It Just Got Real — Cops At DAPL Now Have Missile Launchers — Not Kidding

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Standing Rock, ND — Over the last several months, the world has watched the American police state in action as cops from more than a dozen states beat, gassed, pepper sprayed, tasered, shot, and severely injured water protectors and protesters in North Dakota. Using their militarized gear, police have blinded at least one person and blown up the arm of another. With all the heavily armed police and military in the area, one would think that having a missile launcher would be entirely unnecessary — however, one would be wrong.

Jon Zeigler has been live streaming from DAPL since last year. On Monday, he found something quite disturbing — the Avenger AN/TWQ-1 Air Defense System.  

Knowing their history of brutality over the last several months, the idea that police and national guard have an actual missile launcher at their disposal is nothing short of bone-chilling.

According to the Army Recognition website, the Avenger AN/TWQ-1 Air Defense System vehicle is a missile mounted system which provides mobile, short-range air defense protection for ground units against cruise missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles, low-flying fixed-wing aircraft, and helicopters.

The AN/TWQ-1 missile system has been around since the 1980s, however, it has recently been equipped with a “High energy laser weapon used to neutralize small unmanned air vehicles. Also neutralized unexploded ordnance at standoff distance.”

What possible reason could police and military have to justify the use of a short-range missile defense system against unarmed protesters trying to protect a native American water supply?

Yes, there have been people filming the area with drones. However, there have been zero reports of police or anyone else being injured by a drone. It is also inconceivable to think that police would fire a missile to take down an amateur drone with hundreds of innocent people below.

According to Ziegler, the missile system is on top of a hill guarding the DAPL drill pad. When water protectors attempted to ask police about the missile system, they were reportedly met with mace.

It is entirely possible that the missile tubes are empty. It is also possible that they are simply using this vehicle’s heat sensing camera. However, that does not negate its presence. The deployment of this missile system to Standing Rock can be seen as little more than an act of intimidation.

Also, as the Free Thought Project reported in October, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has restricted flights, and banned the use of drones within a radius of about 4 ½ miles of Cannon Ball. Whether or not the AN/TWQ-1 is there to enforce a no-fly zone has yet to be confirmed.

If the National Gaurd needed the humvee to bring troops into the area, the AN/TWQ-1 is hardly effective as it only seats two people. This vehicle was specifically selected and deployed to Standing Rock. Its presence cannot be discounted or overlooked.

Please share this story with your friends and family so that they may see for themselves the ridiculous nature of the police state response to people protecting water.


8 thoughts on “It Just Got Real — Cops At DAPL Now Have Missile Launchers — Not Kidding

  1. These National Guardsmen who are involved in suppressing these protests — do they count as being among “our troops,” those whom we’re expected to thank for their “service”? Are they part of the same military that so many folks naively believe would “side with the people” if the government turned (even more) tyrannical?

    The military and the police are on the same side, and that is NOT the side of the American people. To think otherwise is sheer delusion.

    *** What possible reason could police and military have to justify the use of a short-range missile defense system against unarmed protesters trying to protect a native American water supply?

    Yes, there have been people filming the area with drones. However, there have been zero reports of police or anyone else being injured by a drone. ***

    The author has answered his own question here. That system is probably there to deal with unwanted drones that could be filming the protests. Or maybe the pigs are worried that someone might turn a commercial “toy” drone into a small flying grenade.

    Whatever the case, I strongly, strongly doubt that there are missiles in that system. Missiles probably wouldn’t even be effective against a small drone. Most likely the intent is to use the laser capability the author mentioned.

  2. “The deployment of this missile system to Standing Rock can be seen as little more than an act of intimidation.”

    It’s an act of war as far as I’m concerned. You’d have to be brain-dead to think otherwise.

  3. I just love how the militia showed up for Bundy Ranch but are not showing up for the people of North Dakota. Especially when the Bundy Ranch didn’t have rocket launchers pointed at the people. I guess the militias cared more about Bundy because he had money. Where are the Oathbreakers, the alternative news outlets and fat ass AJ? Funny how all is quiet when this has been going on for as long, if not longer than the Bundy Ranch incident.

  4. “It is entirely possible that the missile tubes are empty.”

    Considering the nature of the owners… I wouldn’t want to be the one to test that theory.

  5. “What! You jaywalked!” “Barney, grab me the missile launcher, we’ll show these sheeples who’s boss!” Another toy the pigs can’t wait to play with.

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