La Raza Demands Amnesty Vote from New Maj. Leader Kevin McCarthy

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

Moments after Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) was elected the new majority leader, La Raza and other Hispanic and Asian ethnic groups demanded a vote on amnesty.

“The new Majority Leader can either schedule a House floor vote on workable immigration reform or he can kill the best chance in decades to fix the immigration system and miss a big opportunity to work with Latino, AAPI, and immigrant communities,” they said in a Wednesday statement. “Our communities and our country need a response now.”  

The Hispanic and Asian groups — such as the Hispanic Federation, Labor Council of Latin American Citizens,  Mi Familia Vota Education Fund, Voto Latino, and the National Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance — noted that “McCarthy represents a largely farmworker district that is 35 percent Latino and 5 percent Asian American and Pacific Islander” and his election comes on the eve of the passage of the Senate’s comprehensive amnesty bill that the Congressional Budget Office determined would lower the wages of American workers.

“With his ascension up the House GOP leadership ladder, McCarthy now has an opportunity to lead his party’s conference toward a broad, pragmatic solution favored by a majority of voters across the U.S. and in his district,” they wrote.

McCarthy became the GOP’s new majority leader after House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) was ousted in a June 10 primary because of his support for amnesty legislation, which a post-election poll proved.

3 thoughts on “La Raza Demands Amnesty Vote from New Maj. Leader Kevin McCarthy

  1. Where does this gang of crooks get off thinking they can petition our government for anything?

    “La Raza” is an invading army of racist slime, and they need to be mowed down with a machine gun. Every last one of these wet-back pigs needs to die, because they’ve publicly stated their intentions to “take this land for Mexico” and “kill all the gringos”.

    THEY stated that they were here to kill you, so you better kill them first if you want to live.

    I don’t believe any wet-back piece of trash deserves a fair trial. Being criminals is the nice version of the facts. What they are is an invading army, and as such, they’re not entitled to the due process that’s the unalienable right of AMERICANS.

    They’re not Americans. Give ’em nothing but a hot bullet, and let the pieces of shit rot where they fall. Then go kill all their relatives.

  2. Good ol’ La Raza … right here in San Joaquin Valley, CA … McCarthy country.

    La Raza … providing food, clothing, shelter, documents etc. for the illegal invaders. A community unto itself.
    . . .

  3. I agree …let us have that vote on amnesty and identify all of those in favor so we can vote the illegitimate posterior exits out of office come November.

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