Laid-Off Keystone Pipeline Workers SHRED Biden for His Lies About American Oil Production – “I’m Sick of Hearing: ‘This is Putin’s Price Hike’”

Gateway Pundit – by Julian Conradson

A group of laid-off Keystone XL Pipeline workers came out swinging against Biden in an interview with Fox News on Sunday.

As Benny Johnson puts it, these guys just told Biden “to go frack himself.”

Furious over his terrible policy decisions and his outright lies about the current decimated state of American energy production, the group of laid-off workers did not hold back with their criticism of Biden and placed the blame for the gas crisis squarely on his shoulders.

The current situation has nothing to do with Putin, according to the workers. Instead, they explained, it was Biden’s focus on green energy and his decision to shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline, that landed us in this energy crisis.

When asked point-blank whether Putin was responsible for the skyrocketing gas and energy prices, one worker replied: “Absolutely not.”

So much for Biden’s pathetic “Putin’s price hike” line – everyone who’s paying attention knows the inflation crisis started the day the Brandon administration took over.

Now, thanks to several poor decisions, the US has been backed into a corner due to its reliance on foreign oil, which is something that “shouldn’t even be in the question, according to one ex-Keystone employee:

We should be able to sustain ourselves and not depend on other nations raising their price and then affect us. That shouldn’t even be in the question,” one worker told Fox News.

The solution to the skyrocketing gas prices is a simple one, the workers explained – Just open up the American Oil sector again – like it was under Trump.

The move would also solve more than just the gas prices because more production would affect everything that is transported, they added:

Put us to work right now. And you will see not only the fuel prices go down, but you will see the price of everything else go down with it.

He’s [Biden’s] pushing for solar and wind power, but it’s been proven over and over, that’s just not as efficient as burning natural gas, refining crude.

In complete agreement, another worked chimed in, adding: “We are sick of hearing, ‘this is Putin’s price hike.’”

Ain’t that the truth…

The Fox News reporter then follows up by asking about the Biden administration’s other ridiculous claim, in which Psaki and Biden have pointed to the 9,000 unused oil drilling permits that have been granted to energy companies.

Unsurprisingly, the workers immediately debunked that claim too.

She’s [Jen Psaki’s] lying to the American people. There’s 9000 permits that were pulled. They might not even have oil under the ground that they got the permit for.

So why would the oil company go and drill on that ground there may not even be oil there—let alone waste your damn money because they can’t run a pipeline to transport the oil and gas off the well?

If there was oil there, the gas companies would already be drilling it and they would already be producing it. And it’s a lie.”



Gateway Pundit

8 thoughts on “Laid-Off Keystone Pipeline Workers SHRED Biden for His Lies About American Oil Production – “I’m Sick of Hearing: ‘This is Putin’s Price Hike’”

  1. So
    What exactly would happen if this company and its people went back to building this ?
    Would the government cry and stomp its feet ?

    1. 99% of the oil from Keystone is destined for the Texas coast where there is a jew owned refinery that will refine this Candian sludge and put the finished product on the world market for export. We don’t need Keystone and sludge coming down it when we are exporting enough of the finest sweet crude on the planet to provide our people with cheap cheap cheap gas.
      Isolate the United States and we prosper. Let the internationals come in and take control and we are destroyed.
      No offense brother, but f-k Keystone, it’s a pig in a poke and a Canadian pig in a poke at that. Let them run it across their land and refine it in their country. We don’t need it. What we need is to take back what belongs to us and kill the international mother f-kers who think we’re going to allow this shit.
      Food for thought.

      1. Understood brother
        I guess the point I was trying to make is
        Why do we let ourselves be ruled by one persons presidency and their way of thinking ?
        Arnt we supposed to be individuals ?

        Regardless of the this pipelines particular use
        Should we as a country and it’s people just quit projects that money has been invested in , with jobs and livelihoods of our people involved ?
        I guess my thought process was mostly on those who lost their jobs overnight due to a decision they had no control over
        I guess I just don’t understand it

        1. If there are to be projects, there will be no FOREIGN projects and no stuffing of the pockets of the foreign elite while they throw scraps at the workers/slaves. There are plenty of united states national entrepreneurs who could do the job ten times better working for themselves, but not being in with the secret societies and the cliques, if they can borrow the debt dollars, they start in the hole, run in the red on a line of credit, and the jew f-king bankers take the lion’s share of the wealth that is produced and the united states national is still reduced to a worker/slave.
          If these people don’t want to lose their livelihood overnight, they better quit working for international corporations, especially the United States Corporation, because these f-kers are about to be destroyed for the crimes they have committed against the supreme unalienable law of we the people. And if we get off our asses and do it, we could take all of that stolen wealth and disperse it among those who sweated for it and deny the jew their 95 cents of every debt dollar that changes hands.

          1. ” united states national is still reduced to a worker/slave.”…Thats a fact

            thanks Henry , you have shown me the light on this subject

            all I saw were “workers” losing their jobs ..I see it more clear now
            much appreciated

      2. Problem is light crude does not produce heavy lubricants for industrial use and shale NEEDS heavy crude to be processed.

        Without heavy crude wti can only provide fuel no other products, and the pharmaceutical and heavy industry need the other part

        1. We also have a plenty of sludge shit crude if it is necessary. But we only dirty our air with what is necessary for we the people.
          F-k the pharmaceutical industry. In fact f-k all industry until they come into compliance with our law. And keep in mind the refined products are being exported at record levels, just like our sweet crude, to make mountains of gold for f-king foreign international corporate elites.

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