The Standard for an American National Patriot

In considering that these united States of the Americas represent a Republic with an emphasis on the rights of the individual, the very idea of uniting becomes a difficult concept to move forward with, as any collectivism for the purpose of forced change is repugnant to the ideals of independent freedoms and liberties.

Our socialist enemies have infiltrated our country and seek to divide us in applying collectivism.  Race based groups, gender based groups, religious based groups, and age based groups are putting forth the notion that an individual can gain power by joining with other individuals and creating a collective will.  However, if you are an American national of the American race who asserts as absolute your rights under the people’s Bill of Rights, no collective can trump your individual will as no person or collection of any size thereof has superior rights to any one individual.  

In looking at the patriot movement and the enemy we face, this simple concept seems the most difficult to convey.  If our cause is true and we as individuals hold our Bill of Rights as the absolute standard that separates us from our collective enemy, identifying one another would seem a simple task. However there are and has been for far too long those who would veer away from the standard for personal gain or even a hypocritical notion of themselves as a superior authority with a right to take command.

An army of forced conscript will never defeat an army consisting of individuals fighting individually for their homes, hearths, and their right to believe as they choose and act freely upon those beliefs; so long as they are violating no other free man’s right to do the same.  Again, this is the standard.

The problem we face today is enormous and multi-faceted beyond conception as our enemy consists of multiple collectives vying for power with their only set standard being absolute dominance and power concentrated into the hands of the few, with the rest being not but soulless slaves condemned to exist in misery as an entertainment for the demonic psychopaths, who, though they promote the collective, set themselves apart as the absolute authority to exercise their will alone as the accumulation of the will of the collective.

It is plain to see in the false left-right paradigm of the democans and republirats.  They will adopt one or two things that the individual desires to see done, incorporating the individual into the collective will, in spite of the fact that the other million things they stand for are in direct contradiction to the rest of the incorporated individual’s beliefs.

Very complicated indeed, but the solution is not, as the standard is not.

If the people’s Bill of Rights is enforced by the people as the absolute law that is its intent, nothing to the contrary can exist.  The Constitution works again as it must.  The government works for the people again as it cannot do otherwise without abolishing itself.

And as for those out there thinking they can walk the fence of self serving ambition, any act against an American free national operating within the standard is, by definition of the English language, committing an act of sedition, lending aid and comfort to the enemy.  A patriot cannot attack another patriot, only a traitor can because to attack the patriot requires an enemy of the patriot and the standard.

An American patriot will die or kill for the standard.  This is what makes the standard absolute.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

The People’s Bill of Rights

Article of the First

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Article of the Second

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Article of the Third

No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.

Article of the Fourth

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Article of the Fifth

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

Article of the Sixth

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

Article of the Seventh

In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Article of the Eighth

Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Article of the Ninth

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Article of the Tenth

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

14 thoughts on “The Standard for an American National Patriot

  1. Well said, Henry.

    I would add that cowardice is the main reason people cling to their collective, sacrificing their individual rights, and also their individuality in the process.
    The human need to belong to a group, or a tribe, and find safety therein, is what causes people to allow their own rights to be infringed upon, and that human need has been capitalized upon by those who would destroy this nation.
    American men need to grow balls. They need to remember the old requirements of “manhood” and shake off the conditioned femininity that was foisted upon them by the Zionist media.
    The biggest hurdle we face in our fight to save our republic is the enemy’s power to deceive, influence, and even condition the U.S. population to work against their own interests, and believe and behave as dictated by our enemy.
    Americans need to remember who they are, and who the Zionists taught them to be, and separate the wheat from the chaff in their own minds so we can move forward as a nation of individuals, united only by our love of freedom, and the Bill of Rights that outlines the limits of any governing body.
    Forget your differences. You can fight over them later. Right now we have one standard, outlined here by the author, and one common enemy.

    1. Henry,
      Great article. You always manage to get us all back on track when it is needed.
      Jolly Roger,
      Cowardice and second would be the need for others approval. The typical American out there now will do nothing that doesn’t award the approval of the men around him. Standing for what is right even if the men around are scared to stand also is rare today. That is why we are on FTTWR, because the people here are not the cowards that we see daily in our lives where we live. The last part of your comment is perfect, “Forget your differences. You can fight over them later. Right now we have one standard, outlined here by the author, and one common enemy.”

