Intellihub – by Shepard Ambellas
NEW YORK, NY (INTELLIHUB) — The driver of a black Mercedes AMG containing at least two other well-dressed passengers was captured on a video conducting a vivacious ‘display of power’ just seconds before the driver attempted to run over a police officer who attempted to halt the vehicle physically.
A trail of smoke could be seen as the Mercedes burned rubber.

It all happened so fast.
The officer told the driver to stop.

The driver and the cop look at each other eye-to-eye as the cop reaches to draw his weapon with his right hand.

The vehicle pushed the officer forward with a small nudge and the officer’s shoes offered great grip with the pavement, they even squeaked like basketball players shoes often do when they are cutting back-and-forth on a laminated court.

That’s when the driver diabolically decided to fully drop the hammer, and like a bat out of Hell the Mercedes went, officer and all. Notice the missing front license plate?

The officer nearly took a shot but was unable to squeeze one off and was left sliding across the street, gun in hand.

The stunned officer soon regrouped with his partner and proceeded to give chase.

However, it was too late. The Mercedes sped off striking a few more cars to make a clean getaway.
AWESOME! Now this is MEN behaving as MEN!
“You think I’m gonna stop just because you TELL me too.” See ya!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now if any one was hurt ,do the police have any responsibility for causing this? Guns drawn over a burn out ?? Quite a different world form the time of hot rods and cruise night. I would be crying when I pulled into the garage at home ..hope he can fix that him self .
EGG-FUKIN-ZACLY!! piecashit fuk! i don’t even have any words.. you said it.
you think that was fun…just wait for the ‘driverless’ cars
“That’s when the driver diabolically decided to fully drop the hammer..”
The cop was acting diabolically, NOT the driver!
Also, the guy at the end of the vid. says. this was like out of a movie.
He appeared shocked. It would have been a totally different narrative if I was speaking.
The only reason the criminal (The one in the costume) didn’t open fire immediately is because he recognized the financial symbol of the MBZ AMG…and hesitated….
If it was you or me in our Chevy etc…we would have been hamburger in a second, No Doubt…
Stupid pig
Says he tried to stop the vehicle physically
What an idiot
So I figure his little manhood was hurt
So he figured he would pull his gun
He’s lucky he didn’t get backed over and wholeshotted
Pig should be fired for endangering himself, hey we pay their health insurance
Who ever taught these pigs that hanging onto a car or jumping in front of one like they are some kind of superhero
Needs a sanity recheck
Wonder if they would have stopped if they’d be dead right now
We already know that answer, that’s why I believe they fled like they did
All caused by the pigs behavior
Says he tried to stop the vehicle physically…What an idiot
Yeah… that was beyond stupid.
Anyone have a gun drawn at my windshield you are getting run over period idgaf who you are, any more with as unhinged as they are and how do you really know who your dealing with cop coulda came from the side , no gun drawn and said give it up we got your plates gave em a ticket or something and went on
It just HAD to be escalated
Weak burn out.
LMAO….. great stuff!!! Run ’em down….and get away with it.
Surprised he made it out of Time Square traffic.
The guy probably had warrants LMAO!
The title is misleading. In what way did the driver attempt to run him over? I saw the Merc attempt to drive AROUND a crazy man with a gun! He’s lucky he’s able to go home and abuse his family tonight. Dumbass.
Headline should read “Armed psychopath fueled by steroids and power-hungry induced delusions attempts to stop 2,000lb missile using only his bare hands.”
I reckon folks gettin tired of un-Lawful orders and trespass; tough shit ROYALIST PIGS, hope you don’t like it!