Israel hit 100 ‘terror targets’ in Gaza in response to rocket attacks – IDF


Israeli jets and helicopters hit around 100 Hamas-linked targets in Gaza on Thursday overnight, the Israeli Army has said. The air raids were conducted in response to rockets launched from Gaza at Tel Aviv.

A Hamas HQ in Gaza’s downtown Rimal district, a rocket-manufacturing site and militant training ground, were among the targets hit, according to the military. 

The airstrikes were made in retaliation to rockets launched from Gaza into Israeli territory, towards Tel Aviv. Both rockets were intercepted and destroyed by the Israeli Iron Dome missile defense system.

“Hamas terror group bears the responsibility for everything going on in and out of Gaza,” the IDF said.

After the IDF raid into Gaza, Hamas fired two more rockets into Israel on Friday, both of which were also destroyed mid-air, the military reported. Aerial attack warning sirens were heard in the city of Sderot and the Sha’ar HaNegev municipality near the Gaza border.

One thought on “Israel hit 100 ‘terror targets’ in Gaza in response to rocket attacks – IDF

  1. Let’s think about this rationally: A tiny strip of real estate that is totally cut off from the outside world and is terribly overpopulated for the land area and ridden with disease, starvation and no medicine can somehow magically build and launch rockets? Oh…and NONE of those rockets EVER kill anyone or do any damage…perhaps the “tunnels” were dug by the IDF to sneak into Gaza and shoot back at their own people as an excuse for genocide….just a thought.

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