    2. This topic is so important (and well stated by Henry).

      I agree with you Jolly Roger about the deception. But I am unsure about cowardice being the main reason — I suspect it might have more to do with ignorance, of a couple types.

      One is never having been exposed to these concepts in the first place or having the truth twisted (indoctrination; one example being how the 2nd amendment is now being taught as being a “State” militia and the meaning of “well regulated” also being twisted). People are confused, but can be set straight. Reading the Bill of Rights is a good starting place.

      Another type of ignorance is much harder to overcome because it IS due to cowardice, and this is the type I think many liberals (edit: I say “liberal” because of where I live in this country and am surrounded by — not to be divisive, because I do get that part 😉 ) are afflicted with — ego blindness, absolutely unable to see how they are being used. Waking up to the truth takes courage, to admit how wrong you have been, how well you were fooled, what a dupe you’ve been. But once you see it for what it is, you cannot “unsee” it. So in that respect…. I agree with you. I think many ignorant people have not yet found it within themselves to confront their own thinking errors and the ignorant acts they have committed against our Republic.

      The deceivers truly delight in duping good-hearted people to work against themselves and others.

      But keep in mind — once a duped person wakes up (this is different from one simply ignorant) — a true patriot is born. Like I said, once you “see,” you cannot “unsee” — and resolute patriots like these have not a drop of cowardice left in them.

      1. EE,
        I was one of the duped for a long time. I considered myself to be awake. But I was still living in the left/right BS. I struggle believing the truth about the wars, 911, etc. But with the help of my wife and places like FTTWR, I now consider myself a “Resolute Patriot”. I never stop learning, but now can accept the truth a lot easier than I could when I was living in the left/right lie.

  2. obuma has violated every damn one of the article’s and will continue just like the rest of p o t u s have done, and the second amendment was worded
    to fool us, well regulated means for the government to have control , and
    for them to decide who and what arms to bear by the permitted so called
    militia , to hell with the dictators , henry you are up there with JB CAMPBELL
    and CLAY DOUGLAS, god bless y’all

  3. Great great article. I agree 110%. All about divide and conquer. Nothing else. “If I fight I win – Sun Tzu” and we have not yet decided when to fight methinks. The revolutionary war did not start quickly either but it did start and we won.

    In studying this problem I found it started with Federal Reserve and our money over the years has financed these traitors in the government.

    One other thing – I do not comply with unconstitutional laws. I think that happened as a result of being in the service and taking an oath that in part says to protect and defend my country against all enemies both foreign and DOMESTIC. We have both types in this country today. I did not serve for nothing as we all are being called on once again.

    Thanks for an outstanding article Henry.

    PS. The traitors want to break this country into 12 regions (conquer and divide) and in these regions they are pitting different groups of people against one another (conquer and divide).

  4. The first mistake, or error, written in the Bill of Rights is that Congress shall not make a law establishing or preferring a particular religion, that all have the freedom to worship as is.

    This is a Masonic, Jewish, insertion into the Bill of Rights. We have, the past based our laws and morals on the Old and New Testament, on Christianity for the most part.

    Now, consider, the Bill of Rights protects the Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Communist, Pagan, etc, that were at first the far minority, but now with the influx of millions of Pagans (Hindu’s, Chinese, Orientals), Muslims, Atheists, etc, and the abandonment of Christianity by many Christians – what will we end up with. This “influx” of new peoples of different cultures, nationalities, religions, these are now becoming politicians, judges, congressmen, etc, who “interpret” the Articles of Confederation, The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights in a “different” light than we do. As new laws are being passed we see the eroding of Christian morality and its bases for our laws – this was all conspired in the past on purpose, to throw the America culture, if you will, and Christianity into chaos and orbit.

    We also have the threat of the “Nohide” laws, which the Jews are trying to establish in America, which follow from the Talmud and ultimately make us all slaves or exterminated.

    So, you see, this, all religions are ok is a ruse and cover for the destruction of Christianity and Chrisiains – now vice is virtue and virtue is vice – homosexuality, abortion, pornography, contraception, immodesty in dress, etc, all now common place and “protected” by new laws – see the picture that you were not suppose to see until it was too late.

