The inventor of the iconic AK-47 assault rifle, Mikhail Kalashnikov, has died at the age of 94. His ingenuity earned him widespread admiration, but his legacy became more controversial when his weapons were used in some of the world’s bloodiest conflicts.
“Mikhail Kalashnikov’s entire life is a shining example of dedication to serving your country,” said a statement from Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu.
“For many generations of Russians his name became a symbol of the glory and reliability of our weapons, and a source of national pride.”
Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed “deep condolences” over the death of the engineer.
Kalashnikov who continued working well into his nineties, had been suffering from heart and intestinal problems, and on November 17 was admitted into intensive care in Izhevsk in central Russia – where the plant that produces the eponymous rifles is located. The official cause of death will be revealed following a mandatory autopsy.
A public funeral will be organized by the regional administration, in consultation with surviving relatives, though no date has been named so far.
Patriot, genius, villain?
For most of his life, Kalashnikov, who was famous for his frugal lifestyle, was feted as a straightforward hero.
The self-taught peasant turned tank mechanic who never finished high school, but achieved a remarkable and lasting feat of engineering while still in his twenties.
But as the rifles, inextricably linked forever to their creator by name, were more and more commonly seen in the hands of terrorists, radicals and child soldiers, the inventor was often forced to defend himself to journalists.
He was forever asked if he regretted engineering the weapon that probably killed more than any other in the last fifty years, though nine out of ten AKs are not produced in Izhevsk, and perhaps as many as half are manufactured illegally.
“I invented it for the protection of the Motherland. I have no regrets and bear no responsibility for how politicians have used it,” he told them.
On a few occasions, when in a more reflective mood, the usually forceful Kalashnikov wondered what might have been.
“I’m proud of my invention, but I’m sad that it is used by terrorists,” he said once.
“I would prefer to have invented a machine that people could use and that would help farmers with their work – for example a lawnmower.”

Indeed, at his museum in Izhevsk, where he spent most of his life working at the factory that was eventually named after him, there is an ingenious mechanical lawnmower Kalashnikov invented to more easily take care of the lawn at his country house.
It’s not what he will be remembered for.
Considering his age and circumstances, it was hardly surprising that Kalashnikov felt he could best serve his country by creating weapons.
Born in 1919, Mikhail was the seventeenth child of well-off peasants. When he was eleven, during Joseph Stalin’s collectivization campaign his parents had their land confiscated, and the whole family was exiled to Siberia (a fact rarely mentioned in fawning Soviet-era biographies).
As the country began to mobilize ahead of a war that seemed inevitable, but was as yet undeclared, Kalashnikov chose to go into a tank brigade.
His aptitude for engineering was immediately apparent.
He was allowed to create several modifications – a tank shot counter, a running time meter – that were to be adopted for the whole Red Army, and made him famous. He was destined to go on an engineering course, when Operation Barbarossa intervened.
Kalashnikov’s own career as a tank commander was cut short in the first few months of the conflict on the Eastern Front, when an explosive shell ripped open his shoulder.
Kalashnikov says the germ of the idea came to him as he recuperated in hospital.
But the invention of the AK-47 was not a Eureka moment, but a trial-and-error process of modifications and improvements undertaken by a team over six years.

While for propaganda purposes Kalashnikov’s invention was presented as a radically new development, it was based on several principles that had already been seen in British, Russian and Italian weapons to which the inventor had easy access as he drew up his blueprints.
Its main precursor was the German StG 44, the first truly effective automatic weapon of World War II.
But at the same time, Kalashnikov’s masterstroke was to combine the mechanisms of previous weapons to create something with a completely new function.
AK-47 is not a weapon designed for accuracy tests at the firing range. It is a weapon for firefights at close quarters, in harsh Russian conditions.
It can be assembled by a person with no military training, is fired by simply pointing at a target, and it can be easily looked after without a cleaning kit. It does not jam by itself (due to the generous allowances between moving parts, which also explain its mediocre accuracy at range) and it does not stop functioning in any weather conditions.
The AK-47 fulfilled its design brief to perfection, even though there is no way Kalashnikov could have known who it would be used by in the end. More than 60 years after its invention, it remains the world’s most ubiquitous weapon.

Thank you Mikhail for the most robust tyranny eliminator tool on the planet, except for patriotic mind sets.
I own a variant of Mr. Kalashnikov’s invention, an SKS. Technically, it may not be an MBR, but it’s a tack driver, with a flawless, sewing machine like action that has NEVER jammed on me, in my 20 years of shooting.
In terms of ease of use and reliability, check out Colonel David H. Hackworth’s account of his firing an AK-47 immediately after its being buried in a bog for a year. Hackworth’s book, “About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior”, is a must-read for many reasons, but you will find the account I reference in that book.
Actually Kalashnikov didn’t invent the SKS, was designed in 1943 by Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov . its an evolution of the SVT 40 and owes none of its design to Kalashnikovs German team.
The SKS is just as robust and dependable but needs a little more cleaning than an AK,..and its not “select fire”. The AK is a true Assault rifle.
Both are fine rifles!..they are not “tac-drivers” like the M-4 series .but they dont have to be, to be effective . Their greatest asset is the ability to hit a chest sized target out to 300 yards….3-4 inch groupings,..while being able to function under adverse battlefield conditions….ie; minimal maint., foul weather,..dirty or wet conditions….freezing temps and or sub standard ammo. And they dont need all the latest whiz bang battery powered rail mounted crap to make them effective . All you really need is a good set of peep sites for them…..Red Star Arms sells the replacements.
I have several .30 rifles …some American made and some Commie made….. When this WAR goes hot I’m leaving behind the finicky Springfield/Stoner products. And in the dense Southron forest where I live,..I wont feel out gunned.
On the contrary: At the end of WWII – Schmeisser (STG-44 inventor) along with his brother Hans, and Gruner (MG-42 inventor) all Germans and other German engineers were “relocated” to Russia and were held prisoner and forced to work in the Soviet Unions Arms factory with Kalashnikov, who has admitted they “helped” him with his project.
What we have here, being that the AK-47 is designed after the STG-44 and with the MG-42 in mind – it was “German Engineers” that invented the AK-47 for Russia while in captivity for over 15 years after the war. Of course the Russians will not admit that it was 100% German Engineering that gave them the AK-47, but how much does Russia have today that they have stole from us also.
German ingenuity and engineering, not Russian phony Kalashnikov.
interesting… I want one even more.
Reply to jarheadusmc – I did not know that; thanks! What I said about my SKS stands; I guess I just need to tip my hat to the correct people(Hans and Gruner).
I knew the stg was inspiration for the AK. However, I had never heard the part about the engineers being relocated to help develop it. The SKS and the AK are very similar, and its design was implemented before WW2 ended, but just barely. Most Russians were using 5-shot, bolt-action Nagants. A serious caliber rifle, but not something you would want to take against semi or full-auto.
SKS production ceased soon after the war and the AK became mainstay. SKS tooling and machine centers were then sent to China.
And yes, the SKS is a far better all purpose rifle than the sheet metal AK.
So they stole the German’s idea. How Communist of them. Now I know why China and Russia get along so well. Two Communist countries containing a large number of assholes, who steal and take credit for other people’s ideas. How typical.
Yeah…kinda like we did with Verner Von Braun and his V2 rocket that started our space program. Or the jet and stealth technology we “snatched”…er ah ,..hmm liberated. LOL
Operation Paper clip. The West was just as bad.
I’m saddened to discover this news. I own 5 Kalashnikov variant rifles.