International experts to meet in Austin, TX, March 22-23 to discuss world solutions to the Fukushima disaster

solutionsNatural News – by J.D. Heyes

Several international experts, including Natural News editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, are scheduled to meet in Austin, Texas, March 22-23 to introduce and discuss solutions to the radiological disaster and fallout from the tsunami-damaged Fukushima Dai’ichi nuclear plant disaster.

The event, which will be held on the campus of the University of Texas, is being sponsored by Young Americans for Liberty, a college group.  

On day one of the two-day event, according to the umbrella group Fukushima Solutions, a wide range of experts will “address site remediation solutions” for the plant, which was crippled March 11, 2011, following a 9.0 earthquake that created a tsunami wave estimated to be at least 100 feet high. Day two “will address health issues and provide solutions for personal health,” the site said.

Adams, who has overseen regular coverage of the disaster on Natural News since it happened, said the time for hand-wringing and dithering is over.

“We need to focus on solutions for remediation of contaminated soils and foods,” said Adams, who is scheduled to speak on day one of the event at 2:00 p.m. “We’ve talked about the problem. It’s time we focused on solutions.”

According to the site, there have been a number of verbal commitments to participate from several major international experts, but because they have not confirmed, the group has not yet released their names. Officials say they will do so once the speakers have made their decisions known.

Several people, along with Adams, have confirmed:

— Navy Lt. Steve Simmons. Simmons was aboard the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier while it was performing emergency rescue operations off the coast of Fukushima, Japan, immediately following the March 2011 accident. Today, he sits in a wheelchair, for his health has collapsed and he believes that it’s due to radiation exposure while off the coast of Japan.

Read more about Simmons’ case here.

— Katrine Volynsky. She is an author, sports nutritionist, wellness coach, heavy metals detoxification specialist and traditional naturopath who helps individuals achieve their health goals through a combination of state-of-the-art technology, nutrition and holistic healing. After being negatively affected by radiation fallout from Chernobyl, she had to find her own path to health and gained a wide knowledge of natural methods for detoxifying and rebuilding the body. She co-founded the Institute of Advanced Natural Health Sciences.

— Steven Starr. He is the director of the Clinical Laboratory Science Program at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Starr is an associate member of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. He is also an expert on the environmental consequences of nuclear war, and in 2011, he made an address to the U.N. General Assembly describing the dangers that nuclear weapons and nuclear war poses to all nations and peoples.

— Ben Fuchs. He writes: “Over the past 20-some years, I have seen drug free recoveries from all matters of health issues. Diabetes, Hyper-Tension, Obesity, Skin Diseases like Acne and Rosacea, Fibromyalgia, Migraine Headaches, Auto-immune issues of all kinds, Digestive Ailments … Recoveries that seem miraculous by the standards of modern medicine, but what is, in the world of The Body, only standard operating procedure. Because the Human Biological System is the Healing and Regenerating System.It’s designed Divinely to heal and renew itself on a moment to moment basis, and while it may seem it is a Miracle to ‘some folks’, this Renewing System is really nothing more than “business as usual” for the Human Body.”

— Dr. John Apsley. Apsley is a physician, author and researcher who for the past 30 years has specialized in regenerative medicine. His cutting-edge techniques are designed to reverse chronic degenerative disease through accelerated tissue repair and cellular regeneration. Apsley’s research has concluded that the emergence of chronic degenerative diseases and premature aging (before the age of 90) is due to the decay over generations of the human constitution. He is the founder of the International College of Regenerative Medicine. An author as well, his latest book is Fukushima Meltdown & Modern Radiation: Protecting Ourselves and Our Future Generations.


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2 thoughts on “International experts to meet in Austin, TX, March 22-23 to discuss world solutions to the Fukushima disaster

  1. Well at least it will get the word out and garner more support and attention to the Fukushima issue. However, them actually being able to do something about it is probably not going to happen.

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