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple.

Melissa Dykes is a writer, researcher, and analyst for The Daily Sheeple and a co-creator of Truthstream Media with Aaron Dykes, a site that offers teleprompter-free, unscripted analysis of The Matrix we find ourselves living in. Melissa also co-founded Nutritional Anarchy with Daisy Luther of The Organic Prepper, a site focused on resistance through food self-sufficiency. Wake the flock up!

One thought on “In First Ever Animal Case, Feds Approve Unlabeled Genetically Modified Salmon ss “Fit For Consumption”

  1. Around here, the Bnai Brithers are big salmon eaters. What could be better than GMO salmon chock full of 4th or 5th generation antibiotics and hormones for the chosen? :o)

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