In the UK banks are now refusing large individual cash withdrawals. There will be a run on the banks & simple fact of the matter is – THEY DONT HAVE YOUR MONEY.

One thought on “In the UK banks are now refusing large individual cash withdrawals. There will be a run on the banks & simple fact of the matter is – THEY DONT HAVE YOUR MONEY.

  1. While a TikTok video should never be believed as a source of truth we all know this is exactly how banks operate. It’s already “ILLEGAL” in some European countries to withdraw above a certain amount of YOUR OWN MONEY in cash out of a bank. When this sort of thing starts happening more & more will people do what they need to do to the owners of these banks? Did they do it every time it happened in the past? Or did they just let these banks keep getting away with this CRIME over & over again therefore complying to the banks’ control over everyone so that we are still all getting increasingly f*cked over every day like this? And how will you EVER “withdraw” digital funds when you finally let them ultimately f*ck you over? Most people around me appear to be either compliant pussies or compliant elitist know-it-all traitors with delusions of grandeur. I also speak to quite a few whose narrow mainstream worldviews have been challenged since the “covid” BS but I do wonder about their ability to throw off their lifelong programming shackles completely & “do what’s right” when the pressure really gets applied from “above”. I also know there are MANY who will keep up this fight till the end…

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