    Muslim and the Koran teach that all must convert or die.
    Judaism and the Talmud teach that all must die or be slaves (no conversion)
    Hindu’s – Pagans – Atheists – well I shouldn’t have to explain their positions as we see in India, China, and other atheistic and pagan country’s how they are killing and persecuting priests, religious, and Christians.

    We have let the enemy into our gates – and this Masonic idea of all religions are the same and pray to the same God – which they do not – will bring us into eventual physical and violent conflict – no getting away from that at all. And how many Christian – useful idiots – supported “tolerance – diversity” etc – what fools – because what we tolerated and made diverse – want us dead.

    So we have a Bill of Rights and a Constitution that “deny” any religion, including Christianity, but accept all – that is the doctrine of Freemasonry and those who hate Christ and His Church. Do you think God will ever “Bless America” when it accepts all religions, those opposed to Him also, as all ok, an America that “officially and publicly” protects and supports homosexuality, pornography, feminism, contraception, immodesty in dress, etc………………………………………………….

    1. There is no error in the Bill of Rights. There is no error in the 1st Article. If we are not free to believe as we choose, we are not free. In neglecting to enforce the entire Bill of Rights, we have allowed the articles to be infringed. The 1st Article guarantees the free exercise of religion.
      It was the Christians themselves that sold out Christianity for a license (501 c3 charter) to become for profit businesses that operate tax free. It was the so called Christians in the churches that stood by and watched infringement after infringement upon one article after another and then failed to address the issue that allowed the unalienable to become infringeable.
      You can’t just enforce one part of one article and expect the whole Bill of Rights to operate. The Bill of Rights is absolute law and if it is enforced absolutely, no one of us has anything to fear from another.
      Christianity would be going strong right now, but when the 501 c3 con men decided to embrace capitalism, they willingly, with malice and forethought, embraced the devil. And the ewes in the pews, through wanton ignorance and in mistaking blind faith in God for blind faith in the preacher, went along with it.
      I do believe it was the priests of Sanhedrin, you know those folks who communicated with God for you for a price, that crucified Christ. The Christians didn’t allow themselves to be talked into communism, they just simply allowed themselves to be talked out of their own interpretations of the teachings. True Christianity will sell itself in a free market of ideas. It is real simple. Do you want a miserable life or a happy one? You lead by example, not dictate. And I do believe that the Creator Himself, if you know and believe the teaching, insists upon a free choice.
      There is no flaw in the 1st Article. The flaw is in we the people.

      1. Henry. as I understand it, you are correct. the organized church, has to take responsibility for watering down God’s word. As such they did the 501C3 thing, and so many other unspeakable, ungodly things, and as you said they embraced the devil, thus giving up independence from tptb. Ignorance, and yes stupidity, has gotten us to this point. now all that’s left is a fight I’m sorry to say. It’s always about the money, and then the power. thank you brother for this perspective.
        I get a lot of criticism when i speak about the trappings of religion. However the truth is the truth. these are a few reasons why I feel at home here on your site.
        God bless you sir.

      2. Henry, Bless You.
        This is so well said of the 1St Amendment….I have not read other people put it so understandably….and especially with regard to Christians…I’m not downing christians here….

    2. Here is the other problem with what you say, Jarhead, besides what Henry and the others said: this country was NEVER founded with Christianity as a state or any other religion (besides which, most of the founders were Deists, not Christians!), plus the fact that you are attempting to divide we the People (and for pity sake I am getting tired of what seems to be hatred of Muslims…no really…as if all of our problems are caused by Muslims!?! Get over it!) And in terms of religion, the enemy is Satan, not some Jew or Muslim.

  5. Great post Henry. there is a reason though that most seemingly join collectives: when they grew up they grew up to be conformists and lovers of popularity (or wanted to be popular or something), leading to wanting to be accepted, leading to wanting to be one of the peer group or not an outcast. They grow up to give up their individuality and accept collectivism. Which is why so many Americans ultimately go along to get along and accept evil, exemplified by the national security state. Which is why whatever true change is made will be made by ten percent of the population, if even that, with support of some sort from about another 20 percent.

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