JOURNALISM: The University of Texas is abandoning neutrality in reporting as it embraces the “Solidarity Journalism Initiative” funded by George Soros and other major corps. The focus is no longer on reporting the truth but on reporting lived experience.

3 thoughts on “JOURNALISM: The University of Texas is abandoning neutrality in reporting as it embraces the “Solidarity Journalism Initiative” funded by George Soros and other major corps. The focus is no longer on reporting the truth but on reporting lived experience.

  1. Solidarity Journalism?!! That’s a slick one. Why don’t they just say consensus required? But sheepdom doesn’t like critical thinking, in-depth analysis, QUESTIONING!!

    Looking at that word “consensus,” one can easily break it down to con and senses, meaning your senses have been conned.

    I’ve come to embrace words like: disagree, oppose, criticize, challenge, examine, scrutinize, discredit, contradict, invalidate, disprove, expose, negate, confute, accuse, and punish. Only way to deal with the consummate LIARS who suppress the independent investigation of the TRUTH!!


  2. solidarity
    [ sol-i-dar-i-tee ]

    noun,plural sol·i·dar·i·ties.
    1. union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.:
    to promote solidarity among union members.

    2. community of feelings, purposes, etc.

    3. community of responsibilities and interests.


    Yep, smells like f*cking COMMUNISM to me. America, the descendents of the bolsheviks & their cohorts are transforming you little bit by little bit by little bit… What will be your response?

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