Kerry Says US Will Sign UN Arms Treaty, Ignores Congressional Opposition

Newsmax – by Lisa Baron

Secretary of State John Kerry says that the U.S. will sign a controversial United Nations treaty on arms control in spite of bipartisan opposition from lawmakers.

Kerry released a written statement on Monday saying the U.S. “welcomes” the next phase for the treaty, which the U.N. General Assembly approved on April 2 but which gun rights advocates on Capitol Hill fear could lead to new gun control measures domestically, reports Fox News.  

“We look forward to signing it as soon as the process of conforming the official translations is completed satisfactorily,” Kerry said, adding that the treaty is “an important contribution to efforts to stem the illicit trade in conventional weapons, which fuels conflict, empowers violent extremists, and contributes to violations of human rights.”

The treaty would reportedly require countries that ratify it to establish national guidelines to govern the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers.

Supporters of gun rights have warned that it could be used as the basis for more gun control measures in the U.S.

Last week, 130 members of Congress signed a letter to President Barack Obama and Kerry calling on them to reject the measure.

“We strongly encourage your administration to recognize its textual, inherent and procedural flaws, to uphold our country’s constitutional protections of civilian firearms owners, and to defend the sovereignty of the United States, and thus to decide not to sign this treaty,” they wrote.

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6 thoughts on “Kerry Says US Will Sign UN Arms Treaty, Ignores Congressional Opposition

  1. This action is the equivalent of saying “we don’t care what the people want”.
    Obama’s signature on this treaty means nothing until it’s ratified by the senate, so after it’s signed the arm-twisting will begin, or the ratification vote will be falsified, but make no mistake; they will ram this down our throats and call it “legal” and it could very well be the tipping point.

    1. I strongly agree JR, as Henry stated yesterday on “The Word”, these “card-carrying communists” don’t give a s@#t about the will of the people or the oath they swore to “protect and defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” John Kerry is an embarrassment as Secretary of State. The Russians showed how much respect he deserves by letting him twiddle his thumbs for hours. Obama is finding that it’s very difficult to cover lies with more lies. I won’t allow these traitors to sign away my rights or sovereignty. I will do my duty and defend the Bill of Rights by ignoring unconstitutional mandates by these traitors.

  2. Signing the treaty means absolutely nothing. For an American to be arrested (at least until recently), there has to an accompaning statute(s) listed on which the charges are based. These can be local, state, or federal.

    Without a statute being cited defining the excact law(s) being broken, there can be no prosecution. However, if the Obama justice department means to prosecute based on this treaty, the only way to do so would be through international court, or extradition to another country signatory where the appropriate statutes exist. Likely? No. Would I put it past this administration to try it? Not for a second. Do I think that American’s would put up with that? Hell, no!

    Even more dangerous than we don’t care what the people want”, is the attitude of “we don’t care what the law (and the Constitution) wants.”

    Unfortunately, we are seeing this as a repeating pattern from all levels of the Executive Branch to the point of being SOP.

  3. Yes Obama will sign it. No doubt after much quid pro quo the Senate will ratify it. But remember…the final decider as to whether it is Constitutional or not is We the People. With the Constitution we created the government and delegated certain limited powers to it. Therefore it’s apparent that the created is not entitled to self-determine the extent of it’s delegated powers. Would you allow your employee to tell you what his job desciption is? This is where education and jury nullification comes in. WE decide what they can do. If they attempt to ban juries…they once again show themselves to be outlaws. The best way show the world how tyrannical a government is…is to force it to act in a tyrannical manner to impose its will. Teach each other, stand together, refuse to back down. We can win without violence. They can’t.

  4. At which position is Kerry in the line leading up to the gallows complex to be located on the national Mall?

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